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블로그 Linode (주) 판매용: 은퇴한 Linode 호스트 서버

판매용: 은퇴한 리노드 호스트 서버

아시다시피, 우리는 지난 몇 개월 동안 모든 호스트를 교체했습니다. 우리는 "기술 자산 회수" 회사와 인수에 대해 협의 중이지만 고객에게 먼저 제공할 것이라고 생각했습니다.

모든 하드 드라이브가 제거되었으며 레일 및 전원 코드가 포함되어 있습니다.

다음은 빌드 목록입니다. 관심이 있으시면, service@linode.com로 이메일을 보내 주시기 바랍니다. 배송비는 아래 가격에 추가됩니다. (참조, $50로 미대륙 횡단인 뉴저지에서 프리몬트을 가는 호스트 중 한 명을 얻습니다). 상자의 무게는 약 40파운드이며 34x24x9입니다.            

(수량 업데이트 11/09/07):

빌드 1: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-i.cfm]Supermicro 6013P-i[/url], Dual Xeon 2.40 GHz, 3GB RAM — 가격: $200.00, 재고: 0
빌드 2: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-i.cfm]Supermicro 6013P-i[/url], Dual Xeon 2.66 GHz, 4GB RAM — 가격: $250.00, 재고: 0
빌드 3: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-i.cfm]Supermicro 6013P-i[/url], Dual Xeon 2.80 GHz, 4GB RAM — 가격: $275.00, 재고: 0
빌드 4: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-i.cfm]Supermicro 6014H-i[/url], Dual Xeon 2.80 GHz, 4GB RAM — 가격: $325.00, 재고: 0
빌드 5: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-i.cfm]Supermicro 6014H-i[/url], Dual Xeon 3.00 GHz, 6GB RAM — 가격: $375.00, 재고: 0
빌드 6: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-T.cfm]Supermicro 6014H-t[/url], Dual Xeon 3.20 GHz, 6GB RAM — 가격: $625.00, 재고: 0
빌드 7: [url=http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-T.cfm]Supermicro 6014H-t[/url], Dual Xeon 3.20 GHz, 8GB RAM — 가격: $700.00, 재고: 2


댓글 (36)

  1. Author Photo

    anyone else in australia and want to buy them, want to do some combined shipping kinda thing?

  2. Author Photo

    Anyone in Holland to share shipping?

  3. Author Photo

    Are any of these systems VT enabled?

  4. Author Photo

    [quote:bb3bbddc84=”sweh”]Are any of these systems VT enabled?[/quote]

    No — all the hosts currently deployed are, but none of these.

  5. Author Photo

    This question is purely academic, but why are all drives removed? Is it to insure it can never be said the drives were not properly erased, still containing valid data? I suppose this type of assertion would be hard to refute, after the fact. Just curious…

    Hal Williams

  6. Author Photo

    Along those lines, yes. The drives are all removed and won’t be sold to ensure the security of data placed on them by our customers.

  7. Author Photo

    Another issue to consider: Would you really want to start up a production server using already-heavily-used drives?

  8. Author Photo

    At those prices I’m actually looking at getting a server for a desktop replacement!

    My only concern is the noise. I can deal with the usual soft hum of a big CPU fan, but I’ve heard some rack servers that sound like a jet engine.

    So 2 questions:

    1. Anyone know if these servers are quiet enough to comfortably use as a desktop-replacement?

    2. Is this a stupid idea and I should just go pick up commodity desktop hardware from tigerdirect/egghead/etc.?

  9. Author Photo

    1. Anyone know if these servers are quiet enough to comfortably use as a desktop-replacement?

    2. Is this a stupid idea and I should just go pick up commodity desktop hardware from tigerdirect/egghead/etc.?[/quote]

    1) My company uses pretty much the same supermicro boxes as an "appliance". They’re loud. I’ve got one in a closet / data center rack in another bedroom, and it is too loud even in the other room. They’re really good at keeping themselves cool though.

    2) They only have 8MB of video memory. So not good for anything graphics related.

    Not worth it for a desktop PC if you ask me…

  10. Author Photo

    [quote:740ac44af2=”petercrocker”]1) My company uses pretty much the same supermicro boxes as an "appliance". They’re loud. I’ve got one in a closet / data center rack in another bedroom, and it is too loud even in the other room. They’re really good at keeping themselves cool though.

    2) They only have 8MB of video memory. So not good for anything graphics related.

    Not worth it for a desktop PC if you ask me…[/quote]

    Thanks Peter! Hopefully a client of mine will move fast enough I can still pick one up for them.

  11. Author Photo

    [quote:3d976f98a1=”schmichael”]My only concern is the noise. I can deal with the usual soft hum of a big CPU fan, but I’ve heard some rack servers that sound like a jet engine.[/quote]

    These are of the jet engine variety. . . I can hear them screaming away through walls.

  12. Author Photo

    These are of the jet engine variety. . . I can hear them screaming away through walls.[/quote]

    Hi tasaro, I emailed service@linode.com a few days ago about getting one of the boxes. Have you guys just not had a chance to respond to the emails yet?

  13. Author Photo

    Half tempted to pick one of these up. Just built a new Frat house and am needing to setup some sort of network on the cheap.

  14. Author Photo

    [quote:55e0cd7de2=”petercrocker”]Hi tasaro, I emailed service@linode.com a few days ago about getting one of the boxes. Have you guys just not had a chance to respond to the emails yet?[/quote]

    To be fair, they got back to me instantly. Just a minor mixup.

  15. Author Photo

    Are these all physically in Fremont? I live near Fremont. If I wanted to buy some, could I pick them up instead of having them shipped?

  16. Author Photo

    They’re all in our Absecon, NJ office and would need to shipped from here.


  17. Author Photo

    [quote:2075751ba0=”caker”]They’re all in our Absecon, NJ office and would need to shipped from here.[/quote]
    Wow, Linode has an office? 😉

  18. Author Photo

    [quote:7c103d7141=”andersen”]Wow, Linode has an office? :wink:[/quote]
    Actually, yes. For the first time we’re all working in one place together and I’m pretty excited about it.


  19. Author Photo

    Hey, I shot of a request earlier today, are you out of any other servers since the last update?

    Thank you!

  20. Author Photo

    [quote:90304357b3=”Outlet”]Hey, I shot of a request earlier today, are you out of any other servers since the last update?[/quote]

    I’ll post another update tomorrow afternoon.


  21. Author Photo
  22. Author Photo

    I’ve ordered one of these.
    I plan on using it to play with UML at home.

    WIthout giving away any company secrets… what do you recommend for a distro to use for this server?

  23. Author Photo

    Mister Cake has told me before that they use CentOS as the host for their boxes.

    However, I’ve used xen with ubuntu/debian with success.

  24. Author Photo

    I never said that! Currently, we use Ubuntu on the hosts. Back in the day it was RH9.


  25. Author Photo

    Older hosts did use a base Red Hat 9 install but all current hosts are Ubuntu all the way.

    EDIT: Mr. Cake beat me to it :<

  26. Author Photo

    This sale of the older hardware is just another great perk of being at Linode. I don’t have a use for one this time around, but I hope that next time you’ll give us first dibs as well.

  27. Author Photo

    The company I work for (http://icontact.com) just snatched up 4 of these for our dev-land.

    Seriously good deal.

    $250 * 4 + $50*8 (160GB SATA disks) + $100 shipping/tax = $1500 for 4 servers.

    That’s insane.

  28. Author Photo

    [quote:05ac91bb1b=”caker”]I never said that! Currently, we use Ubuntu on the hosts. Back in the day it was RH9.


    My bad 🙁 I could’ve sworn you said that.

    My apologies for accusing you of redhatting. 🙂

  29. Author Photo

    I thought the 250 units used ATA/100 drives.. what SATA drives are you planning on using?

  30. Author Photo

    I thought the 250 units used ATA/100 drives.. what SATA drives are you planning on using?[/quote]

    You’re my hero for posting this. I read the wrong spec sheet!

  31. Author Photo

    Just two left. . .

  32. Author Photo

    We just got+installed ours. Good servers, but they sound like death is coming to "blow" us away. 🙂

  33. Author Photo

    Set it up as a home server (using Ubuntu, as you guys recommended).

    Already have UShare running as a media server, and setting it up as a backup system for my home machines and will probably get rdiff-backup going for the linode.

    The fans do help to keep the air moving in that room, but not that big a problem.

    Next I need to start playing with UML and the xfire web service framework.

  34. Author Photo

    We just tossed VMWare on them and are using them. Great stuffs :).

  35. Author Photo

    Are these still available?

  36. Author Photo

    The availability is listed on the first post of this thread (two of the Build 7s are still available).


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