우리는 우리의 최신 기능을 발표 하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다: PayPal 통한 지불. 이제 PayPal 계좌에서 자금을 이체하여 계정에 크레딧을 추가할 수 있습니다.
모든 고객이 PayPal 사용하여 계좌에 자금을 지원할 수 있지만, 신규 고객은 여전히 신용 카드로 가입해야 합니다. 그 때부터 PayPal 사용할 수 있습니다.
이것은 우리가 아직 PayPal 자금을 자동으로 이체 할 수있는 능력이 없기 때문에 부분적으로입니다. PayPal 통해서만 결제하려는 경우 다음 송장을 충당하기 위해 Linode 계정에 충분한 크레딧을 제공해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면, 우리의 시스템은 당신이 파일에있는 신용 카드에서 남은 잔액을 수집하려고합니다.
PayPal 사용하려면 Linode 관리자에 로그인하고 계정 -> 결제 탭으로 이동합니다.
댓글 (17)
PayPal would be nice, but automatic payments are a must have! PayPal has a “recurring payment” scheme for that. Looking forward to seeing support for that!
Why not switch the whole system to Stripe?
Well, who say we can’t use a virtual credit card?
But this is definitely something better than AWS.
+1 for support of recurring payments using PayPal.
I’m located in France so my bank take a fee on all non-EUR payments made using my credit card.
Yeah, this is what I waiting for since 3 years ago. Good job!
@Ed What exactly would that achieve? They already accept Credit Card payments. PayPal is a completely seperate platform and doesn’t integrate with Stripe – they have nothing to do with each other.
I guess at this point the rumor you weren’t taking PayPal because your TOS allows things banned by PayPal was false. If that was the case, woudn’t CloudFlare have been banned from PayPal a lot sooner because they allow things not allowed by Linode’s TOS?
However, I take it I cannot yet use PayPal Subscription to keep my Linode paid up?
Will there come a point when I can use only PayPal, and get my debit card number removed from your systems?
@William That’s the first I’ve ever heard of that rumour and I’ve been a customer and active member of the Linode community since 2005. My understanding for Linode not accepting PayPal has always been purely a business decision. PayPal has an incredibly bad reputation for not offering businesses any real protection. PayPal has a very long and checkered history for suspending accounts and holding onto large amounts of money with little to no recourse available for businesses to try to overturn their decision or recover their funds.
I’d say Linode is still requiring new accounts to sign up with a credit card as a safety and verification measure in an effort to mitigate the risks of fraud. It also serves as a backup payment method when they run billing in the event that your account doesn’t have enough credit on it to cover an invoice. If you don’t want your credit card to be charged, it’s simple enough to just do a manual payment with PayPal to add credit to your account before invoices are generated.
Finally, what was delaying you guys from offering PayPal as a payment processor since the start? Transaction fees?
Thanks for bringing it.
Yeah, this is what I waiting for since 3 years ago. Good job!
wow great , this is what I waiting for since 4 years ago. great job thanks .
i still have not a credit card, fully support using paypal will be awesome!
You guys should create a uservoice for people to post ideas to…it would be funner than a forum and it makes customers feel more heard, at least I think so… cheers!
That’s a good idea! In the meantime please feel free to send your suggestions to feedback@linode.com as well, we read everything that goes into there.
This is awesome!!!
Buenas quiero comprar VPS , pero no puedo por que solo tengo cuenta Paypal
Por que no aumentan el sistema de pago por paypal, tal como lo hace digital oceam, el medio de pago es mucho mas rapido.
Please my request is please allow new user to sign up pay using paypal .. so thats is better and great if linode teams .. make this happen .