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BlogLinuxUbuntu 12.04 LTS - Pangolim Preciso

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Pangolim Preciso

Temos o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade imediata do Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (notas de lançamento) para implantação na Linode Manager. Este é um suporte de longo prazo (LTS) lançado pela Canonical, o que significa que o sistema operacional receberá suporte até  Abril de 2017. Para obter ajuda na implantação de uma distribuição na Linode Manager, você pode consultar a nossa documentação na Biblioteca Linode para a implementação de uma distribuição Linux.

Existe atualmente um bug pendente no pacote Upstart que pode fazer com que o registro de trabalhos de arranque falhe durante o arranque, imprimindo erros na sua consola Lish. Upstart assume que "/dev/pts" será disponibilizado através de um initrd antes de ser executado, o que não acontece em nossos (e outros) ambientes. O registro de trabalhos desativado durante o arranque não deve causar quaisquer problemas. Há um bug aberto no Launchpad onde você pode encontrar uma explicação mais profunda sobre o problema, bem como ser notificado quando uma correção tiver sido lançada.



Comentários (26)

  1. Author Photo

    First, thanks heckman!

  2. Author Photo

    I love you guys 🙂

  3. Author Photo

    Thank you! I was just asking about this.

  4. Author Photo

    Wow, that was fast! Thank you. 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    How do you fix the upstart bug?

    • Author Photo

      rv65: When an update is released to the Upstart package, you can get it by installing updates using the package manager in your Linode (“apt-get”).


  6. Author Photo

    Nice! Thanks for being so fast, y’all. I know I’m supposed to be more prudent upgrading my server. Yeah, right. That’s what backups are for!

  7. Author Photo

    So, do you use the 3.0 or 3.2 kernel with Precise (12.04)?

  8. Author Photo

    As a customer who recently migrated from another provider. Aloe me to sincerely thank you for the prompt release. Ubuntu may not be my distribution of choice but the prompt availability of newer versions across the board will secure my business for a long time.

  9. Author Photo

    Can we have a 3.3 kernel now?

  10. Author Photo

    Did the update and I did get the error, but it now works since I changed the kernel to 3.2.

  11. Author Photo

    You guys rock! Been looking forward to this for ages so I can get php-fpm in the main repo and not from a PPA!

    Any reason it’s not labelled as 12.04 LTS in the deployer tho? For some reason that annoys me.

  12. Author Photo

    For those who will be upgrading manually please be sure to use our official instructions within the Release Notes:

    Ubuntu Wiki :: Precise Release Notes: Upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04

    Thanks Linode for getting this out quick.

  13. Author Photo

    So quick! Just like everything else (server, support, updates, etc.)

  14. Author Photo

    An interesting configuration script Ubuntu 12.04: http://alturl.com/s4zuv

  15. Author Photo

    So, can anyone walk me through this Upstart bug in “Captain Dummy talk” as Malcolm Reynolds might say? I don’t even see where in recovery mode I get a chance to input. Just runs until I get the “failed to create pty” message and hangs.

  16. Author Photo

    It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of movement on this bug unfortunately.

  17. Author Photo

    Hey thanks for this guys. One request though, could you remove the `whoopsie` package from this distro? It really really shouldn’t be installed on a server.

    • Author Photo

      @Philip: When building the distributions we do our best to keep them as close to the supplied configuration as possible. There are some changes that need to be made to allow the OS to work properly in our environment, however.

      In this case, the ‘Whoopsie’ package is installed as part of the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server image even on a bare-metal system. When updating the image for Ubuntu 12.04.1 (when it is released in August), we’ll look in to the pros and cons of removing ‘Whoopsie’ (thus deviating further from vanilla Ubuntu).

  18. Author Photo
    Ricardo N Feliciano

    With Ubuntu 12.04.1 scheduled to be released on August 23, would it be possible to have a LAMP install guide for Ubuntu 12.04? The furthest we currently have is 11.10.


  19. Author Photo

    Thanks for the info Ubuntu 12.04 rocks! 🙂

  20. Author Photo

    For those of you following this, the bug mentioned is fixed, and scheduled for .2 on 1/31/13.

  21. Author Photo
    Ricardo N Feliciano

    .2 release? That sucks.

    Any news of 12.04.1 being an OS option?

  22. Author Photo

    Ricardo: deploying 12.04 LTS and running ‘apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y’ will get you 12.04.1.

  23. Author Photo

    I’m aware. Just was hoping to be able to start with all the upgrades in place. Or even with the upstart bugfix merged in already :/

    Anyways thanks.

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