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BlogLinuxDebian 6 - Squeeze

Debian 6 - Presser

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la disponibilité de Debian 6 (nom de code "Squeeze") pour les architectures 32 et 64 bits via notre assistant de déploiement. Pour en savoir plus sur cette version, consultez le communiqué de presse de Debian.

Si vous souhaitez mettre à jour un système Debian 5 (Lenny) vers cette version, veuillez consulter notre guide de mise à jourDebian 6 dans la bibliothèque Linode.

Bonne lecture !

Commentaires (14)

  1. Author Photo

    Awesome! 🙂 Thanks for this and all the other support you guys give ;).

  2. Author Photo

    Awesome news! Are there any virtualization/kernel reasons that Debian 5 users should redeploy from the wizard instead of doing an in-place upgrade?

  3. Author Photo

    Upgrade from Lenny was very smooth. One thing you might want to do is remove the lenny backports from your sources.list because the squeeze repositories will update your backports-installed packages automagically.


  4. Author Photo

    Very cool!

  5. Author Photo

    That was very quick. I expected it to take weeks to months to get an installable image. 😉

    Thanks guys. <3

  6. Author Photo

    Upgrade went fairly smoothly. There were some problems with MYSQL. To eliminate the errors, I had to do:

    apt-get autoremove mysql*

    apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin

    mysql_upgrade -u root -p

    After that things seemed to work fine. Generally a flawless update. As a bonus my server now seems to use about 30meg less ram, so I have been able to improve my web server performance slightly.

  7. Author Photo

    I’d recommend upgrading Lenny to Squeeze over redeploying with Squeeze. Much smoother and simpler IMHO. And I’d follow Squeeze’s release notes which has extensive notes about upgrading.

  8. Author Photo

    Thanks for the tip about mysql. I completely missed that it was uninstalled as part of the upgrade.

  9. Author Photo

    With Linode platform, upgrading to squeeze has been incredibly easy!
    15 minutes and a new brand “squeeze” version of my vps was perfectly working: mail server (Postfix/Dovecot), application server (JDK, Tomcat, MySQL) and security rules immediately in production… in minutes!!! not days, not hours…. minutes!!!

    One reason more to confirm Linode as best platform to work with!

    Thanks again guys.

  10. Author Photo

    Awesome! This didn’t take any time at all! 🙂

  11. Author Photo

    I had the same issues as Mike with MySQL, same fix as well.

    Other than that it went smooth as silk.

  12. Author Photo

    just started my linode. I was surprised that for debian 6 I had both a 64 bit and a 32 bit choice of distro, but the setup dialog recommended 32 bit. Why would that be better?

  13. Author Photo

    scott says: “just started my linode. I was surprised that for debian 6 I had both a 64 bit and a 32 bit choice of distro, but the setup dialog recommended 32 bit. Why would that be better?”

    Words are larger in 64 bits, and since memory is limited, 32 bits is better. You would use 64 bits on your home/work computer, of course, where lack of memory is probably not an issue. Years ago when linodes had much less RAM, 32 bits was DEFINITELY the way to go.

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