博客Linode介绍 Linode API

介绍 Linode API

我们刚刚发布了第一版 Linode API。 目前,它只有控制DNS Manager 的方法,但我们会不断添加更多内容...

要使用 API,您必须首先生成一个 "API 密钥",您可以在 Linode 管理器中的 "我的个人资料 "页面上生成该密钥。 API 尊重您所拥有的权限,因此您只能操作您有权访问的对象(授权系统已在上一版Linode 管理器中实施)。 目前已经有Python 和Perl绑定,未来还会有更多绑定。


评论 (6)

  1. Author Photo

    When iContact (icontact.com) did an API, one of our guys wrote a CPAN module to connect to it ( http://search.cpan.org/~icontact/Net-iContact-0.02/lib/Net/iContact.pm ) — I think it’d be cool to see Linode maintain the same thing.

  2. Christopher Aker
  3. Author Photo

    Been with you for a few months, the _ONLY_ thing that I thought was a pain was having to do the DNS manager thing manually. You guys rock!

  4. Author Photo

    A STONITH module based on this would be awesome for setting up highly available clusters.

  5. Author Photo

    So, guys, do you work on this now? I need an API to manage my vps’s programmatically, Slicehost already has beautiful one. But I don’t migrate my vps’ to slicehost)

    I found something like ruby api on the internet, but it parses html output..

  6. Author Photo

    OMG, ty ty ty :))


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