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BlogArmazenamento50% mais Espaço em Disco agora Standard em todos os Pacotes

50% mais Espaço em Disco agora Standard em todos os Pacotes

50% mais espaço em disco agora Standard em todos os Pacotes[/tamanho]

b]Os planos padrão agora incluem:[/b]

Linode 64 c/ 3072 MB (3 GB)
Linode 96 c/ 4608 (4,5 GB)
Linode 128 c/ 6144 MB (6 GB)
Linode 192 c/ 9216 MB (9 GB)
Linode 256 c/ 12288 MB (12 GB)

Consulte a página [url=https://www.linode.com/products/linodes.cfm]produtos[/url] para mais informações.

b]Retroativo para todos os Clientes Existentes AGORA[/b]

Os clientes existentes devem reparar no espaço em disco já atribuído à sua conta.

Use a seguinte lista para determinar quanto espaço foi adicionado à sua conta:

Linode 64 - Um adicional de 1024 MB (1 GB)
Linode 96 - Um adicional de 1536 MB (1,5 GB)
Linode 128 - Um adicional de 2048 MB (2 GB)
Linode 192 - Um adicional de 3072 MB (3 GB)
Linode 256 - Um adicional de 4096 MB (4 GB)

[b]Pagamentos anuais[/b]

Os clientes que pagam anualmente também recebem um espaço adicional de disco de 50% para além do novo padrão. Por favor, preencha um ticket de apoio se quiser mudar para pagamentos anuais.


Para tirar partido do espaço extra, tem a possibilidade de escolher:
[lista][*] [b]Redimensionar o seu sistema de ficheiros existente para ocupar o novo espaço[/b][lista][*] Encerrar o seu Linode
[*] Membros -> Imagens de Disco -> Clique no seu sistema de ficheiros raiz -> Entre em novo tamanho, e Guarde as Alterações
[*] Inicialize o seu Linode
[*] [b]Criar novas imagens de disco vazio[/b]
[lista][*]Membros -> Imagens de Disco, desça para "Criar uma Imagem de Disco Vazio".
[*] Introduza uma etiqueta (por exemplo: "disk2")
[*] Introduza no tamanho (utilize a caixa "Resumo de armazenamento" no canto superior direito)
[*] Escolha "ext3" para o tipo de sistema de ficheiros, e Crie Disco
[*] Membros -> Configurações -> Clique na sua configuração
[*] Adicione o seu novo "disco2" a um slot /dev/ubd? aberto. Guardar
[*] Reinicie o seu Linode
[*] Entrar no seu Linode, e como raiz: "mount /dev/ubd[inserir letra do dispositivo aqui] /caminho/para/ponto de montagem" onde caminho/para/ponto de montagem é um directório existente
[*] [b]Implementar mais Instalações Linux[/b][lista][*]Porquê, basta usar o Distro Wizard! Experimente uma nova distro ou algo :-)[/list][/list][*]
Obrigado pelo seu negócio! Desfrute!


Comentários (23)

  1. Author Photo

    And the cmr appears to be increased as well.

    The increase came just in time as well.


  2. Author Photo

    you the man chris 🙂

  3. Author Photo

    i thought you add space for me by mistake, that’s why i come back and check, thanks Chris 😀

  4. Author Photo


    Just a note that the chart under “Retro-active to all Existing Customers NOW” is incorrect…

    The additional space for a Linode 96 should be 1536MB, not 2304MB (2304 is the additional space an annual subscriber would get)

    The other Linodes are probably listed wrong too, but I don’t know…

    – j

  5. Author Photo

    [quote:6cf877d772=”wazdog”]The additional space for a Linode 96 should be 1536MB, not 2304MB (2304 is the additional space an annual subscriber would get)[/quote]
    Thanks for that — fixed it.


  6. Author Photo

    Thanks for that — fixed it.


    Coolio! And big THANKS for the increase… Linode rocks the night on!

  7. Author Photo

    Thanks Chris 😀

  8. Author Photo

    Excellent 🙂

  9. Author Photo

    Nice present.


  10. Author Photo

    Much appreciated.


  11. Author Photo
  12. Author Photo

    Thank you for the gift of space, Chris. The fact that you made the new default drive space allocations retroactive is just another indication of your dedication to your (very appreciative) customer base. Have a great day 😀 .

  13. Author Photo
  14. Author Photo

    Chris, your timing is impeccable. I’ve spent the last couple of days combing through my list of RPMs trying to find some to remove. After hosting e-mail for, count ’em, [i]three [/i]people for about six months, my mail partition (1GB) is getting dangerously full. You just solved a big problem for me. How we gathered so much mail in six months, I have no idea. At least now I won’t have to worry until later.

    Thanks Chris. You rock!


  15. Author Photo

    Just in time for Valentine’s Day, woo-hoo!

    Thank you chris! 😀

  16. Author Photo

    Hi. My account (linode 64) has not gotten the increase. Can you fix that ? Also, on what host am I ? host12? My login is hthb

  17. Author Photo

    Coolio, i registered once it has been increased, but you deadication is well noted.

  18. Author Photo

    [quote:38aaa94748=”hthb”]Hi. My account (linode 64) has not gotten the increase. Can you fix that ? Also, on what host am I ? host12? My login is hthb[/quote]

    From your “Overview” page:

    Storage Summary
    Total: 3072 Megabytes
    Used: 3072 Megabytes
    Free: 0 Megabytes

    Host: host12.linode.com


  19. Author Photo

    Misunderstood the first post. Thought the old standard had been 3GB. Sorry, thanks!

  20. Author Photo

    I haven’t gotten the increase yet either. I double-checked, it says 2048MB.

  21. Author Photo

    [quote:87b3189141=”Xan”]I haven’t gotten the increase yet either. I double-checked, it says 2048MB.[/quote]
    Hrm, I think that’s a bug — it didn’t update you because of the gap in the invoices your account has (which also was my mistake, I might mention). Anyway — check again, please?


  22. Author Photo

    Beautiful. Thanks, Chris. I filled out a support ticket for this, but it probably got lost in the shuffle with the other matter.

  23. Author Photo

    Great news.

    I need to do an upgrade to Mysql 4 & this is just what I want . 😆

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