博客洛克菲勒Arch Linux网络配置更新

Arch Linux网络配置更新


我们很高兴地宣布,我们刚刚推送了一个新的Arch镜像,将其更新为2016.06.01 "版本"。这个镜像禁用了可预测的网络接口命名规则,使用了 建议的udev掩码,所以默认的以太网名称被恢复为eth0。

如果你目前在运行Arch的任何一个Linodes上依赖可预测的接口命名,请确保在从最新的镜像部署之前更新你的配置脚本。如果你想了解更多关于这个配置或静态网络的信息,请看 上的文档的文档,或者参考我们的 静态 IP 配置指南.另外,你可以让 网络助手为您静态地配置您的IP地址。

评论 (4)

  1. Author Photo

    If we want to revert the change so that we continue to use predictable interface naming, is there a wiki for that?

  2. Author Photo

    So, I believe this change is the result of a ticket I’ve opened recently (#6284283). I would have expected you to fix Network Helper and not take the easy way out by disabling a systemd feature. Oh well…

    • Author Photo

      This is not the result of yours or any specific ticket. This systemd “feature” only adds benefit on hardware platforms where network devices change, which is not the case on most cloud services, including Linode. While we could update Network Helper to match the PNIN name, it then wouldn’t work in full virtualization mode, which uses different network devices. It also wouldn’t be future-proof, if we change the virtual network driver in the future.


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