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BlogLinodeLinode fête ses 14 ans !

Linode a 14 ans !


Nous fêtons notre 14e anniversaire !

Nous tenons à vous remercier, vous, nos clients, pour votre confiance et votre soutien. Je tiens également à remercier l'ensemble de notre personnel pour son dévouement et son engagement envers vous et envers les autres. Nous avons une équipe formidable qui aide des clients formidables. Plug sans vergogne : nous recrutons !

L'année a été bien remplie - nous avons travaillé sans relâche sur de nombreux projets. En voici quelques exemples :

Service Linode Block Storage (en version bêta)

Le service Linode Block Storage vous permet de créer et d'attacher des volumes de stockage supplémentaires à vos instances Linode. Block Storage Les volumes sont hautement disponibles, rapides et peu coûteux - 0,10 $ par Go (gratuit pendant la phase bêta).

Le service Block Storage est actuellement en version bêta, uniquement dans la région de Newark. Si vous souhaitez l'essayer (c'est gratuit !) ou en savoir plus, veuillez consulter l'annonce originale pour plus de détails.

Nouvelle API et Linode Manager (tous deux en accès anticipé)

La nouvelle API Linode(documentation | annonce) est une implémentation RESTful et moderne pour les services Linode. Elle deviendra la base de tous les services actuels et futurs.

Le nouveau Linode Manager est une application open source intégrée au navigateur. Nos objectifs pour le nouveau Manager sont la simplicité, une excellente interface utilisateur/UX, une rationalisation de nombreux flux de travail existants et la construction d'une plateforme pour notre avenir.

L'API et le nouveau gestionnaire sont encore en cours de développement, mais vous pouvez les utiliser dès maintenant. Encore une fois, nous apprécions tous les commentaires !

Documentation API :
Nouveau gestionnaire Linode :

Le réseau mondial de Linode

Dans la continuité du travail mentionné dans notre dernier article sur le réseau, notre équipe d'ingénieurs réseau a été occupée à construire le backbone global de Linode. Nous construisons notre propre réseau de transit à travers la planète. Plus d'informations à ce sujet dans un prochain billet de blog la semaine prochaine.


Nous avons élargi notre région de Dallas, TX, avec l'ouverture d'un deuxième centre de données à Dallas. Il s'agit d'une installation flambant neuve, à la pointe de la technologie, qui s'intègre parfaitement dans notre région de Dallas. Des milliers de clients sont déjà installés dans ce nouveau centre. Plus d'informations détaillées dans un prochain article de blog.

Nouveau bureau

En plus du travail acharné de l'équipe principale de Linode au cours des derniers mois, une équipe d'entrepreneurs de Linode a également travaillé dur sur notre nouvel espace de bureau dans la vieille ville de Philadelphie. Les progrès sont rapides et notre équipe est impatiente d'emménager dans nos nouveaux locaux restaurés à la fin de l'année. Une fois que nous aurons emménagé, nous vous invitons à venir nous rendre visite si vous vous trouvez dans la ville !

Nous vous remercions à nouveau pour votre soutien au cours des 14 dernières années. Nous sommes éternellement reconnaissants envers chacun d'entre vous.

Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués,

Christopher S. Aker, PDG

Commentaires (51)

  1. Author Photo

    You are hiring, but I assume you are not hiring for any remote only positions?

  2. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode!

  3. Author Photo
    Artem Russakovskii

    The new Cloud manager requires hourly billing accounts? I hope this hourly billing is not the direction all of Linode is headed as opposed to the all you can eat monthly model. But at this point it said I’m on a legacy account and need to convert to hourly billing to log in.

    • Author Photo

      @artem Each plan on the new metered billing has a cap per month, you won’t pay more on for your services on that billing type compared to the legacy prepaid model.

  4. Author Photo

    Yay! Give everyone a hug, from me!

  5. Author Photo

    Happy birthday, Linode!

  6. Author Photo
    Nicolas Castellani

    Awesome! Happy birthday, Linode!

  7. Author Photo

    Artem, the hourly billing model is actually a better deal than monthly. It’s still “all you can eat” but billed for the time you have the service, as opposed to buying a month in advance.

    Further reading:

  8. Author Photo

    Hey Linode! Happy Birthday! We’re excited about block storage here! If all goes well, is there a vague ETA for rolling out block storage in other data centers? **cough** Fremont **cough cough**

  9. Author Photo

    @Alex, @Soh, there’s a few of us lucky folks who are grandfathered in to a percent discount on our monthly plans. That’s probably Artem’s concern.

  10. Author Photo

    @artem Hourly is so much better than the old monthly model. I would expect Linode to continue to limit new features/upgrades to hourly accounts only.

  11. Author Photo

    Good times! Happy Birthday!

  12. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode!

    The new portal looks fantastic! So far it’s very quick and nice to look at. I’m going to try out the block storage shortly!

  13. Author Photo

    Any plan to look at the odd pricing discrepancy for disk, bandwidth and CPU cores? 4GB linodes are not 4x better than 1GB, and the 12GB is incredibly poor value by comparison 🙁

    • Author Photo

      @Ben We’re always looking to upgrade and rework plans. The current plans available (aside from the recently released high memory plans and the $5 plan) have each had multiple upgrades, keeping their price point while upgrading their allotted resources. We plan to continue that trend 🙂

  14. Author Photo

    Is Glish currently not available in the beta Manager?
    Also, do you plan on phasing out the classic, lo-fi manager?

    • Author Photo

      @William Glish isn’t available in it just yet, but it will be. No ETA on that just yet.

      We don’t have anything to announce regarding phasing out the classic manager, but you should expect all important functionalities on the new manager if that did come about.

  15. Author Photo

    Wow! Just, wow! Is it really another birthday for you folks already? And wow, a 14th birthday to boot! Well, Linode, what else can I say, but, Happy 14th anniversary of existence! 🙂

  16. Author Photo

    Whoa! Philly? I’ll be over when you open, I’m over in University City. Where in Old City are you at?

  17. Author Photo

    Happy 14th birthday! Looking great!

  18. Author Photo

    Wooow, the new mananger looks awesome! Wonderful job!

  19. Author Photo

    Happy 14th Birthday Linode 🙂 Looks Like a Bright Future is Ahead. Keep it up.

  20. Author Photo

    The manager looks great. Is there going to be a link to Longview? That’s actually mostly what I use the manager for.

  21. Author Photo

    Really looking forward to block storage in Singapore!! Thanks team.

  22. Author Photo

    Hi, I sent feedback about the new linode manager to the feedback address but I got a bounce message:

    “We’re writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (devs) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group”.

    Should I just ignore this, or do I need to e-mail someone else? Thanks!

    • Author Photo

      @Ben Sorry to hear that isn’t working, please feel free to either make a forum post or open a ticket with us with the feedback. We can forward that to our Dev team. Thank you!

  23. Author Photo

    Happy B’Day

    Do you have any plan for Cloud Firewalls?

    • Author Photo

      @sss Thank you! We currently don’t have any plans for a firewall service, but it certainly is in the request list 🙂

  24. Author Photo

    Why do your plans have an inverse volume discount? Spending $20 on a server gets you far less resources than spending $5 four times.

    $5 server: $5 / TB.
    $10 server: $5 / TB.
    $20 server: $6.6 / TB.
    $40 server: $10 / TB.
    $5 server: $0.25 / GB.
    $10 server: $0.33 / GB.
    $20 server: $0.42 / GB.
    $40 server: $0.42 / GB.

    Something is clearly not right here, a plan that costs twice as much should come with exactly twice the resources, or more, definitely not less.

  25. Author Photo

    Happy 14th birthday! Live long and prosper 🙂

    (need to swicth to hourly billing to test the new manager…)

  26. Author Photo

    @John: Well, you’re free to go find another reputable VPS host that scales their resources by price the way you seem to think Linode should. Gonna take you a while.

  27. Author Photo

    Do you have any promo t-shirts available?

    • Author Photo

      We do! Please either open a ticket or send a message over FB with your billing info + shirt size and we’ll take care of you.

  28. Author Photo

    “We’re building our own transit backbone across the planet. More on that in an upcoming blog post next week.”

    It’s been over a week, where is the new blog post regarding the network upgrades?

  29. Author Photo

    Gratz, linode! I switched to you for my dev/honeypot years ago, and am glad I did! Stable, prompt updates and alerts. Perfectly meets my vps needs!

    Love the vagrant linode support as well! Makes dev instances a breeze.

  30. Author Photo

    Hey good news hearing about this block storage! I just didnt understand the difference of having a block storage attached to a linode VS using a linode with more disk space? I know it’s still beta and only Newark, but could I use this block storage to extend my linode size? Currently I have a linode at dallas and most of the time 90% of memory and CPU are completely free. I just need to use my plane cause of the space I need. If I could use a cheaper linode I would but unfortunatelly the cheaper linodes have also a cap in the disk size. So with this block storage news, could I use the cheapest linode available and attach a block storage to it?

    • Author Photo

      You can use the block storage to increase the storage of any of your servers, so you would definitely be able to attach the desired block storage size to the cheapest Linode as needed.

  31. Author Photo

    Happy 14th birthday

  32. Author Photo
    Dilton McGowan II

    If I’m forced to switch to hourly billing to use new services then I will plan to switch to AWS. Thanks.

  33. Author Photo

    Happy birthday, Linode! I’m a proud customer. Your services has really been a great change for my business. 🙂 Keep up the great work!

  34. Author Photo

    Block storage should come at lower price or offer additional functionality such as mount over NFS or mount on multiple linodes. We should also be able to take manual or automated snapshots of a volume. Also looking forward for high CPU and/or custom (CPU, RAM, HDD) linodes.

  35. Author Photo

    Comments such as “Hourly is so much better than the old monthly model” are not made by anyone that has been prepaying for years. If you have servers configured for the entire month, there is no pricing advantage to hourly and the switch to hourly means you’ll be paying either 10% (one year prepaid) or 15% (two year prepaid) more under hourly billing.

    I’ve been prepaying for the 15% discount for over 6 years, and as Dilton suggests, removing the discount will cause many of these accounts to sadly leave Linode, either because of the cost or because of the hurt that removing a loyalty perk will result in. You have to remember, the annual discount was implemented over 9 years ago. It’s easy for those that have never been a part of it to tell us to tell us the hourly plan is better.

    While I understand the hourly model is one Linode wants to embrace for all and makes sense for them, and I have no problems with it myself, unless there @caker finds a way to provide a similar loyalty break, the price increase will greatly diminish loyalty of clients like us, much like we now already feel the line has been drawn in the sand and we will never be using the new Linode manager, and someday will have to leave. That will be hard when you’ve been proud to see Linode’s success over the years and have been so happy to be a part of it.

    • Author Photo

      We certainly hear this and it’s being discussed at lengths among the company. We won’t just hard-push everyone from prepaid over to metered, we’re looking for solutions that will incentivize the transition over. It’s amazing to have had you guys with us for so long and we have no intention to disrespect what we’ve built together 🙂

  36. Author Photo

    I have some feedback on the beta block storage service:

    1) It rocks! Thanks for finally rolling this out.
    2) See #1.

    Now using this on a 100gb volume and enjoying lots of breathing room for scheduled backups. Do you have any update on an ETA for the final release?

    • Author Photo

      We’re so glad to hear that! We don’t have an ETA yet but we are moving to include more datacenters in this beta soon, then work from there.

  37. Author Photo

    Please bring block storage to Europe (london)! Would really help with backups.

  38. Author Photo

    For followers, block storage is available in Fremont now (guess they haven’t blogged about it yet)…woot!

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