博客Linode现在处于测试阶段:LinodeCloud Firewall

现在处于测试阶段:LinodeCloud Firewall


今天,Linode 隆重推出Cloud Firewall 测试版;这一免费产品可让客户在其云基础架构上设置额外的安全层。

Cloud Firewall 通过在 Linode 网络层过滤流量,云防火墙提高了您对谁能访问您的网络应用程序或数据的控制水平。Cloud Firewall ,在云管理器中很容易设置。您可以在每个 Linode 上同时应用多达三个云防火墙。

Cloud Firewall 作为带有隐式拒绝规则的允许列表工作。启用后,默认情况下会阻止所有入站流量。只有符合配置规则参数的网络流量才能通过。如果没有设置出站规则,则允许所有出站流量。

Cloud Firewall 是进一步简化 Linode 上云基础设施管理的下一步。这项免费服务的设计基于一系列使用案例,具有极高的可扩展性,使所有 Linode 客户都能更方便地使用安全最佳实践。


Linode 正在寻求用户对Cloud Firewall 进行测试并提供反馈。该测试目前在我们的悉尼、孟买、亚特兰大和多伦多 数据中心进行。欢迎任何 Linode 用户参与,但您需要在其中一个数据中心创建资源。

Cloud Firewall 测试版适用于在测试版支持的数据中心拥有资源的任何客户。请阅读我们的 "添加和配置 LinodeCloud Firewall"指南,开始使用。Cloud Firewall 在测试版和发布后都是免费产品。

Cloud Firewall 将根据您的反馈意见,在未来几个月内进入全面可用状态,并推广到我们其余的数据中心。请关注我们的博客,订阅我们的月度通讯,或在 Twitter 上关注我们,以获得最新更新。


评论 (9)

  1. Author Photo

    Looks great! How will this work together with the managed Kubernetes? Will it allow to add all (future) servers from the cluster?

    • pwoods

      Hey Laurens – as this new product is still in beta testing, we don’t have a specific answer for how it will work with LKE. We’d love for you to try it out and share any feedback you have.

      Once we complete testing, we intend to roll this out to all data centers, though there isn’t an ETA on when or which data centers would be first.

  2. Author Photo
    Simon Bruce-Cassidy

    And here I was just about to contact support to find out how to set up firewall rules… Great job, humans! 🙂

  3. Author Photo

    great, what is the time frame for the NJ data centers?

    • Author Photo

      Hey Jeryl! We don’t have a release date for our other data centers just yet. But we’ll be sure to mention it on our blog when we have more information.

  4. Author Photo

    I was just about to contact Linode Support to see if they might plan on implementing an account level web-based firewall! We must be on some psychic wavelength, because here we are–it was just released!

  5. Author Photo

    Finally the most needed feature is here, just waiting for official launch.

  6. Author Photo

    It is worth noting: whether it can be officially released before 2021

    • Author Photo

      While we don’t have a specific date for this to enter into general availability, we encourage you to try it out in beta. We’d love your feedback.


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