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BlogLinuxActualizaciones de Red Hat 9.0 - script de actualización

Actualizaciones de Red Hat 9.0 - script de actualización

Actualizaciones para las distros de Red Hat 9.0. La distro Red Hat 9.0 Small tiene ahora un tamaño mínimo de 670 MB.

Si ya ha implantado Red Hat 9.0 small o large, ejecute los siguientes comandos para actualizar el suyo:

# Eliminar algo de espacio desperdiciado (unos 60 megas más o menos)
rpm -e wireless-tools telnet-server hwcrypto yp-tools ypbind wvdial statserial slrn rp-pppoe pciutils apmd setserial hotplug irda-utils grub nss_ldap

rm -f /etc/ldap.conf.rpmsave

rm -rf /lib/modules/*

# Obtenga el gestor de paquetes "apt-get" para Red Hat
rpm -Uvh

# apt-get puede actualizarse a sí mismo
apt-get update

# actualice su sistema
apt-get upgrade

# Arreglar sendmail
/etc/init.d/sendmail stop
apt-get install m4
mv -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.rpmsave /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail
mv -f /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
mv -f /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
mv -f /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
/etc/init.d/sendmail start # Si se queja, repita el movimiento .bak anterior

# Generar nuevas claves SSH
/etc/init.d/sshd stop
rm -f /etc/ssh/*_key*
/etc/init.d/sshd start

# Actualizar procps (top, etc) - corrige un error de visualización en top
rpm -Uvh


Comentarios (3)

  1. Author Photo

    [root@li-94 root]# ./newscript
    usage: statserial [-n | -d | -x] [device]
    -n option disables looping
    -d option prints modem status as a decimal number
    -x option prints modem status as a hexadecimal number
    Default device is /dev/ttyS1
    ./newscript: line 4: nss_ldap: command not found
    rpm: no packages given for install
    ./newscript: line 10: No such file or directory
    ./newscript: line 13: apt-get: command not found
    ./newscript: line 16: apt-get: command not found
    Shutting down sendmail: [ OK ]
    Shutting down sm-client: [ OK ]
    ./newscript: line 20: apt-get: command not found
    mv: can’t stat source /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.rpmsave
    mv: can’t stat source /etc/mail/
    mv: can’t stat source /etc/mail/
    Starting sendmail: [ OK ]
    Starting sm-client: [ OK ]
    Stopping sshd: [ OK ]
    Generating SSH1 RSA host key: [ OK ]
    Generating SSH2 RSA host key: [ OK ]
    Generating SSH2 DSA host key: [ OK ]
    Starting sshd: [ OK ]
    rpm: no packages given for install
    ./newscript: line 34: No such file or directory

  2. Author Photo

    Ahh – You’ve got line-breaks where they shouldn’t be ..


  3. Author Photo

    yeah i copied and pasted – thanks for catching that – its damn late here.

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