博客Linode增强型Images 功能现已发布测试版

增强型Images 功能现已推出测试版


今天,我们将向所有客户和数据中心发布对我们的 Images功能的重大改进(测试版)。长期以来,我们一直支持开发人员拍摄映像快照,以便在 Linodes 上轻松提供服务,现在您可以通过云管理器、API 或 CLI上传您自己的映像,并利用每个帐户的扩展存储容量。

更新后的Images 服务大大降低了配置 Linode 的开销,使我们的客户能够充分利用Images 。即使您没有任何活动的 Linode,Images 也会被存储起来,因此,当您需要时,镜像总是可用的,并且可以部署到任何数据中心的任何 Linode 上。

Images 将在测试期间保持免费服务,并从 2021 年 9 月 1 日起过渡到每月 0.10 美元/GB 的付费服务。所有Images 用户都将提前收到 Linode 支持部门的变更通知,如有需要,您可以删除Images 。

自动Images 是删除 Linode 后生成的短暂恢复镜像,将保持免费。

Linode Image 目前支持上传原始磁盘映像(.img)文件,这些文件在上传前已使用 gzip (.gz) 压缩。上传图像的最大压缩文件大小为 5 GB。当Images 计费生效后,您将按未压缩的图像大小付费。

参与Images 测试版

欢迎任何 Linode 用户试用Images 的新功能。请阅读更新后的 LinodeImages 指南,了解分步说明,包括通过云管理器上传图片

我们计划继续改进Images 服务,因此请将有关功能或使用体验的任何反馈发送至https://www.linode.com/feedback/。如果您遇到技术问题,请开立支持票据,以便我们尽快解决。

评论 (8)

  1. Author Photo

    Improvements should be improvements and not breaking working functionality.
    I just started a couple nodes with existing images, and the nodes were created and started without expanding the disks to the plan full storage.
    So literally they had a root device having 1.7 GB with 0 free space.
    Who tested this release?

    • Author Photo

      Sandor Marton: When you deploy a Linode with an Image it does not automatically expand to its fully allotted disk space, but creates a disk that is equal to the size of the Image, therefor you need to perform a disk resize after you deploy. With that said, I’ve included your feedback in an internal discussion about this particular feature of our Images.

      • Author Photo

        I’m pretty sure the dashboard did resize automatically ( or maybe the old one did, since i didn’t use images for the past 4-6- months)
        Also there is no point to automatically start the node with an image sized disk, since disk will have zero available space and the OS won’t be able to boot properly.
        From my point of view there should be no difference between starting a node from a distribution image, and starting a node from my own image.

  2. Author Photo

    I think we should have an option to download the current image if it will no longer be free of charge.

    • pwoods

      We agree – this is on our radar to do soon, though I don’t have an ETA on when that feature will be available. Until that is ready, you can follow the following guide to download a copy of a Linode: Copy a Disk Over SSH

  3. Author Photo

    In this new beta I have a problem with uploading an image via Cloud Manager. Are there any instructions specifically for this process in the documentation?

    • pwoods

      We updated our documentation to include steps on uploading an Images. If you run into further issues, please open a support ticket with logs, error messages, or details that you encounter while attempting to upload your Image. These details will be helpful for us when we assist with troubleshooting.

  4. Author Photo

    This is weird. If you’re going to charge for the service, why the still quite tight limits?

    A 6 GB max is definitely a lot better than it was before, but it still may be fairly confining for some uses. I have a base image right now that’s just Fedora + application that comes to 4.5 GB. While my usage case fits well within the limit, if now the data is being paid for, why not bump it until whatever is the internal reasonable maximum?

    Also, .gz is an extremely old compression format. If you’re using it because of performance considerations, may I suggest zstd? It decompresses extremely quickly (about the same as gzip according to benchmarks), and achieves a much greater compression ratio.


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