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BlogLinuxAtualizado RedHat 9.0 Sistema de arquivos pequenos

Atualizado RedHat 9.0 Sistema de arquivos pequenos

➡ Removidos os pacotes não-cessórios da instalação padrão
➡ Redução do tamanho mínimo de 670M para 550M
➡ Atualizado para os últimos pacotes (ssh, glibc, etc)
➡ Limpeza geral


Comentários (4)

  1. Author Photo

    Just to make sure I’m not missing anything, we’d have to create new disk images and distributions and reconfigure from scratch in order to take advantage of this, right?

  2. Author Photo

    Yes, but this is essentially what I did:

    # all on one line
    apt-get remove eject ethtool fbset kernel-smp kudzu lilo mkbootdisk parted raidtools redhat-config-mouse syslinux 4Suite alchemist audiofile bonobo-activation esound finger-server kernel redhat-config-nfs usbutils postgresql postgresql-libs postgresql-odbc postgresql-server

    # update the system
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade

    # get rid of docs (who needs docs)
    rm -rf /usr/share/doc/*

    # clear out the locales you don’t use in /usr/share/locale (that’s about 66 megs originally, down to 800k if you just keep en*)


  3. Author Photo

    [quote:a4c1fffb8d=”caker”]Yes, but this is essentially what I did:

    # all on one line
    apt-get remove eject ethtool fbset kernel-smp kudzu lilo mkbootdisk parted raidtools redhat-config-mouse syslinux 4Suite alchemist audiofile bonobo-activation esound finger-server kernel redhat-config-nfs usbutils postgresql postgresql-libs postgresql-odbc postgresql-server

    # update the system
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade

    # get rid of docs (who needs docs)
    rm -rf /usr/share/doc/*

    # clear out the locales you don’t use in /usr/share/locale (that’s about 66 megs originally, down to 800k if you just keep en*)


    I highly recommend giving us this same information every time you make changes to the distributions so we can “follow along” on our already existing distros. Thanks for the info!

  4. Author Photo

    [quote:dcf63f0c75=”schof”]I highly recommend giving us this same information every time you make changes to the distributions so we can “follow along” on our already existing distros. Thanks for the info![/quote]
    Good suggestion — I completely agree!

    I forgot to mention one other change, but this will be covered in the general performance docs I’d like to write — Move your /etc/cron.daily/slocate to /etc/cron.weekly. This cron job simply runs the “updatedb” command, which indexes all the files in your filesystem for the “locate somefile” command.

    If you never use the “locate” command you can move it to “cron.monthly”, or disable it all together and just run “updatedb” before using locate. The majority of high disk I/O load that occurs during the late morning hours is generate by Linodes running updatedb 🙂


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