Esta semana Linode está en la Conferencia O'Reilly Velocity en Santa Clara, California. Velocity es la conferencia de rendimiento y operaciones web de O'Reilly, que se centra en el escalado y la administración de aplicaciones web, aplicaciones móviles y cultura tecnológica.
Si asistes a la conferencia, pásate por el stand 501 para saludar y conseguir una camiseta.
Comentarios (3)
I really wish I could be there, but I’m stuck here in the UK for now. You could make a long serving Linode supporter very happy and send me a medium t-shirt though!
You should really sell these t-shirts and maybe pins, stickers, and some other merchandise.
I would be really proud to wear a Linode t-shirt and make more people know about your awesome service.
I would buy a T-shirt. Hey, if it works for Tesla 🙂