
Dr. Dobbs の Linode 関連記事


logo_ddjMike Riley (twitter @mriley)はDr.Dobbs Journalの寄稿編集者であり、今回いい記事を描いてくれました: Linode に関する記事.

DDJは30年以上にわたり様々な形で存在し、最も尊敬されているソフトウェア開発ジャーナルの一つです。 Mike 氏はいくつかのLinode 機能、新しいAPI、をレビューし、私との短いインタビューを 2ページ目に掲載しています。

コメント (4)

  1. Author Photo

    Wow, that’s quite an honor! Even though it isn’t what it once was, it must be awesome to be able to tell your friends you were interviewed in DDJ!

  2. Author Photo

    Great news for Linode, that sure will bring exposure to one of the, if not the best VPS hosting on the web =D

  3. Author Photo

    Grats! DDJ is catching up to your great service.

  4. Author Photo

    A quote from what he wrote:

    “The VM automation potential using Linode’s simple, uncluttered API is huge. VM’s can easily and quickly come into and out of existence based on customer demand, client configuration and application variations, testing needs and more.”

    Absolutely, huge was a great word to use in it’s description of what he sees in the possibilities. The whole Linode.com service is very flexible and allows for a large array() of “on_the_fly” opportunities.

    “quickly come into and out of existence based on customer demand”

    Is one of the absolute best qualities of the Linode.com service(s).

    Super write up!,

