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BlogLinodeIntroduction de la facturation horaire

Introduction de la facturation horaire

nuage horaire

Introduction de la facturation à l'heure. Vous pouvez désormais profiter des services Linode facturés par tranches d'heures, ajouter des services à votre compte sans avoir à payer à l'avance, et être facturé à la fin de chaque mois uniquement pour les heures que vous avez utilisées.

Nous avons simplifié les choses au maximum : les ressources sont toujours regroupées pour que vous sachiez clairement ce que vous obtenez, et les services horaires sont plafonnés par mois pour que les choses restent prévisibles.

Le calcul, le stockage persistant et le transfert réseau sont regroupés dans un tarif forfaitaire. Alors que de nombreux fournisseurs de services en nuage ont une facturation compliquée et imprévisible où vous payez séparément pour le temps d'instance, le stockage, le transfert de réseau, les adresses IP, chaque frappe, etc. Aucune calculatrice n'est nécessaire.

Nos plafonds mensuels rendent votre facture prévisible. Par exemple, le plan Linode de base est de 0,03 $/heure avec un plafond mensuel de 20 $/mois. Si vous ne gardez un Linode que quelques heures, vous ne payez que le tarif horaire. Mais vous ne paierez jamais plus que le plafond mensuel pour un Linode, même si les mois ont un nombre d'heures différent. Nous avons fixé le prix de nos tarifs horaires de manière à ce que le plafond mensuel soit atteint même pour les mois les plus courts. Facile et prévisible. C'est le meilleur des deux mondes.

Les nouveaux clients seront facturés par défaut à l'heure. Les clients existants peuvent se convertir à partir de l'onglet Compte. Notez que les remises annuelles ne sont pas disponibles dans le cadre de la facturation horaire.

Les tarifs complets sont indiqués sur la page des tarifs. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre guide de facturation.

Nous espérons vraiment que ce changement sera plus simple et plus pratique pour tout le monde. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de plaisir !

Commentaires (39)

  1. Author Photo

    Finally, it’s happened. Very exciting news, thank you.

  2. Author Photo

    Can new customers still take advantage of yearly discounts?

  3. Author Photo

    Cool. Had my first VPS experience on AWS EC2. No way. I was lost about disk I/O. Did several backups and zipped things, and got a $80 fee for disk I/O. Low cpu, low memory, low bw but did some zip-unzip operations and saw my money flying. Had to cancel it. Now let’s linode.

  4. Author Photo

    How will this work if you’re enrolled with Linode Managed? Will the $100 be charged at the end of the month or as soon as a Linode is added to an account?

  5. Author Photo

    Nowhere in the billing guide does it actually explain how bandwidth overages work for anything other than a full month.

    Example: how much bandwidth comes with a linode per hour? Is it /720? Does a 1GB linode come with roughly 2.8GB per hour? If I spin up a 1GB linode for an hour, and it uploads 5GB of data, how much overage do I get charged?

  6. Tom Asaro

    @Nick: Yearly discounts are not available under hourly billing model.

  7. Author Photo

    Excellent! I love the simplified pricing! Great stuff.

  8. Author Photo

    Hourly billing is on a per account basis not per linode basis?

    Do I have to create a separate account to manage metered linodes while retaining the prepaid option (& discount) on my persistent linode (long term happy customer)?

    Will the prepaid discount be eliminated before my renewal date (Nov 2015)?

    FWIW, I like the idea of giving Linode my metered business rather than your competitors!

  9. Author Photo

    Does this mean yearly billing is no longer available?

  10. Author Photo

    @tasaro: Any plans to change that? That’s a huge benefit of pricing for other platforms like EC2, Google Cloud Compute, etc. Very exciting news though!

  11. Author Photo

    Thank you Linode! <3

  12. Author Photo

    You mean you’re not going to make an uber complicated calculator to like EC2’s and Azure’s? It makes too much sense. Oh well, I guess I’ll continue being a happy Linode customer!

  13. Tom Asaro

    @Stefan: Managed is $0.15/hr, capped at $100/month.

    @Adam: Transfer is prorated and overages are $0.10/GB. It is still pooled between all Linodes under your account and incoming transfer is still free.

    @DJ: Yes, hourly billing is per account. There are no plans to eliminate the discount for existing prepaid accounts at this time.

    @Charlie Melbye: No immediate plans to change that for hourly accounts, however we’ll continue to evaluate. Thanks for making a case.

  14. Author Photo

    How do we create an hourly billed instance through the API?

    Doesn’t seems like the API docs are updated:

  15. Author Photo

    Happy to see this finally made it. 🙂 Congratulations guys!


  16. Author Photo

    Dear Linode

    I run my server in linode and I expect my server to run 24/7.I always wonder when amazon and others flaunt their per instance /per hour model,

    how many real world scenarios exists where i would need 100’s of servers running for lets say 1-2 hrs only( Lets say if my website is listed on yahoo & google homepage for 1 hour –> will i ever be able to make N servers up and running etc etc) , It will be interesting if you guys can post statistical information after a few months.

  17. Christopher Aker

    Carl – if your account is metered then PaymentTerm is ignored and you’ll receive metered Linodes, NodeBalancers, etc. I’ll follow up on the API docs to reflect this.

  18. Author Photo

    Maybe I’m being dumb, but I don’t get it.

    On the face of it this seems like a nice (and cheap!) way to keep a spare Linode around that I can fire up for a few hours, as and when needed, for testing stuff on, before committing changes to a ‘live’ Linode. However your Billing Guide page says:

    “…If My Linode is Powered Off, Will I Be Billed?

    If your Linode is powered off, but is still added as a service on your account, you will still be billed for it.

    If you want to stop being billed for a particular Linode service, you need to remove it from your account entirely…”

    So, in the use case scenario, I describe above, there’s nothing to be gained from this hourly billing that’s any different from the current situation where, if I need a temporary Linode, i can fire one up for a day, then cancel it and receive a pro-rata refund on the monthly fee for the days I didn’t use.

    I’m not having a go here. I’m just curious as to why Linode are adopting the hourly paid model when the services they offer don’t really seem to demand it.

  19. Christopher Aker

    When a Linode exists its resources are reserved – regardless of if it’s running or not. RAM, disk space, the actual data, its IP address, etc are all still consumed from our point of view, so a shut down Linode being free is not an option for us.

    As stated in the blog post, the benefits are that one no longer needs to prepay a month or more to add services that they may only need for a few hours or days. Instead they can be invoiced AFTER, and now it’s per-hour granularity instead of daily. All of these things combine to be more convenient and lower the barrier to using our services.

  20. Author Photo

    I’m somewhat disappointed the yearly discounts will disappear altogether. There’s a standard industry practice of getting discounted pricing for reserved resources. I would (personally) love the ability to have both reserved and metered resources on my account such that I can have my reserved server that is always online and few others that I only add / delete as needed for certain tasks.

  21. Christopher Aker

    Matt – we haven’t figured out just yet how longer term commitments / reservations will work with metered, but it is something we’d like to do. Stay tuned and thanks for the comment.

  22. Author Photo

    I have to say it doesn’t make sense to me. If you still charge me if it’s turned off then why even offer it? I’m not going to build my whole server which takes a few days to get fine tuned and then wipe it out everytime I need to test something? Gotta admit I am quite confused. If you can make persistent disks and charge for the storage when it’s not tied to a Linode that makes sense. Please tell me who and when anyone in their right mind would be able to use this? Unless they are just playing.

  23. Author Photo

    Justin: Not everybody uses servers as static objects. For lots of work loads, servers are dynamically created and destroyed as needed, either in response to load (like backends behind a NodeBalancer handling traffic for a site) or for other processing (like a cluster of computational systems that scales up when there’s more work to do, and scales down when there are no pending jobs). For workloads like that, being able to add and remove systems with more granular proration and with post-payment makes way more sense.

    For people who are using servers as static objects, there is no change from the previous pre-payment system, except that the bill comes at the end of the month rather than the beginning: the price for keeping a server running for a month has not changed.

  24. Author Photo

    Not everyone uses VPSs as actual servers; I use another popular pay-by-the-hour provider so I can try things out in an “it doesn’t matter” environment. It is very cost effective.

    With the other provider if one doesn’t want to be billed for a powered off VPS, then the VPS must be destroyed. One can back up the image, and then pay for storage of that image at a lower rate again. My total expenditure for several months of intermittent usage is just a few bucks.

    Great for playing about with. However… I’m keeping my Linodes for production, thank you very much. I don’t want to change billing for the whole account, so this new facility is not (yet) useful to me. But its early days yet for Linode in this field, I’m sure they will eventually get to per-linode hourly charging rather than per account, and will build an off-line option to keep unused disk for a deleted Linode.

    Shows Linode are staying relevant in the market.

  25. Christopher Aker

    Justin – For your use case, just keep doing what you’re doing. It sounds like this doesn’t affect you in the way you described how you use Linode.

    But for others, hourly billing is important. Not needing to pay for the entire thing ahead of time is important. And the freedom to spin up Linodes on a temporary basis is important. Scaling, or auto-scaling, sandboxes, experimentation, testing deployments, etc — there are a number of use-cases where this is freaking awesome.

    The disk image storage service is something we are working on. Stay tuned 🙂

  26. Author Photo

    Regarding yearly discounts, it would be most awesome if you guys can do the same thing as you do with monthly price – cap it at a certain maximum.

    The per hour rate is set, but it’s capped at a maximum monthly rate. Just cap the yearly rate for a any running Linode in the same way, so it would never exceed the maximum yearly amount (which is less than monthly x 12).

    I say ‘just’ but I realise of course that it’s probably quite complicated to do behind the scenes.

  27. Author Photo


    1GB host:
    0.03 x 24 = $0.72/day

    $0.72 x 31 = $22.32

    Now if its capped at $20/month, is it essentially a”free” $2.32?

  28. Author Photo

    I’m an existing customer. Will I still be able to renew my contract for another 2 years at the 15% discount? Or am I automatically converted to a metered contract after the current prepaid period?

  29. Christopher Aker

    Mark – Yes you can renew, we won’t be forcing anyone off annual.

  30. Author Photo

    Thank you. You guys just keep on delivering!

  31. Author Photo

    Good stuff 🙂 Thanks for the upgrades! I’ve been very happy with my service to date, and I especially love how you’ve structured the business. I’m a big fan of sustainability and actually paying what things cost. Much less bullshit that way.


  32. Author Photo

    Does this upgrade affect internode bandwidth? Communication between nodes does not count towards our quota still? Is the bandwidth throttled? Or is only Internet bandwidth throttled?

  33. Author Photo

    @George the method is best worked out by 0.03 x 24 x 7 x 4.333333333333333 so the total value is $21.84 to them really irrelevant but thought I would point that out.

  34. Author Photo

    Thanks guys, that helped clear things up. I guess I am living in the past lol. Static servers are all I am use to. I am glad some people can benefit from this. As always Linode you guys rock.

  35. Author Photo

    I am looking for billing like if i shut down my cloud server than i should not charged do you offer such billing i only pay when my server is up and running please suggest me if possible.

    • Author Photo

      Hello Naval,

      Since the resources are allocated to your server (which is what you are really being charged for) you are still billed for these resources even when the server is powered off.


  36. Author Photo

    I just like to say I love the new billing, here were it good for me and where there could be improvements.

    First my linode usage:
    1)Permanent servers.
    2)Test servers that gets destroyed after a week or couple days.
    3)Test servers that I keep around but shutdown as template that I clone to explore different ways of achiving the same goal and then chose the best to clone in production in a Permanent server #1

    So for #1 the old billing was also working for me, for #2 the new billing is awesome but for #3 its obvious that I may use cpu and ram for maybe 1 day of the month but I am definitely using the storage for 100% of the month and I dont like having to pay as if the linode was powered on so I was thinking that linode may offer the possibility to keep my storage linode off for like half the price of the linode per hour this way it wouldn’t completely break the new billing and it could also be a way for linode to sell storage containers.

    Anyways hope you put this in your future plans.

    Keep up the great work love linode BTW.

  37. Author Photo

    Never mind my last comment I found this.

    But is there a paid option if I need more than 10GB or 3 images ?

    Would be fantastic.


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