
Current Version: 1.1
Compute Service Level Addenda

Last Updated: 13 January 2021
Effective Date: 01 February 2021

This Service Level Addendum (the “SLA”) is attached to, and incorporates in the entirety, the Master Services Agreement by and between you and Linode (the “MSA”) and is immediately effective upon your use of any Service (the “Effective Date”). Capitalized terms not expressly defined in this SLA shall have the meaning found in the MSA.

  1. Applicability. This  SLA applies to each of Dedicated Compute, GPU Cloud Compute, High Memory Cloud Compute, Nanode Cloud Compute, and Standard Cloud Compute (each a "Covered Service"). 
  2. Uptime Guarantee. We guarantee 99.99% monthly Covered Services uptime (the "Uptime Guarantee"), provided, however, the Uptime Guarantee shall exclude all delays, disruptions, suspensions, or otherwise adverse effects to the Covered Services caused by a Service Exemption. 
  3. Maintenance Events. From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event). Linode will use reasonable efforts to attempt to minimize the impact of Maintenance Events, but shall have sole discretion in determining the need for, and scope of, any Maintenance Event.
  4. Service Exemptions.  A “Service Exemption” is deemed to occur when unavailability, delay, disruption, or downtime to a Covered Service is caused by:
    • A scheduled or planned Maintenance Event, provided that Linode has given the person or entity who created, registered, or maintains the applicable Account (the "Account Holder") at least 24 hours advance notice;
    • Factors outside of Linode’s reasonable control;
    • Use of any Service which is in violation of the Terms of Service, or applicable law;
    • Force majeure events, including without limitation, acts of war, acts of God, natural disaster, pandemic, utility outages, denial of service attacks, failure of communication lines and/or the Internet, and the occurrence of vulnerabilities or exploits which could not have been avoided with commercially reasonable care;
    • Customer software, equipment, or technology, and any interaction therein with any Covered Service; or
    • Third-party equipment, software, or technology, and any interaction therein with any Covered Service.
  5. Service Credits.  Subject to the Terms of Service and this SLA, the Account Holder may request a pro-rata credit for any affected monthly billing period in which we are unable to satisfy the Uptime Guarantee (collectively “Service Credits”). In order to be entitled to any Service Credits, the Account Holder must inform Linode Support by opening a ticket  (a “Service Credit Request”) within thirty (30) days from the end of the month in which the Uptime Guarantee was not satisfied. In each instance, a Service Credit Request must include a listing of the date, time, and duration of the Covered Service downtime experienced during the applicable month. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in delay or denial of Service Credits.