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블로그스토리지Block Storage 이제 뉴어크와 댈러스에서 사용 가능

뉴어크와 댈러스에서 사용할 수 있는 블록 스토리지


우리는 블록 스토리지가 지금 사용할 수 있음을 발표하게되어 기쁩니다. 우리-동/뉴어크 그리고 us-센트럴/댈러스! 우리는 에서 가용성을 가질 것이다 EU-센트럴/프랑크푸르트 몇 주 이내에. eu-웨스트/런던, ap-남쪽/싱가포르그리고 ap-북동부/도쿄2 2018년 2분기 일정은 유지됩니다.

이전 게시물에언급했듯이 블록 스토리지 볼륨은 Linodes에 블록 장치로 표시되며 모든 블록 장치처럼 포맷및 장착할 수 있습니다. 이를 위해 많은 사용 사례가 있으며, 서비스를 활용하는 방법을 보게 되어 기쁩니다.

오늘 블록 스토리지로 시작하려면 블록 스토리지 제품 페이지와 시작 가이드를자유롭게 살펴 보십시오. 나머지 배포에 대한 업데이트를 계속 지켜봐 주시기 바랍니다.

댓글 (9)

  1. Author Photo

    I’ve been eagerly anticipating this! Glad to see it’s finally up and running, I’ll definitely be taking advantage of the service! Thanks a lot, Linode, you’re superb as always!

  2. Author Photo

    Still waiting for AP-South Singapore…

  3. Author Photo

    What’s your plans regarding the speed difference with DigitalOceans similar offering, that’s almost 10x as fast as Linode Block Storage?

  4. Christopher Aker

    > What’s your plans regarding the speed difference with DigitalOceans similar offering,

    We plan on deploying this to the remaining DCs, and then future generations of our block storage will be iterated on and improved, as expected. Thanks.

  5. Author Photo

    True story – I was just logging in to see if you added block storage yet… perfect timing! Will be using it asap

  6. Author Photo

    Still waiting for Singapore. I’ve been think of moving to DigitalOcean but I guess I will just wait.

  7. Author Photo

    Apart from being able to hotplug these, what are the differences between these and regular disk images?

  8. Author Photo

    Sophira – thanks for the question. These appear just like normal disk images, but offer a very right sized approach – provision and pay for the exact capacity that you need per GiB. You can dynamically resize up as well over time. There’s 3x replication for your data on our Block Storage offering too. Please feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions.

  9. Author Photo

    Ronnel – we’re making great progress on Singapore and should will have this available before the end of Q2 2018. We will have more to share on the progress there within 4-5 weeks.

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