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BlogLinuxFedora Core 6 (FC6)

Fedora Core 6 (FC6)

J'ai mis à jour notre distribution Fedora vers FC6. Je suis presque sûr que cette distro nécessite un noyau 2.6 (que les nouveaux déploiements utilisent maintenant par défaut). Tenez-moi au courant.


Commentaires (4)

  1. Author Photo

    Well, as I stated in the chat room….

    [quote]<TheAssassin> I’ve installed FC6, and I only have one issue…
    <TheAssassin> I’m having a problem getting apache to work…
    <TheAssassin> ps aux returns that its running, but I’m unable to access my test index.html page from the web [/quote]

    So any help would be greatfull 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    [code]/etc/init.d/iptables stop[/code]
    is one quick fix. The other would be to properly configure Fedora’s firewall…

    [code]chkconfig –level 0123456 iptables off[/code]

    I "fixed" this just now in the template disro, by doing the above.


  3. Author Photo

    The other fix is that I believe that Fedora still has the old ‘setup’ command, (it used to anyway), you can change to ‘no firewall’ that way, or allow specific exceptions.

  4. Author Photo

    I think it’s:


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