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BlogRetePrezzi ridotti per la larghezza di banda

Prezzi ridotti per la larghezza di banda

I prezzi per la larghezza di banda aggiuntiva sono stati ridotti del 25-50%!

[*]10 GB = $10/mo
[*]20 GB = $20/mo
[*]40 GB = 40$/mese
[*]80 GB = 60$/mese
[*]120 GB = 80$/mese
[*]160 GB = 100$/mese
[*]350 GB = 200$/mese
Per prezzi scontati per volumi più elevati, contattare

Buon divertimento!

Commenti (3)

  1. Author Photo

    If you reduced the price 100%, that would mean you’re charging nothing for it. How do I sign up for *this* deal? 😆

  2. Author Photo

    I was just looking at the cost of adding additional bandwidth to my Linode, and the way it looks to me is that I can either pay $40 for an additional 40GB transfer, or $40 for another Linode 128 that comes with 50GB transfer, so am I missing something or is it cheaper to just get another Linode? Granted, this would require me to admin two boxes and load balance between them, so it might not be advantagous from a business prospective, but still.


  3. Author Photo

    I was just looking at the cost of adding additional bandwidth to my Linode, and the way it looks to me is that I can either pay $40 for an additional 40GB transfer, or $40 for another Linode 128 that comes with 50GB transfer, so am I missing something or is it cheaper to just get another Linode? Granted, this would require me to admin two boxes and load balance between them, so it might not be advantagous from a business prospective, but still.


    Basically Yes!

    There was a disscussion on the IRC chan about this along time ago.

    In the end it is up to you if you get another linode or just purchase the additional bandwidth, depends how long it will take you to admin two boxes and how well the load balancing will work.


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