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BlogLinodeLinode si espande in Europa!

Linode si espande in Europa!


Da tempo raccomandiamo ai nostri clienti europei i nostri datacenter di Newark e Atlanta, che hanno entrambi una latenza inferiore a 100 ms verso il Regno Unito. Tuttavia, non c'è niente di meglio che avere i servizi più vicini a voi e ai vostri clienti. Oggi, quindi, siamo orgogliosi di annunciare una nuova installazione di Linode a Londra, in Inghilterra, Regno Unito!

Questa nuova installazione si trova presso la modernissima struttura Powergate di Telecity Group(tour) con peering con molti provider ben collegati tra cui Deutsche Telekom, Interoute, Level3, PCCW-BTN, Telia e Tiscali. È possibile utilizzare la nostra pagina di speedtest per verificare la latenza e la velocità di download.

La nostra nuova struttura di Londra è immediatamente disponibile. Per migrare il vostro Linode esistente a Londra, aprite un ticket di assistenza. In alternativa, è possibile aggiungere un nuovo Linode di Londra al proprio account e clonare il Linode esistente. Quando si rimuove il Linode originale, si riceve un credito proporzionale per il tempo non utilizzato.

In risposta alle vostre richieste di presenza in Europa, abbiamo sviluppato questa iniziativa per molti mesi e siamo estremamente lieti di poterla rendere operativa oggi.

Commenti (133)

  1. Author Photo
  2. uberVU - social comments

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by derekbroderick: OMG! Linodes in London!

  3. Author Photo
    Matthew R. MacPherson

    Wow! I’m in Atlantic Canada, so the Newark spot made me happy, but it’s great news for all of those folks wishing for a London Linode. Great work! 🙂

  4. Author Photo
  5. Author Photo

    Awesome! I’m from Europe and today is my first day with Linode. I was going to go with Newark as I saw that you actually launched your London datacenter today! Now that’s service!

  6. Author Photo

    That’s a fantastic news for us, European customers!

    Thanks Linode for all your amazing work


  7. Author Photo

    It’s great! Just working on project in UK and was looking for server in UK.
    I’m a your customer and have one server in Newark, but was looking for same quality in UK.

  8. Author Photo

    Cool. We may have a use for one of these at work.

    It would rock hugely if you setup an Australian datacenter now.

  9. Author Photo

    Fantastic news. Well done guys 🙂

  10. Author Photo

    I’m sure a lot of people will like this.

  11. Author Photo

    I’ll post a ticket right away!

  12. Author Photo

    Congrats on the expansion guys — very happy as a customer from London =)

  13. Author Photo


  14. Author Photo

    This is fantastic news! Thank you so much for listening to us!

  15. Author Photo

    Will it be possible to get purchase prof that is acceptable by european (i.e. Polish) Tax Office?

  16. Author Photo

    Fantastic work guys! I look forward to migrating soon 🙂

  17. Author Photo

    This is great news! I am a UK customer so I’ll be opening a ticket soon.
    Are there any limitations? i.e no ipv6 (or 6to4) or IRC ?

  18. Author Photo

    1. no limitation on irc ports
    2. raid-10.
    3. same server specs as other datacenters
    4. no beta backup

  19. Author Photo

    This is fantastic news. At the company I work for, we’ve been struggling to find a decent VPS hosting provider based in the UK for a while now. I cannot tell you how much this is like music to my ears =D

  20. Author Photo

    Congratulations on this very important milestone, Linode. 🙂

  21. Author Photo

    Great news! Although I was very happy with our Newark VPS’s, it is a very wise decision and much appreciated!

    Keep up the good work

  22. Author Photo

    Very nice work, Linode. First the US, then the UK, THEN THE WORLD! Lol. No really, congrats.

  23. Author Photo

    So happy! Thanks guys.

  24. Author Photo

    This is fantastic news!

    My first London Linode is already deployed!

  25. Author Photo

    How can we tell how much capacity there is in the European datacentre?

  26. Author Photo

    Great! I’ll prepare the migration soon.

  27. Author Photo

    Great news! I’ve been looking to move my hosting to some one like you guys for months but this is the deal closer for me. I’ve been looking for a UK based vps with your service/feature set for months but now I can just move everything to you guys.

    Great move and keep up the good work

  28. Author Photo

    @rsclarke: Linode still doesn’t offer IPv6, but the London data center has a *great* connection to Hurricane Electric’s London IPv6 tunnel server.

    @Mark Dobson: as always.

  29. Author Photo

    Congratulations Linode and thank you!

  30. Author Photo

    @Mark: Have a look at to see how many spaces are left; however, don’t forget that we are deploying new hardware all the time, so these numbers change more quickly than you think.

  31. Author Photo

    I never though you’d actually ever do this. Thank you guys!

  32. Author Photo

    This is fantastic news, I’m migrating my Linode right now 🙂 Thankyou so much! You guys made it very easy to migrate too, and very quick responses to support tickets.

  33. Author Photo

    Amazing News! Only been with Linode a few days and have been really impressed with the service, had only one gripe and that was the ~100ms RTT. Who would have thought a couple of days later there would be instant availability in the UK. Keep up the outstanding work!

  34. Author Photo

    Thank you! Have already moved my server without a hitch, and it’s already great, thanks so much guys!

  35. Author Photo

    Been transferring for over 2 hours now, but unfortunately it’s now down to less than 1.5MB/s and nearly 7 hours left to completion. Oh well, should be done sometime in the morning.

    Thanks so much for providing this! 🙂

  36. Author Photo
  37. Author Photo

    I hope linode would have an Asian DC too! (Preferably South Korea or Japan)

  38. Author Photo

    I asked for the migration and got a response in 2 minutes. Impresive service, guys! The migration is over and everything is up and running again. Thanks a lot, and best regards from Spain.

  39. Author Photo

    Just migrate my site to UK 🙂
    It’s like order a pizza and wait!

    Nice job …

  40. Author Photo

    YEAH! Finally!!

  41. Author Photo

    That is great! Now if only Godaddy would use DNS to balance requests so that the european datacenter would get requests for the europoean visitors 🙂

  42. Linode VPS, welcome in Europe « Dariusz Cieślak's Blog

    […] VPS hosting company I’m using, just opened signups to new dataceneter in Europe. This new deployment is located at Telecity Group’s Powergate […]

  43. Author Photo

    Been transferring for over 2 hours now, but unfortunately it’s now down to less than 1.5MB/s and nearly 7 hours left to completion. Oh well, should be done sometime in the morning.

  44. Author Photo

    That’s great news! Expanding beyond USA to the rest of the world.

    Asian DC next? I have been waiting for many months…

  45. Author Photo

    This is fantastic news guys! Thank you so much!

  46. Author Photo

    I have been waiting for this for quite some time.

  47. · Linode expands into Europe!

    […] hosted in Europe, as Linode announced that they’ve opened a datacenter in London. Read their blog article here for more […]

  48. Author Photo

    Thanks, finally I can get even less latency to my server. It migrated from Newark successfully over night, taking just 1h45m (which is around 6.5 minutes/mibibyte).

    Once again, thanks for coming to Europe!

  49. Author Photo

    Thats awesome, welcome low pings!

  50. Author Photo

    I migrated last night. The support ticket was handled within a couple of minutes and the network speed increase is noticeable. I am now downloading files through ssh at 1.55MB/s where I was only getting 200KB/s from Newark.

    While you are waiting, make sure you change your DNS over to the new IP address.

  51. Author Photo

    Finally clever guys clever solutions. I luv linode!

  52. Author Photo

    About 30ms from Germany to London, versus 100ms to Newark. Really nice 🙂

  53. Author Photo

    w000t! Nice step ahead of the rest again!

  54. Author Photo

    Put a support request in for the migration – response inside 2 minutes, 10 minutes later server migrated and up and running in London 🙂

    Guys / Gals – awesome service, I’ve never seen anything like it!

    If the management read this I demand you buy them all beer + pizza / immediately! 😉

  55. Author Photo

    I’ve been waiting for EU/UK based Linodes ever since I signed up. THANK YOU! Excellent job guys.

    My employer also uses the Powergate Acton (West London) data centre. It is very new and indeed awesome 🙂

  56. Author Photo

    Fanastic! Hope some day i can have a linode in Hong Kong! Great Service!

  57. Author Photo

    “Our new London facility has immediate availability. ”

    I has immediate too!

  58. James Titcumb » Blog Archive » Servers Painlessly Migrated to London with Linode

    […] night I read Linode’s announcement that they have opened a new data centre in London, and jumped at the opportunity. I’ve been […]

  59. Author Photo

    Congratulations guys. You’ve gone from strength to strength. Can’t wait till you expand further and have an Australasian presence 🙂

  60. Author Photo

    Totally awesome news for us european customers! 😀

    You amaze me time and time again…

    /A very happy swedish customer

  61. Author Photo

    Awesome. Now we can stop using horrid OpenVZ solutions from other companies. 🙂

    Ordered, setup, and as always great.

  62. Author Photo

    Congrats on the expansion, next stop Sydney!

  63. Author Photo
  64. Author Photo

    Oh yeah, now this is what i’m talking about.
    Just got moved to London, Counter Strike:Source is now actually playable on my own server 😀

    Regards from Wales,

  65. Author Photo

    This is excellent. Will all payments remain in US$? (This is absolutely fine, just asking)

  66. Author Photo

    Can’t belive this! I came here to cancel my account because I needed to have VPS in europe. Then this news!!! OMG!! =)

    Linode is and will be the BEST!! Thank you guys!!

  67. Author Photo

    @Moses – It would be nice to see linode have a DC in Sydney but bandwidth here in Australia is a rip off right now.

  68. Author Photo

    Any chance of getting a data center in Australia? 🙂

    Pinging my current US-based Linode I get around 240ms ping.

  69. Author Photo

    Pleaseeee.. came to Brazil 🙂

  70. Author Photo

    This is beautiful. Linode is such a rare jewel, I’m even proud to be one of your customers.

    Congratulations on this new development!

    Once you guys get something in Asia (taiwan or japan?), I will officialy have to tatoo your logo… on my dog :-p


  71. Linode Blog » Linode expands into Europe! |

    […] More: Linode Blog » Linode expands into Europe! […]

  72. Author Photo

    I like the sound of a London Linode option, but my download from the Speedtest sight is coming in at sub-dialup speeds right now! Decent latency – 30-40ms – but 30+% packet loss on the Telecity side of LINX, so my download failed at 59kbytes after a couple of minutes at less than 1 kbyte/sec.

    I’d actually contemplated shifting the Linode I’ve had for about five years (in Fremont – back before Linode had any other DCs, I think!) to Newark to get the lower latency there, but changing IP addresses would be a pain.

    Having said that, I do have a UK virtual server now, but barely use it since it’s much less powerful (and more expensive!) than my Linode; replacing it with a second Linode might be good next month when it’s up for renewal…

  73. Author Photo

    I will be happy if you plan to Singapore 🙂

  74. Author Photo

    I booked one Linode here in the EU immediately. I’ve been waiting for this so long! 🙂

    ~35ms ping from my Linode to Hungarian servers. It is a huge improvement over those ~150ms ping times from the US.

    Keep up the good work!

  75. Author Photo

    You guys rock!

    <3 my linodes!

  76. Author Photo

    Great News!

    Would be nice to have one in Australia 🙂 data rates and ping times are a little slow to my current linode.

  77. Author Photo

    Great timing, it seems LINX went pear-shaped yesterday afternoon which was killing my download attempt! I’m getting 3.4Mbyte/sec on the London node now, 400kbyte/sec on Fremont, 700kbyte/sec from Newark and 290kbyte/sec from Atlanta. Moving could make sense…

  78. » Blog Archive » Cloud News : Linode expands to Europe

    […] Source : Linode Blog […]

  79. Moved to London! @ Kirya [.net]

    […] I haven’t moved myself, but my server is now hosted in the new Linode datacenter located in […]

  80. Author Photo

    Linode service is awesome. Thank you Linode.
    (When we’ll have one in Brazil?)

  81. Author Photo

    The next one shall be in Asia, probably Hong Kong?

  82. Author Photo

    Congratulations, Linode! How about Tokyo in a year or two? 170 ms ping time is too much. Looking forward to it! Don’t get scared by the language…

  83. Author Photo

    Great news! It ‘s good that we now have even more choice.

  84. Author Photo

    Cool! I signed up immediately!

  85. Author Photo

    Congrats and thank you, guys! Keep your nice work.

  86. Author Photo

    Very good move… I’ve often wanted a UK-based server but been put off by the lack of decent provision in virtual servers. No more!

  87. Author Photo

    Please note that the migration can take quite a while!

    Make your images as small as possible. I’ve experienced speeds of only 80KB/s so migration can mean a LOT of downtime.

    I love the fact that my servers can be in Europe now, but the estimate of a migration duration of 10-15 minutes/gig is not at all realistic.

    My first attempt (which was without shrunken disks and would have taken 28 hours to complete at 70KB/s!) was aborted after a cry for help on irc.

    Now it is sunday morning (I picked a time when the internet tubes would be relatively empty), but still get only 120KB/s.

    Please give a warning to the users that might want to migrate and do not underestimate the downtime!

  88. Author Photo

    Good job Linode! I would like to see expansion to Australia in future.

  89. Author Photo

    I already migrated my personal linode to London and everything is really faster from here (Greece). Even with decent transfer speeds, the latency slows things down when loading complicated web pages or reading mail through imap.

    I’m currently migrating a work’s linode with more than 2.5MB/sec speed. I really like the option to queue the migration’s jobs – migrate, resize, boot – so i don’t have to wait awake to boot the system. Not to mention the faster-than-light response to tickets….

    Great service! Thank you!

  90. Tom Asaro

    @Ger: seems there was/is a routing issue between Fremont and London causing the long transfer time. The average has been less than 10 minutes per GB.

  91. Author Photo

    FYI the IP’s for the UK linodes are coming back as US based incase anyone has issues …

  92. Author Photo

    For example on a GEOIP ( just shortened URL )

  93. Author Photo

    Will we be able to pay in UKP & Euros?

  94. Author Photo

    Unbelievably fast – I’m getting an *average* 9ms ping to my new London linode. It’s like it’s on my home network. Rock on.

  95. Author Photo

    Congrats Linode, would also love to see an Australian Datacenter come online sometime in the future!

  96. Author Photo

    Awesome! This automatically make my decision easier. I’m switching to Linode.

  97. Author Photo

    sealed the deal, was trying to figure out how to put our dev server in london and test+production linodes in the US, you guys just keep getting better

  98. Author Photo

    This is a great news.
    Any plans in India in the near term? For India focused sites – which DC is good?

  99. Author Photo
  100. Author Photo
  101. Author Photo

    I also would love an Australian data centre 🙂

  102. Author Photo

    Very good! I’ll be happy to see a data center in Turkey too 🙂

  103. Author Photo

    Please support Alipay like Godaddy does!

  104. Author Photo

    Good news! Congratulations!
    I would love to have it in Australia too. 🙂 I’m sure it would be a huge success.

  105. Author Photo

    Could you guys provide data centers in Australia? Now that’d be really great!

  106. Author Photo

    I just see this great news.


  107. Author Photo

    As an Australian user, I’d love to see linode in Australia. But in the meantime very happy with my linode 360 in CA for the 2nd year 🙂

  108. Author Photo

    Thank you. This is a really awesome move from Linode.

  109. Author Photo

    I’m in love with Linode… now even more!!! 😀

    Keep working hard guys 😉

  110. Author Photo

    This really is great news, if you have another centre in Asia (Singapore/ Hong Kong) then you would be complete.

  111. Author Photo

    Great news! I’ll be using it very soon.

    I hope you guys can manage to open another centre in Asia and South America as well

  112. Author Photo

    ping is 50ms from france

  113. Author Photo

    Great! Congrats! Any chance of a Hong Kong location in the near future?

  114. Author Photo

    You’re probably already tired from this step, but it would be great to see offerings in strategic places around the globe, such as South Africa, Australia, India China, or Japan.

  115. Author Photo

    That’s a fantastic news for us, European customers!

  116. Author Photo

    I was evaluating both linode and AWS for my project. Now that u have a datacenter in europe I have no more doubts!

    Cool! Congrats.

  117. Author Photo

    How to choose datacenter?

  118. Author Photo

    Haha, glad I’m not the only Australian wanting a local data centre. It’s like working over dialup when I SSH into the Linode US server (but with an uptime of over 1000 days I can’t really complain.)

    Wouldn’t really bother me about ‘expensive’ overseas traffic either, most of my traffic stays within AU. Still, there are some 10Gb links going in…

  119. Author Photo

    Awesome! I’m from Europe and today is my first day with Linode. I was going to go with Newark as I saw that you actually launched your London datacenter today! Now that’s service!

  120. Author Photo

    That’s a fantastic news for us, European customers!

  121. nginx+LAMP «

    […] python interpreter on the shared host I signed up for a small VPS slice over at’s London-server. It’s a small fee to pay to be freed of the restrictive nature of an shared host, totally […]

  122. Author Photo

    +1 in favour of a future expansion to Australia. You’ve got customers waiting for you here!

  123. Author Photo

    Please let Germany be one of the next 🙂

  124. Author Photo

    Odd as it may sound, a Canadian presence would be welcome too!

  125. Author Photo

    Anotehr (late) vote for expansion into Oz!

  126. Author Photo

    So happy! Thanks

  127. Author Photo

    very nice cool

  128. Author Photo

    We also require a Canadian data center. (data centre?)

    Because we have several Canadian organization and government customers and prospects who refuse to have their data hosted in the US because of the Patriot Act.

    In the meantime, what would the latency be like using the London data centre from various places in Canada, do you think? Do you have any stats?

  129. Author Photo

    I bought a linode because of this 🙂

  130. Author Photo

    This is fantastic news. At the company I work for, we’ve been struggling to find a decent VPS hosting provider based in the UK for a while now. I cannot tell you how much this is like music to my ears =D

  131. Author Photo

    We would also love to see linode in Australia however Tokyo has been a great improvement for us, which is awesome!

  132. Author Photo

    The Linode expansion into Europe, as highlighted in this article, marks a significant milestone in their commitment to providing high-quality cloud services. The strategic move to establish a data center in Frankfurt showcases their dedication to offering improved performance and accessibility for European users. This expansion reaffirms Linode’s position as a global player in the cloud computing industry.

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