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BlogLinodeLish SSH Gateway

Lish SSH Gateway

Estamos a lançar um novo gateway Lish SSH que simplifica a Lish introduzindo um único local de acesso à Lish para todos os seus Linodes, independentemente do seu anfitrião ou centro de dados  Elimina a necessidade de senhas e chaves SSH por Lish de cada código. Em vez disso, o gateway Lish utiliza as suas credenciais existentes da Linode Manager para autenticação. Também irá notar um novo campo "Lish SSH Keys" na secção Meu Perfil da Linode Manager, onde pode submeter chaves públicas SSH para se autenticar nestas novas caixas de gateway Lish.

Para proporcionar um pouco de fundo, Lish é a Concha Linode. Ele fornece a você a capacidade de emitir trabalhos de reinicialização e desligamento, verificar o status do seu Linode e, o mais importante, acessar e interagir com o console do seu Linode em execução. Lish é um console fora da banda, o que significa que você pode acessá-lo mesmo quando a rede do seu Linode estiver desativada.

Anteriormente, cada Linode necessitava do seu próprio nome de utilizador Lish SSH, senhas e chaves SSH. O acesso à Lish foi através de uma ligação SSH direta à máquina anfitriã do seu Linode. Nas próximas semanas, iremos remover completamente o acesso do anfitrião à Internet pública, e como tal, os antigos métodos de acesso Lish deixarão de funcionar.

Lish-via-SSH em anfitriões deixará de funcionar na sexta-feira, 10 de Maio de 2013 13:00PM EDT. Como tal, por favor ajuste quaisquer scripts ou pseudônimos para utilizar o novo gateway Lish.

Quando entrar no novo gateway Lish, verá uma lista dos seus Linodes e suas localizações, como mostrado abaixo:

$ ssh caker@lish-newark.linode.com
Linódios localizados neste centro de dados:
linode2345 Newark, NJ
linode3456 Newark, NJ
linode4567 Newark, NJ

Linodes localizados em outros centros de dados:
sandbox Dallas, TX
linode5678 Dallas, TX

Depois, no prompt de comando, pode introduzir o nome da Linode para o qual pretende fazer a sua ligação Lish. No exemplo mostrado acima, pode introduzir "linode2345" para acessar o console Lish para linode2345. Quando estiveres num Linode específico, a Lish vai funcionar como sempre funcionou. Quando sair da linode2345's Lish, será levado de volta para o menu da porta de entrada.

Você também pode fazer truques como este para contornar o menu todos juntos:

$ ssh -t caker@lish-newark.linode.com linode2345

E assim para enviar comandos diretamente para um Linode's Lish:

$ ssh -t caker@lish-newark.linode.com linode2345 logview

Montamos os gateways Lish nos seis centros de dados. Você pode usar qualquer gateway para chegar a qualquer Linode, mas recomendamos usar o que estiver geograficamente mais próximo de você ou de seus Linodes. Aqui estão as caixas de entrada Lish:

  • lish-tokyo.linode.com
  • lish-fremont.linode.com
  • lish-dallas.linode.com
  • lish-atlanta.linode.com
  • lish-newark.linode.com
  • lish-london.linode.com

As caixas de entrada Lish são acessíveis tanto através do IPv4 como do IPv6. O método Ajax de ligação ao Lish da sua Linode não é afectado por estas alterações.


Comentários (33)

  1. Author Photo
    Artem Russakovskii

    Absolutely fantastic. Just cleaned out all the old LiSH connections and added the single one that works like a charm.

    One question though: once you’re inside a specific host, can you back out to the main list?

  2. Christopher Aker

    Yes. Control-a then d like normal to get you out of the console and back to the Lish prompt for that Linode. Then if you exit there, you will end up back at the gateway’s menu.

  3. Author Photo

    Is this update related to the recent security breach?

    Ideally for me, there’d be a way to have credentials to access LISH and credentials to access the dashboard being different.

  4. Author Photo

    Excellent! Time to get updated on everything, though I have a question:

    What is the RSA fingerprint(s) for the new consoles? All I can find in my Profile or Linode Remote Access settings are the old per-Linode lish fingerprints.


  5. Author Photo

    I like this. One thought: ‘logout’ and/or ‘exit’ would be handy as valid commands at the LISH gateway, as they are on the LISH host.

  6. Author Photo

    It looks like you’ve taken away the option to connect to lish via ports 443 and 2200.
    443 was especially useful when behind some firewalls, please can you re-instate access on those ports?

  7. Author Photo

    It would be nice if the SSH fingerprints for the gateway servers were published somewhere, like is currently done for the host machine fingerprints.

  8. Author Photo
    Raffaele Tripodo

    I’ve just changed every password, regenerated API key and copied my ssh key from the deprecated “Lish via SSH Keys” box to the appropriate box into my profile.
    Everything work well, but the new lish console return an error if I try to connect directly to my node.
    I mean if I proceed step by step everything work well:

    1) ssh lishserveraddress
    2) type the name of the node
    3) login prompt of my node, OK!

    but I get an error message If I try the “short” version adding the name of the host to the command:

    – ssh lish-london.linode.com NAMEOFMYNODE

    Linode Shell (lish) Console starting…
    [linode1234567890@london123456 lish] Must be connected to a terminal.
    Your Linode isn’t running, or another console session is already active.
    /bin/stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    [linode30368@london522 lish]# /bin/stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    /bin/stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device

    Curiously if I add a command (ex. kill, or shutdown) it works well:

    1) ssh lish-london.linode.com NAMEOFMYNODE kill
    2) OK, it works…

    Do I have to set anything else to have it working?
    For me it’s not a problem because I can reach the login prompt of my node (my main need), but just to understand if I have done something wrong or incomplete, or if there is a persistent problem in the new lish console system.

    Thank you

  9. Author Photo

    Raffaele Tripodo: Use the -t option:

    ssh -t lish-london.linode.com NAMEOFMYNODE

    Otherwise, ssh won’t allocate a tty.

  10. Author Photo

    Any chance to bring back the use of a private key? I used a private key to secure up Lish access because it allowed an alternate way that wasn’t secured the same as my SSH connections and I had the old Lish use private keys for authentication.

  11. Christopher Aker

    Robert you can supply any key you want for Lish on your My Profile page – it doesn’t need to be the same identity as your other ssh sessions.

  12. Author Photo

    Will there eventually be a permission in the manager to allow/disallow users from accessing the Lish console? I don’t necessarily want our billing users accounts having the ability to reboot servers.

  13. Author Photo

    How do I create a simple ssh_config entry? I’ve got RequestTty but can’t figure out how to send ‘linode54321’ without having to specify it on the command line.

  14. Author Photo

    Do the gateways also listen on port 443? So far I have been unable to connect on that port, but it works fine if I connect to the Lish on my host.

  15. Author Photo
    Raffaele Tripodo

    @Ryan Tucker

    It works great! Thank you.

  16. Author Photo

    Please allow us to connect on port 443! This was a great feature.

  17. Author Photo

    @caker —
    The public key authentication method only appears to work for the depreciated method. On the depreciated method I get this:
    Using username “linode180478”.
    Authenticating with public key “rsa-key-20120901”
    Passphrase for key “rsa-key-20120901”:

    However on the new method I only get this:
    Using username “shinji”.
    Server refused our key
    shinji@lish-newark.linode.com‘s password:

    I use PuTTY for connecting to Lish via SSH.

  18. Christopher Aker

    Robert: I think this is what you’re hitting: A gateway caches used credentials for a few minutes. So newly deployed keys won’t work for a few minutes until the cache expires. It’s a gotcha and we’re thinking about how to make it better. Give it a shot on a different gateway, or wait 10 minutes.

  19. Christopher Aker

    Not listening on 443 is a gotcha as well. We are also working on that, too. Thanks for the suggestions!

  20. Author Photo

    It looks like the new method of connecting to lish uses different host keys than the old one. The “Deprecated Lish methods” section lists different host keys than I’m seeing for the new “Lish via SSH” method. The new method should also list the host key fingerprints, or they should be listed somewhere and linked from the new section on the “Remote access” page.


  21. Author Photo
    Ben Stoutenburgh

    @esm, there are no options that can be put in ~/.ssh/config to execute remote commands (at least none that I can find and stackexchance threads saying the same).

    You can create bash aliases though to get the simplification you are looking for. alias somecmd=’ssh -t user@lish-newawk.linode.com linode54321′

    Stick that in your .bashrc or wherever you like aliases

  22. Author Photo

    Hello. Will the permissions be adjusted for sub accounts, so it is possible to manage who have access to what Linodes via lish?

  23. Christopher Aker

    Kristoffer – Like everything else in our system, the Lish gateways use the grants system as defined in the Linode Manager. If a user has the ‘Access’ grant on a Linode, that will include access to that Linode’s Lish via the gateway. No ‘access’ grant on a particular Linode means the user won’t have lish access to that Linode, and it won’t show up in the list.

  24. Author Photo

    caker: To securely login via SSH, we need you to publish the fingerprints. For each of these hosts

    Please run the following command
    ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub; ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub; ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub

    and post the results here and in the Linode Manager.

    These are the fingerprint Denham Crafton, Courtney Bane, Mike Doherty and also asking for.

  25. Christopher Aker

    Hey Alex – understood – we’ll be adding them shortly along with the other fixes mentioned above. Hang tight!

  26. Author Photo

    @caker at first I wasn’t putting the pub key in the right spot. I figured it out when I re-read the post and it said to put it in “My Profile” XD

    Working now. Thanks!

  27. Christopher Aker

    Lish gateway ssh fingerprints are now linked from the Remote Access subtab, and are listed on the Lish library article.

  28. Author Photo

    Nice, though rest of the Library article needs a major update.
    And if I may ask a stupid question…
    Unrecognized command.
    You may use ‘list’ to list Linodes or specify a Linode label to connect.
    Is there a precaution against an unfortunate user labelling his Linode “list”? 🙂

  29. Christopher Aker

    Wojciech – the doc is being reworked – should be updated very soon. A Linode with a label of ‘list’ will preempt the list.

  30. Christopher Aker

    The Lish guide has been updated.

  31. Author Photo

    “Lish is useful both for issuing commands like reboot and shutdown to your Linode, and accessing statistics. Statistics include a list of pending jobs (e.g. jobs) and reports on your current Input/Output Status (io_status).”

    io_status isn’t included in LISH integrated help, but it exists as a command, seemingly a no-op…

    Teaser? 🙂

  32. Author Photo


    Had the same issue with no remote command support in ssh_config so I requested it: https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2103

    Caker, great work and thanks for updating the Lish guide.

    This mass ssh access scenario is a good case for using SSHFP DNS entries ( rfc4255 / rfc6594 ) for the fingerprints (and a ssh_config containing the following for users:
    host lish-*.linode.com
    VerifyHostKeyDNS ask

  33. Author Photo

    I successfully log in to ssh after mentioning my Linode but its asking local host login again.

    If anyone can guide me?

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