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블로그 Linode (주) Linode 모바일 2.0

Linode 모바일 2.0

Linode Manager 모바일 앱의 주요 업데이트를 발표하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다! 이 릴리스는 iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android 휴대폰 및 Android 태블릿을 포함하여 iOS 및 Android 장치 모두에 대한 아름다운 새 디자인과 지원을 특징으로 하는 앱을 완전히 재작성한 것입니다.

Linode Mobile은 Linode, NodeBalancer 및 도메인 영역을 관리하는 도구를 제공합니다. SSH 및 Lish를 통해 Linode에 액세스하고, Linode 라이브러리를 탐색하고, Linode 계정을 관리할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 모바일 앱 제품 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

기존 iPhone 앱 사용자는 App Store에서 직접 최신 버전으로 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않으면 App Store 또는 Google Play에서 무료로 앱을 설치할 수 있습니다.

Linode 모바일 2.0을 현실로 만들 수 있도록 도와주신 WillowTree Apps에 큰 감사를 드립니다.



  1. Author Photo
  2. Author Photo

    Not compatible with any of my phones on the Play store… what gives?

  3. Author Photo

    Very nice! Though it doesn’t seem to recognize my “Linode 1536” plan (the field is empty). http://i.imgur.com/0xnvUP2.png

    Are there plans to support 2FA login? I was not asked for my code.

  4. Author Photo

    Edgeman, welcome to the Android ecosystem.

    It app seems to just work on my iPhone.

  5. Author Photo

    I have what seems like compatible devices (Nexus 4 and 5), but get “This item cannot be installed in your device’s country”.

  6. Author Photo

    Tried to install Android version, received “This item cannot be installed in your device’s country.”

  7. Author Photo

    Looking good with a modern design. The only thing I’d recommend is to make the .apk available for people to sideload.

  8. Author Photo

    Ryan: They’ve just locked it to a specific country, hence it’s not “compatible” with my devices located in Canada.
    Nothing to do with the so called “Android ecosystem”. iOS Apps can be region locked as well.

  9. Author Photo

    The Android app wasn’t set up for all countries at first. This has been corrected, but it may be cached on Google’s side for a bit. Sorry for the trouble. Enjoy!

  10. Author Photo

    This post says version 2.0, but the Google Playstore on both Nexus 4 and 7 says version 1.0?
    Are the rest of you seeing a 2.0 version?

  11. Author Photo

    John: 1.0 is the correct version on Google Play (this is our first Android release). Sorry for any confusion!

  12. Author Photo

    Thats sharp.

  13. Author Photo

    Amazing, really great job as always guys! 🙂

  14. Author Photo

    Looks great! My only “complaint” so far is that it bypasses two-factor authentication and IP whitelisting.

  15. Author Photo

    Any chance we can get support for multiple account logins?

  16. Author Photo

    Great stuff 🙂 Look forward to when 2-factor auth is implemented 🙂

  17. Author Photo
    Luís Pedro Algarvio


  18. Author Photo

    Very good,I wait for the android app long time.

  19. Author Photo

    It works perfectly on the Sony Xperia Z; and the ssh is fully compatible with juice ssh 🙂

  20. Author Photo

    This is nice, thanks! It’s a nice touch that the linode library is available in the side panel.

    The delete button is a little too prominent. It’s directly below tappable status graphs, and resize for example.

    I’m sure there is a confirmation dialog, but I don’t have the courage to try 🙂

  21. Author Photo

    I guess this doesn’t work with Two-Factor Authentication or Whitelisting, as I can’t log in.

  22. Author Photo

    What about Windows 8 and Windows phone support?

  23. Author Photo

    So If my phone gets stolen they can delete the linodes that I have?

    Why do Accounts that have Stats only access do not see any linodes?

    It would be awesome if we could set what kind of permissions the mobile app has, for example: Stats and reboot only, without all the resize/delete node stuff. Because I really don’t want anyone accidentally pressing the big red button, and confirming the delete…

  24. Author Photo

    +1 for making the delete button less prominent/scary.

  25. Author Photo

    Looking forward to 2 Factor support, and ideally a passcode on the app instead of going right into the signed in account.

  26. Author Photo

    second the 2-factor auth

    otherwise, it’s much prettier… 🙂

  27. Author Photo

    My feedback

    – no 2 factor auth (how it skipping that??)
    – delete button is HUGE and right next to softkeys
    – Wish we could control the permissions the mobile account has

    Otherwise love it!!!

  28. Author Photo

    I agree with @camper67 – the delete button is a bit to prominent in the design. I personally fret the day i accidentally mash the button and furthermore the ok action :/

  29. Author Photo

    Great new redesign! Couple thoughts:
    – Would be nice to have an option of not showing the delete button
    – Doesn’t need an API key or 2 factor auth? Yikes.

  30. Author Photo

    Like that possibility to control my linodes from android. Actually that is great to access all: linodes, jenkins, jira from mobile, and to work even if you are in transport etc.

  31. Author Photo

    GREAT JOB!!!! As if I needed a reason to be happier with Linode! Thanks!

  32. Author Photo

    Just tried out the new linode app on the iPhone.

    First thought was, “where do I enter the api code?” No api code required???

    The second was “omg look at that delete button!” As a point of reference, iPhone app deletes are usually only shown in “edit” mode or with a swipe. Check out the contacts app on the iPhone to see what I mean. You delete a contact by first entering edit mode for that contact.

    In the Linode app case, delete is always there and there is an edit mode which only edits the name. This should be where the delete button is located. Please… version 2.1?

  33. Author Photo

    Do you plan to release mobile app for Windows Phone? Thank you.

  34. Author Photo

    +1 for Windows (Phone) 8!!

  35. Author Photo

    Very nice, but I think it’s better to move “Delete Linode” Button to elsewhere, since it’s not really a common action, and it’s dangerous.

    A expandable panel may be a better solution, which hides the remove button.

  36. Author Photo

    Like the app – worried I’m going to accidentally hit delete

  37. Author Photo

    It’s amazing !!! but I too like to move “Delete linode” button to somewhere else.
    +1 for ”liuyanghejerry’ suggestion.

  38. Author Photo

    I like it but I can’t use it because there’s not a passcode much less 2 Factor. My password is really complex so I have to look it up each time. Other than that, this is a great app.

    Also, I like the idea (stated above) of app permissions. I’d be more comfortable going to the desktop browser to delete if needed or at least verify password on delete (it might but I didn’t try).

  39. Author Photo

    This is a great development.

    Same here re:

    – remove delete button from home screen (hide it away in edit options – and/or enable config of availability of options from desktop dashboard)

    – enable rsa_pub key (ConnectBot allows RSA keys for instance) + force password for lish (possible to leave session open and get straight in without having to log into the server).

    – remove the “remember me” and force login every time app is opened – security shouldn’t be about convenience.

    – Introduce session timeout for app (don’t want it running in the background 24/7).

  40. Author Photo

    Are there any plans for a Windows Phone 8 version at all? I would love to see a wp8 version of this coming out. 😀

  41. Author Photo

    App is nice and handy to have on my iPad… however it required me creating a less secure account to use it as the app doesn’t handle MFA enabled accounts. Would have been nicer if it used the API key to authenticate or offered you the ability to enter the MFA code.

  42. Christopher Aker
  43. Author Photo

    It’s sooooooooooooooo good, I was waiting the Android app for so long time!

  44. Author Photo

    Any plans to release a windows phone app?

  45. Author Photo

    it looks amazing. great work by linode team

  46. Author Photo

    Are there apk download links for those that don’t want to use the play store?

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