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BlogLinodeDisponibile la distro Gentoo Linux 1.4

Disponibile la distro Gentoo Linux 1.4

Gentoo Linux 1.4, disponibile attraverso la procedura guidata della distro.

Ho "emerso" un filesystem Gentoo Linux 1.4 dalla fase 3, compilato e ottimizzato per >= Pentium4 (Xeon). Ammetto che potrebbe essere un po' grezzo. Un feedback sarebbe gradito.

Sito Gentoo:

Buon divertimento!


Commenti (3)

  1. Author Photo

    oh sweet.. ive been using this at home and i really like it.. thanks.

  2. Author Photo

    You == GOD

    I was sooo hoping someone would make gentoo images

  3. Author Photo

    I’ve always done my own gentoo installs so I might need a lil assitance with yours. if I try to emerge something is says

    !!! No profile directory; system mode unavailable.

    soo.. one must remember to do a emerge sync first just a note to anyone using this profile

    I’ve only spent a few minutes with this profile, but is there any server software installed? well.. one of the more attractive qualities of Gentoo’s install is its bareness, which is great for desktop building, but as far as servers go the way the image system is like on Linode.. it would be a great advantage to have a gentoo installation with preinstalled server software because emerging apache, php, mysql and anything else is a very time consuming processes. From a shared processing standpoint if you had a bunch of users compiling php and its 28 dependancies it would really bog down the systems. I suppose another weird option might be using the Binary CD’s somehow.. hrmm… just my 5 cents

    umm.. misc gentoo stuff (still adding):

    To Run Webmin:
    #>emerge webmin
    #>/usr/libexec/webmin/webmin-gentoo-init start

    #>emerge apache; emerge dev-php/php_mod
    NOTE: gentoo’s apache package will be the newish Apache version 2 so everything is changed to Apache2 for whatever reason.

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