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BlogLinodeLinode NextGen: Aggiornamento della RAM

Linode NextGen: Aggiornamento della RAM


Questo è il terzo e ultimo post di una serie su Linode: NextGen. Il primo post della serie si è concentrato sugli aggiornamenti della rete e il secondo sull'hardware dell'host. Questo post annuncia un altro aggiornamento e discute la procedura di aggiornamento e la disponibilità.

Stiamo raddoppiando la RAM su tutti i nostri piani. Questo aggiornamento è disponibile per i clienti esistenti e per quelli nuovi. I nuovi Linode verranno creati automaticamente con le nuove risorse. I Linode esistenti dovranno passare attraverso la coda di aggiornamento per ricevere gli aggiornamenti.

La nuova gamma di piani Linode è ora la seguente:

Piano RAM Disco XFER CPU Prezzo
Linode 1G 1 GB 24 GB 2 TB 8 core (1x priorità) 20 dollari al mese
Linode 2G 2 GB 48 GB 4 TB 8 core (priorità 2x) 40 dollari al mese
Linode 4G 4 GB 96 GB 8 TB 8 core (priorità 4x) 80 dollari al mese
Linode 8G 8 GB 192 GB 16 TB 8 core (priorità 8x) 160 dollari al mese
Linode 16G 16 GB 384 GB 20 TB 8 core (priorità 16x) 320 dollari al mese
Linode 24G 24 GB 576 GB 20 TB 8 core (priorità 24x) 480 dollari al mese
Linode 32G 32 GB 768 GB 20 TB 8 core (priorità 32x) $640 / mese
Linode 40G 40 GB 960 GB 20 TB 8 core (priorità 40x) 800 dollari al mese

Coda di aggiornamento

aggiornamento-disponibilitàEcco come ottenere l'aggiornamento per il vostro Linode esistente: Accedere a Linode Manager e visualizzare la Dashboard del proprio Linode, dove si troverà una nuova casella "Upgrade Available" sul lato destro. Questo link rimanda a una pagina che descrive il processo di aggiornamento, che è molto semplice. Basta fare clic sul pulsante e il vostro Linode entrerà nella coda di aggiornamento. Mentre è in coda, Linode può rimanere avviato.

Una volta che è il turno del vostro Linode nella coda, il vostro Linode verrà spento, aggiornato e migrato su un altro host. La migrazione richiederà circa 1 minuto per ogni GB di immagini disco. Al termine della migrazione, il vostro Linode verrà riportato al suo ultimo stato (avviato o spento), ma con la nuova RAM!

Per completezza di informazione: i nuovi piani sono più costosi di 0,05 dollari al mese. Abbiamo deciso di eliminare il modello di prezzo tradizionale da 19,95, 39,95, 59,95 dollari, ecc. a favore di un modello più semplice da 20, 40 e 60 dollari. L'aggiornamento non è obbligatorio, quindi se non vi va giù l'aumento di 5 centesimi potete mantenere le risorse e i prezzi esistenti.

Disponibilità di aggiornamento

Abiliteremo l'aggiornamento per centro dati molto presto, ad eccezione di Fremont per il quale potrebbero essere necessarie una o due settimane in più; spiegheremo meglio Fremont in un altro post.

Fremont, CA: Sono disponibili aggiornamenti
Dallas, TX: Gli aggiornamenti sono disponibili
Atlanta, GA: Sono disponibili aggiornamenti
Newark, NJ: Gli aggiornamenti sono disponibili
Londra, Regno Unito: Sono disponibili aggiornamenti
Tokyo, JP: Sono disponibili aggiornamenti

Tornate a controllare regolarmente gli aggiornamenti per il vostro data center.

Presentazione di Linode NextGen

Sono state due settimane fantastiche per Linode e per i nostri clienti. Abbiamo speso milioni per migliorare la nostra rete, un aggiornamento della flotta con nuovo hardware e Linode a 8 core, e ora questo: raddoppiare la RAM senza raddoppiare il prezzo. Buon divertimento!


Commenti (201)

  1. Author Photo
  2. Author Photo
  3. Author Photo

    Chris (and all of Linode!),

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank for for providing such a reliable service and for giving us the benefits of your upgrades.


  4. Author Photo

    Cool! Thanks for upgrade!

    I’m wondering… if you go to Resize tab and currently have 512MB – there is option to resize to 1024MB…. What will happen if that will be taken? 🙂

  5. Author Photo
    Tim van der Linden

    Linode… You did it! This is one of the most fast and amazing update rounds I have seen. Transfer, cores and memory in such a short period of time. Great, awesome job! This beats the competitions cojones into the fourth dimension.


  6. Christopher Aker

    The resizer won’t function until your Linode has performed its pending upgrades.

  7. Author Photo

    Great stuff!

    I just noticed I am still on a 30/month plan, which does not seem to exist any more. Will I get 1.5GB memory and stay on my 30USD plan, or do you want me to make up my mind between 20 and 40?

  8. Christopher Aker

    @Marc: everyone gets double the RAM.

  9. Author Photo

    ^:)^ Linode .. awesome

  10. Author Photo

    Most impressive. Thanks!

  11. Author Photo

    Thank you, Linode! You guys are great!

  12. Author Photo

    Awesome! Only 20 migrations ahead of me so this should be quick.

    First Network and CPU and now Memory? Glad I switched from my yucky shared host last month.

  13. Author Photo

    I would be more satisfied if you lower prices for smaler plans. Linode 1G still feels overpriced

  14. Author Photo

    Awesome guys, you rock!

  15. Author Photo

    Will this affect IP addresses?

  16. Author Photo

    Great stuff, Linode!

  17. Author Photo

    Excellent news, guys! Now I’m a happy customer x 2!

  18. Author Photo

    Hmm – i was hoping that this upgrade will move me to new hardware (Sandy Bridge E5-2670 + faster drives), however it is still:
    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz

    When we can expect move to E-2670?

  19. Author Photo
  20. Author Photo
    Srđan Prodanović

    Thanks guys

  21. Author Photo

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  22. Author Photo

    Thank you guys — you are great (again!)

  23. Author Photo

    Is the upgrade synonymous to move host to new sandy bridge platform?

  24. Author Photo

    Linode ROCK!!!!!
    You don’t let me down eventually.

  25. Author Photo
    uğur mirza zeyrek

    Great news. Finally i am sure that i’ll stick with linode 🙂

  26. Author Photo

    The IP is saved after the migration, right?

  27. Author Photo

    My Linode was moved from L5520 @ 2.27 to L5630 @ 2.13 . Does it mean no sandy bridge? 🙁

  28. Author Photo

    Are there any price changes for Extras: ??
    – RAM
    – Storage
    – Transfer Bandwidth
    – CPUs

    Thank you once again for all the greate upgrades.

  29. Author Photo

    Thanks alot for this!
    This, and great features, performance and stability shows that Linode is worth it!

  30. Author Photo

    Wow, Linode. You rock. Thanks so much.

  31. Author Photo

    I just bought some more RAM for my Linode, which I will no longer need once I get my upgrade (many thanks, BTW!). Is there any way of getting a refund (even if it’s only a credit) ???

  32. Author Photo


  33. Author Photo

    What what? Awesome stuff! I’ve been a happy linode customer for years and this is great to hear.

  34. Author Photo

    Best VPS hosting company around! Love everything you guys are doing for us (the customers), keep up the great work!

  35. Author Photo

    Can we schedule when the downtime will happen? UI just tells me it’ll happen eventually. This is not a good practice.

  36. Author Photo

    Would love a $10/month option! 4-cores and 512 RAM?

  37. Author Photo

    Am I the only one dying to know what the hold up is with Freemont? That’s where all my Linodes are.

  38. Author Photo

    You guys whip ass. Been with you for almost 4 years and it just keeps getting better. Well done linode, you know how to do it.

  39. Author Photo

    One more question. What about backup prices? It was 5$ for 512MB, 10$ for 1024MB. After upgrade – will backup price for smallest Linode be 5$ or 10$? It should be 5$, because backup exenses are proportional to disk size, not RAM, but then again – you can never know…

  40. Author Photo

    Linode is the greatest! I can’t believe the quality of service that you guys provide. You totally blow away the competition. Keep it up!

  41. Author Photo

    Linode is a great host for student projects, but the low limit of $20/mo is pretty high (I don’t live in the US).

    Would it be possible to keep a 512MB plan at $10 or even $12/mo? I don’t need that much power, but would appreciate a lower price.

    Thanks for the free upgrades nevertheless!

  42. Author Photo

    Thanks guys – the incredible service keeps getting better!

  43. Author Photo

    It’s not that I want you guys to stop being awesome, but honestly I can’t take much more of this. 10x bandwidth, 2x CPU cores, 2x memory …

    Thank you!

  44. Author Photo

    I was wondering about my internal IPs changing after the upgrade.

    My upgrades have just gone through and both my external and internal IPs persisted.

  45. Author Photo

    Awesome upgrades! I’ve come to expect nothing but excellence from you guys during my 2 years on the platform. Thanks!

  46. Author Photo

    Endijs hit on the question I was going to ask too.

    How does this affect backup pricing? Do backups increase in price now too or not? I would assume not since backups are based on disk space not RAM size…

    Please clarify this and update your pages and documentation.


  47. Author Photo

    First, thanks a lot for this upgrade. You guys are awesome.

    Second, I just opted for the upgrade, but as Endijs Lisovskis is asking, will the backup prices double?

  48. Author Photo

    With regards to backups, I just checked with Linode support, and their backup pricing will be adjusted to match with the old rates as well. So if you’ve been paying $5/month for backup service, your price will stay the same post-migration.

  49. Author Photo

    Thanks a lot for the incredible upgrades!

  50. Author Photo

    Great news, thank you linode!

  51. Author Photo

    Linode is the Best Provider EVER!!!

    Thank you for the Upgrade!!

  52. Christopher Aker
  53. Author Photo

    Many thanks, this is great!

  54. Author Photo

    Incredible! Thank you!

  55. Author Photo

    This is awesome — thanks!

  56. Author Photo

    This is great news. Currently in position 208 out of 260. The extra ram is going to be incredibly useful. I love Linode.

  57. Christopher Aker

    Regarding backups: There is no change in backup pricing. The $20/mo Linode still has $5/mo backups, and so on. 🙂

  58. Author Photo

    Nice upgrade! I’ll be upgrading all my Linode’s, for sure!

    Linode, YOU ROCK!


  59. Author Photo
  60. Author Photo

    Varnish is happy.

  61. Author Photo

    Finally! That’s the upgrade I’m looking for a long time, you guys rock!

  62. Author Photo

    Please, please, please never ever sell out Linode! You guys rock – just the way you are.

    Should you ever consider it because of the money, please let me know and I’ll happily pay double for my Linode. I’m sure there are others around willing to do the same if that’s what it takes to keep you running.

    Cheers 🙂

  63. Author Photo

    Many thanks to Linode. Wonderful

  64. Author Photo

    Awesome news! Thanks a lot!!!

  65. Author Photo
  66. Author Photo

    What an exciting upgrade it is! Thank you very much!

  67. Author Photo


    “You are in the Migration Queue!

    Your position is 252 out of 253 queued migrations in this Linode’s datacenter.”

    This is a popular upgrade!

    Thanks for the great service and value over the year, guys.

  68. Author Photo

    LOL, Caker… Our system be needin moar RAMS!

    Squee! Thanks very much to everyone at Linode for an incredible service!

  69. Author Photo

    Wow, awesome, I’m waiting for 10-year-birthday giveaway.

  70. Author Photo

    Awesome! Thank you!

  71. Author Photo

    This is fantastic! Just upgraded one of our smaller nodes as a test before doing our clients’ nodes. I really appreciate that Linode always makes these processes so easy.

  72. Author Photo

    Awesome! Thanks so much~~~~

  73. Author Photo

    What about the price of Extras? The upgrade options for memory was never worth it and i dont understand why it ever exist in the first place.

    Would be better if it is $7.5 / 512MB Ram.

  74. Author Photo

    Awesome – thanks Linode, you rock.

  75. Author Photo

    Best news of the day. Site is migrated and runs super fast now with no swap!

  76. Author Photo

    Awesome! I’ve been pondering to make a small memory upgrade, but now I can put that off into the future!

    Thanks a lot!

  77. Author Photo

    Great work guys, thanks, appreciated for sure.

  78. Author Photo

    Thanks a lot 🙂

  79. Author Photo

    This is just… wow.. I do not regret moving to Linode over a year ago. Has been smooth and painless ever since, and now this! Thanks!

  80. Author Photo

    awesome! thanks a lot ……….The ram is just what I need 🙂

  81. Author Photo

    Thank you Linode.

    Mine was one out of one in the queue. Maybe only I have vps in tokyo datacenter.

  82. Author Photo

    My team was going to change the plan yesterday itself for But linode was a saviour. Doubled the plan yesterday. You guys kick ass. Won’t leave you anytime and also would bring in 10 more friends on linode. \m/

  83. Author Photo

    Awesome! thanks a lot!

  84. Author Photo

    Simply superb guys!!! The best service available… Really appreciated… Cheers!!!

  85. Author Photo

    Wow big thank you Chris and Linode

  86. Author Photo

    Wonderful, thank you Linode!

    I notice though that after the upgrade, my build jobs take longer to complete. I hope it’s temporary (because of all the ongoing migrations). Is there a way to benchmark the node?

  87. Author Photo

    Now I know what does mean to be “fan”. Linode, you are my rockstar.

  88. Author Photo

    Wild! So happy to have left Amazon / Slicehost (in that order).

    Not only is the hardware amazing, but the service is stellar.


  89. Author Photo

    Thanks Linode!! Big love!

  90. Author Photo

    This is completely awesome! With all the recent upgrades, Longview, and your great service, I’m happy to be a customer!

  91. Author Photo

    Is there new 512 with USD10?

  92. Author Photo

    Great Linode. You are really awesome. I am very happy that I’ve given my clients the best VPS service available in the universe 🙂 🙂 🙂

  93. Author Photo

    Awesome! Thanks Linode!

  94. Author Photo

    More than glad to hear that the ram’s upgraded. Will get me one soon 🙂

  95. Author Photo

    This is awesome. I’ve had a linode for about 3 weeks now and I have nothing but good to say about the service. Thank you very much for an amazing experience.

  96. Author Photo

    I love you guys! Keep up the awesome work!

  97. Author Photo

    Great job guys, thats really awesome.

  98. Author Photo

    Awesome. Just Awesome.

    Bring on Fremont – interested to hear what the delay is.

  99. Author Photo

    Very good improvement Linode !

  100. Author Photo

    I just upgraded a box and got my extra RAM. I was migrated from the ancient L5520 CPUs to the slightly less ancient L5630. I was really hoping to hit one of the new “next-gen” boxes so I wouldn’t need a second migration later. Oh well.

  101. Author Photo

    You guys rock! Thanks so much for this!

  102. Author Photo

    Paul 🙂

  103. Author Photo

    Thanks Linode! You are the best!

  104. Author Photo

    Thanks so much for all this next-gen stuff, Linode! You’ve invested millions in us customers to make us happy because you know that we love what your doing. Awesome and thank you so much for listening to us!
    I just wanted to take a moment to defend Linode here, and no I’m not being paid by them to do this.
    But for those of you who are moaning about price points, you know what? if you can’t deal with it regardless of the country you live in? Then find somebody else. Simple, to the point.
    Linode’s done all of us a wonderful thing. It’s costing them loads of money and resources to do this next-gen stuff, and from my view point, complaining about price hardly seems as if you’re greatful to them for what they’ve done, for all who use the service.
    Linode deserves gratitude and Love considering that I <3 you folks for all these next-gen things.
    Not price moaning.
    Linode won't be lowering prices just to be losing money to keep the business running.
    They've hhardly increased prices on us, and are being quite fair from the scope of things.
    It makes more sense to pay $20 for the lowest end Linode for example, as I always rounded up automaticly, and now Linode is just making me be greatful for rounding up automaticly price point wise.
    Thanks again for the wonderful upgrades, and I cannot wait to see what you'll do for your next birthday coming up in just two months!
    Maybe disk space doubling? Grin
    Will be writing a post later today about the wonderful CPU increases etc.
    Will always recommend you folks to friends and family the world over for sure.
    God Bless Linode, and once again, a <3 to Chris, Amanda, and all the other staff I can't name off the top of my head for all the fun documentation and stuff you do to help us <3 your services even more!

  105. Author Photo

    Very nice!!!

  106. Author Photo

    “The upgrade is not mandatory, so if you’re not down with the 5 cent increase you can keep your existing resources and pricing.” :: hehe .. you are awesome, and have a great sense of humour 😛

  107. Author Photo

    You’d probably be surprised to find out just how many customers remain on their old configuration. Inertia is a powerful thing, and probably drives a sizable portion of the profits of a large number of corporations.

  108. Author Photo

    How will those who have paid in advance handle upgrades? Will we just receive an invoice for $0.05 x number of months left in billing cycle?

  109. Author Photo

    @Keith H – you are really smart in asking Linode for more!

    I know many people, including me n YOU(??) – moan about the pricing and comparison with others etc and trying to get more comparable benefits from Linode.

    One side commenting on the moaners and smartly demanding for something for the next BirthDay in 2 months!!!???

    Hmm … anyways am quite happy with Linode overall improvements in these Three parts. RAM could have been lil better – but its still fine.

    My WISHES for Linode’s Next Birth Day::

    Would be awesome to see Linode expanding their data centers into other regions in Asia like Singapore(? – Amazon, SoftLayer, other biggies) or closest around (may be India(?)) – that will pretty much cover the whole world with the least latency!!

    Thank you Linode for the world class Customer Support on infrastructure and also many a times suggesting on internal Apps Problem.

  110. Author Photo

    Awesome work guys! You rock!

  111. Author Photo

    Thanks guys, you are awesome!!

  112. Author Photo

    The best just keeps on getting better. Solid service, great value, constant incremental improvements that are virtually painless to take advantage of. Love it!

  113. Author Photo

    These upgrades with disk, cores, ram, network have been awesome! Keep up the good work and great customer service.

  114. Author Photo

    I’m torn. 1GB RAM or go beyond my 547 day uptime? This is a tough one. 🙂

  115. Author Photo
    Jeffrey T. Darlington

    This was just what I was hoping Part 3 would be! RAM has always been my concern with my main site.

    One question, however: Is there any way to schedule a specific downtime rather some random place in a queue? I have very specific high and low traffic days, and while I definitely plan to take advantage of this, I don’t want to be down a half hour or more on one of my high traffic days. Worse, I don’t want to jump in the queue on a low traffic day only for my time to come up on a high day and I’m loosing readers and revenue.

    I’ll take my chances on the weekend if I have to, but more certainty would be appreciated.

  116. Author Photo


    First of all, thanks for the upgrade.
    Bit confuse on the upgrade queue..

    “Once it’s your Linode’s turn in the queue, your Linode will be shut down, upgraded, and migrated to another host”

    Will this be done automatically? or do I get notify first?

    i.e I better of shutdown my node, before put it on the upgrade queue?


  117. Author Photo
  118. Author Photo

    Very happy with these upgrades. For me, bandwidth and CPU were the bottlenecks, I was paying overage charges for bandwidth every month, and now have no worries about it. I know a lot of people were asking for a cheaper plan. I understand that Linode does not want to add $5 and $10 plans to its lineup, but I think it would be VERY useful if you had some sort of cheaper Linodes available to customers who are already paying for one of the current ones.

    For example, I currently have a $40 Linode (now 2GB!) But I have a need for another small one, like a 512. The competition has this for $5/month, but I would gladly pay $10 at Linode to keep everything with your company. The overhead concerns in terms of support and billing for dealing with a new customer paying a small amount per month shouldn’t be an issue if you make these cheaper products available only to customers already spending $20+/month with you. I think Linode offers GREAT value for money, I just have certain projects where $240/year is out of budget, and pays for server capacity I don’t need.

  119. Author Photo

    Amazing news. I’m very satisfied with your service. I moved from Dreamhost which is expensive and too slow. Also they non stop killing my processes and asking for more money…

  120. Author Photo

    @josh yeah small VMs would be handy for people who are existing customers. So the support costs could be average out over your cheaper and more expensive VMs.

    For the birthday more Datacentres would be cool say New Zealand or Australia?

  121. Author Photo

    @Josh: I don’t know about everybody else, but each Linode I have upgraded has been within the first 4 spots and it was almost immediate that it started. I would almost say that you could plan downtime and just start it at that point.

  122. Author Photo

    @Nathan: How do you think I feel? 896 days and counting 🙂

  123. Author Photo

    Shame I just migrated to an dedicated box.

  124. Author Photo

    Yes! I was hoping for this! Thanks!

  125. Author Photo

    This is brilliant news! I just had to downgrade a few months ago because I just couldn’t afford the higher plan and had to give away a game server I was running. With this upgrade I can run it again!

    The one last thing I’d like to see from Linode is a Singapore or Australian (haha, yeah right) data centre to eliminate the lag.

    Either way there’s no way I would leave Linode with these awesome upgrades now!

  126. Author Photo

    You guys are amazing!! Thanks for all the upgrades!!

  127. Author Photo

    I’ve complained about aspects of linode before, but I wanted to say thanks. As much as I’d love x and y these last three upgrades have been amazing. Thanks Caker and the rest of the Linode staff for your work.

  128. Author Photo

    Thanks for doing no evil and sharing the profits with us! keep up !

  129. Author Photo

    Awesome work guys! Best, VPS, EVER!

  130. Author Photo

    Thanks a lot linode.

  131. Author Photo

    thanks, great upgrade what more can i say.

  132. Author Photo

    All i can say is WOW…… Linode is the best VPS ever!!

  133. Author Photo

    This is nuts…. I wrote a “long” email to Linode suggesting to upgrade the ram because a lot of competitors offer a lot more ram for the same price. Got an awesome fast response that he would pass on the sugestion. And not many hours later i see this post…. Very impressive!

    So it’s time to gather my projects and start moving to Linode 🙂

  134. Author Photo

    Sweet!! I love linode. # super upgrades in 2 months.
    U guyz are the best!

  135. Author Photo

    Multiple servers upgraded, total outage 8 minutes. First in queue. Thanks to the Linode team for continuing to push the boundaries of quality VPS hosting.

  136. Author Photo

    This is an impressive upgrade but bad news for me. My minimum offering to clients is two boxes. I would happily pay $20 for a pair of Linode 512s with only 4 cores each. The extra support and maintenance overhead would be minimal.

    Please bring back the 512mb offering, even if they have to be ordered in batches of two or even four.

  137. Author Photo

    I just switched from my old hosting service a few weeks ago. I went from a 1GB plan to a 512 Linode plan and I was worried about the memory usage. So far, all is well with the memory thanks to the awesome Linode documentation on how to setup Apache and MySQL on a 512 plan.

    When I saw that the plans were given double memory for the same price (well $0.05 more) my jaw hit the floor, I couldn’t believe it.

    I’m now going to tell a friend of mine who uses AWS to switch to Linode.

    Thank you Linode!

  138. Author Photo

    @TeshooLama how could this possibly be bad news for you and your clients if the price hasn’t changed?

  139. Author Photo

    You guys are great. Congrats!

  140. Author Photo

    Just wanted to show my love for Linode and all you folks have done, by pointing everybody at the best writing I’ve done this year on you folks. In the post, I thank Linode staff, Chris being the first, of course, and do a rather nice job on summarizing stuff without really doing a full blown review about how you folks work since this has been done by so many.
    You folks are totally awesome!!
    Just to let you folks feel the awesomeness, why not have a read for yourselves.
    I bet you folks being involved in open source projects will dig this. If this article helps people get involved in open source technology, then it’ll have been worth writing. You can find the article at:

  141. Author Photo

    Great news, but I’m also concerned about being able to schedule downtime – would be wonderful if I could schedule my upgrade for my off-peak hours instead of just taking my chances with the queue.

  142. Author Photo

    You guys rock! I made the switch to Linode 2 years ago after trying numerous hosting providers over the course of a decade, and I’ve never looked back. Linode wins first place in my book for the 3 things that matter most when it comes to hosting: Speed, Reliability, Cost, & Technology. Keep up the great work!

  143. Author Photo

    So, is this migration separate from migrating to the new hardware with the faster CPUs, drives, etc.?

    That part isn’t clear, and it seems like people who raced to update are still on older machines, not the ones with the E-2670s.

    1) If we migrate now, will we need to migrate again when the new hardware goes online?

    2) When can we expect the new machines to be available?

  144. Author Photo

    Thanks so much, Linode. Your services, support and kindness towards customers continue to amaze me.

    You guys are the very best. Keep up the excellent work, it’s very much appreciated! 🙂

  145. Author Photo

    Thanks, guys. Doubling the resources for $.05 more. Once again, you’re giving us all a reason to stay for the long-term!

  146. Author Photo

    Curious to find out what’s going on in Fremont, since that’s where I’m hosted.

  147. Author Photo

    incredible! guys, we really appreciated! keep doing good job…

  148. Author Photo

    Brendon, I’ve been migrating machines today, and most have landed on new E5-2670 hardware, though a few ended up on E5-2630L boxes. Since the 2630’s are newer, and the original article said “most” machines were getting upgraded, I’m assuming that some of those E5-2630L’s will hang around for good. Best of luck. 🙂

    If you end up on the slower cpu’s, I’m sure you can request to be moved to a 2670 after all this upgrade craziness settles down…

  149. Author Photo

    Thanks, guys!
    looking forward Fremont upgrade!

  150. Author Photo

    i love u ,^_^,aweeeeeeeeeee

  151. Author Photo

    Super appreciative of competent, high value service that Linode gives us! Time and again over the last five years you guys have proven to be the most stable, responsive, customer friendly hoster around. Period. Thanks for the ram upgrade! Please keep up the stellar work guys.

  152. Author Photo

    Amazing ! We love you guys 😉

  153. Author Photo

    Yea, what’s up with Fremont?

    First it explodes every other week, now upgrade delays 🙁

  154. Author Photo

    Thank you! 🙂 Keep up the great service!

  155. Author Photo

    Jesse: Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the tip. 🙂

  156. Author Photo

    You are the greatest company, Linode~
    I love you.

  157. Author Photo

    thanks. FREMONT is waiting for more caker’s Rams 😀

    I want to be playing more games online on my site xD

  158. Author Photo

    Thank you.
    You guys are a company that I actively recommend.
    Keep up the good work.

  159. Author Photo

    Great upgrade, Linode rocks !

  160. Author Photo

    Thanks linode for this great upgrade 🙂

  161. Author Photo

    thanks, just upgraded to 1GB RAM on my Linode on London datacenter.

    Linode are awesome!

  162. Author Photo

    Linode rocks! 🙂

  163. Author Photo


  164. Author Photo

    need more games on my site. Please upgrade Freemont. please 🙂

  165. Author Photo

    Thanks linode 🙂

  166. Author Photo

    I love you guys!!! I am telling all of my friends to switch to you asap!

  167. Author Photo

    I just logged in to my Linode to do a reboot and saw the great upgrade news. Awesome.

    I have advocated Linode for years.. and this is yet another reason to continue.

  168. Author Photo

    I love you guys. This is an amazing way to treat customers.


  169. Author Photo

    Any updates on Fremont? Waiting, waiting..

  170. Author Photo

    Just logged in and saw the upgrade available, thought huh? Came here and saw this post. Thank you Linode for the awesome upgrades.

    You keep cementing why I use you. Best wishes to all at Linode

  171. Author Photo

    Awesome work guys, much appreciated.

  172. Author Photo

    Linode rocks!
    1G RAM after rebooting!

  173. Author Photo

    Awesome stuff, thanks a bunch. You guys rock! Im speechless.

  174. Author Photo

    Also anxiously awaiting the Freemont upgrade…

  175. Author Photo

    Great news Linode! Many thanks 🙂

  176. Author Photo

    i don’t think fremont is ever getting upgraded 🙁

  177. Author Photo

    I just wanted to say that my experience (further shown by this free upgrade!) with Linode has been a non stop wonderful and awesome experience. You guys have made every penny ever spent on you guys worth it over and over again. I don’t often praise, especially publicly, but I will be spending parts of my future time, advocating you guys even further. I rarely check the posts, and often only get a chance to react. I stumbled across the upgrades, and they solved 2 major issues I had been working on, for free! Thanks again folks, you rock.


  178. Author Photo

    I just saw this earlier this morning. Migrated and landed on a E5-2670 box. Woot! Thanks Linode!

  179. Author Photo

    What is the timeline for Freemont getting the upgrade?

  180. Author Photo

    The absolute best! Thanks Linode.

  181. Author Photo

    Just logged in to Linode and saw the upgrade button. What a pleasant surprise! Thank you Linode for the amazing service you provide. Now even better..

  182. Author Photo

    Sounds wonderful. Any idea when this is going to happen for us Fremonters?

  183. Author Photo

    Thanks linode.
    Forever with linode.

  184. Author Photo

    Thank you for all the great work.
    How far away Fremont is from getting all the upgrades?

  185. Author Photo

    Hi Team,

    Any update on the Fremont upgrade process?
    I enjoy stories about upgrades of this magnitude.

  186. Author Photo

    So, when’s Fremont upgrade going to be available 😉

  187. Author Photo

    Any update about the RAM upgrade for Freemont servers?

  188. Author Photo

    Looking forward to the Fremont upgrades!

  189. Author Photo

    “We’ll be enabling the upgrade by data center very soon, with the exception of Fremont which may take another week or two – we’ll be explaining more on Fremont in another post.”

    It’s pretty much a month later. Can we get that post explaining what the issues are and how long we can expect to wait? Thanks!

  190. Author Photo

    I would also love an update on Fremont. I also want to say thanks for the great service I’ve always gotten. 🙂

  191. Author Photo

    I heard back from support saying that Fremont should have it “soon” and that they’re willing to move me to another data center with the upgrades if I’d like. If it will be a short time I’ll wait it out.

  192. Author Photo

    This is why I stay with Linode! Thanks!

  193. Christopher Aker
  194. Author Photo

    +1 to @Josh

    And why not just add smaller (like $10 plan) without support ?

    There’re many people who don’t really need any support, but wanna have micro server.. just for a blog or their personal apps which have only few traffics and server usage, but still need VPS for freedom.

  195. Author Photo

    You guys really are the best. Which is why I’ve been promoting your plan to people everywhere I go. Please stay the same forever. It feels good to be hosting with people who care about my servers and my business.

  196. Author Photo

    > I was migrated from the ancient L5520 CPUs to the slightly less ancient L5630.

    Same thing happened here. For my important, production site that actually matters, I got moved to a L5630 (Newark). Don’t get me wrong, the improvement was great. However my insignificant blog got moved to a E5-2670 (Fremont). I’m thrilled to have Fremont upgraded like everywhere else, and the new E5-2670’s have the aes flag in /proc/cpuinfo!! Finally that means that OpenSSL can run at 4-5x speed by using the native chipset! I’m super-stoked about this new enhancement (more than the CPU/memory enhancements). However it’s just a bummer that on the site I need it (we only serve HTTPS traffic), the servers don’t support it. I’ll probably try data-center lottery to try and get lucky with one of the new servers.

  197. Author Photo
  198. Author Photo

    Thank you for providing such a great product!

  199. Author Photo

    The most seamless upgrade experience I’ve ever had. Seriously, I looked away and then looked back and it was done. Took 15 minutes for the migration, 5 for the disk, 10 for Debian (kernel and sys). BUH…

    And it was free?!?! BUH….

    And they are embracing Cisco Nexus?!?!? BUH….

    And my upgrade from Debian Wheezy to Jessie with a 3.9 kernel went perfectly? BUH…

    And I have IPv6 enabled? BUH…

    Why would anyone NOT want to use Linode as their VPS host. So awesome!

  200. Author Photo


    Is it time to upgrade, because other already do twice more RAM?

    I have two VPSs on: Linode and

  201. Author Photo

    i guess its time to upgrade seriously.

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