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BlogLinuxUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)

Temos o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade imediata do Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx). Esta versão do LTS está prevista para receber atualizações de segurança até abril de 2015. Como em todas as nossas distribuições, você pode implantar a versão 32-bit (recomendada para a maioria dos usos) ou 64-bit.

Se atualizar a partir de uma versão anterior de Ubuntu, você precisa ter certeza de estar executando o kernel "Latest Paravirt" ( ou Você também precisará editar seu arquivo /etc/fstab e adicionar a seguinte linha:

    dev /dev devtmpfs rw 0 0

Também temos trabalhado duro para atualizar nossa documentação da Biblioteca Linode para suportar Ubuntu 10.04, e freqüentemente lançaremos novos guias VPS para esta versão. Há também um artigo de atualização da Lucid que explica o processo completo de atualização.

Comentários (18)

  1. Author Photo

    Wow, that was quick. You guys rock!

  2. Author Photo

    Nice work dudes (and dudettes I suppose)… slicehost is still lagging behind and hasn’t said anything about the new LTS being available. Their people in the Chat room don’t know either (well not the ones that I chatted with anyways).

  3. Author Photo

    whoa. that was really fast. good work guys!

  4. Author Photo

    Nice! I’ll be knocking up a node to play with later today.
    @Chris I’d bet my money on at least another week for slicehost to catch up ever since they were bought out by rackspace it’s been a downhill spiral. Thats what I love about linode, not too many fingers in the pie!

  5. Author Photo

    That was quick. Keep up the good work.

  6. Author Photo

    What the heck took you guys so long?

    (Obviously I’m kidding. Thanks guys.)

  7. Deploying Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx via Linode API « HostingFu

    […] has just released their latest LTS, 10.4 “Lucid Lynx” today, and immediately Linode made it as an available distribution for deployment. Definitely kudos to team Linode there. I have actually been holding onto creating a […]

  8. Author Photo

    It looks like Slicehost didn’t take that long after all. They now have images available for 10.04 as well. I felt I should update my posting here so that they are not being falsely represented. I guess they were just playing coy with me or something!

    I do prefer Linode and I’m really hoping they take their Backup service out of beta so I can convince my boss to switch all of our VPS’s to Linode. There are so many other great features but the snapshot backup service is the real deal-breaker for us.

  9. Author Photo

    Excellent news folks!

    Well done for getting this up so soon after release.

    Many thanks.

  10. Author Photo

    Can you please clarify if this announcement is about the regular Ubuntu release or the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition? Or both?

  11. Author Photo

    Correction – I meant “regular desktop Ubuntu release”.

    Actually looking around in the docs it’s not clear anywhere that linode even supports desktop editions (like AWS)….

  12. Author Photo

    Good to see BOTH locations supporting their customers. Even though I am a Linode customer, they do a good job as well.

    Just wanted to point that out. I look forward to deploying the latest Ubuntu on my linode.

  13. Author Photo

    Awesome, thank you for that.

    Upgrading a few systems to 10.04 now

  14. Author Photo

    Nice work guys! Linode and Ubuntu rocks! Hey, what if Linode and Canonical merged? 🙂

    On the Desktop query, I installed the packages needed for running a desktop, I rarely do but it’s handy once in a while.

  15. Author Photo

    Thanks again Linode!

    Thanks to Phil Paradis’ “How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid)”.

    The new system is working fine.

  16. Author Photo

    There’s some drupal issues with PHP 5.3 as available in Lucid, it’s subtle and annoying.


    A fix

  17. Author Photo

    Why 32-bit is recommended?

  18. Author Photo

    After upgrade, do I need to change the kernel version listed in my Linode profile? Or OK just to leave as ‘’?

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