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블로그 Linode (주) Linode, 마인크래프트 "쇼의 공격"

리노드, 마인크래프트 "쇼의 공격"


오늘 밤 쇼의 공격G4 TV 마인 크래프트에 대한 세그먼트를 특징으로합니다 - 당신의 많은 아마 이미 집착샌드 박스 건설 게임. 그렇지 않은 경우 체크 아웃해야 합니다. 마인 크래프트의 사이트 게임에 들어가는 방법에 대한 자세한 정보. Linode는 세그먼트에 대한 호스팅을 제공함으로써 참여할 수있는 기회를 제공받았고 우리는 기꺼이 받아 들였습니다.

Linode는 마인 크래프트 서버를 호스팅하기위한 환상적인 플랫폼을 만든다.  또한 마인 크래프트 SMP 서버를 빠르게 실행하고 얻을 수있는 리노드 마인 크래프트 스택 스크립트가있습니다.

이 에피소드는 오늘 밤 G4 TV에서 7-8 EST 사이에서 방송될 예정입니다. 지역 목록을 확인하세요!

댓글 (10)

  1. Author Photo

    Good on you guys for getting on board 🙂 I love it how you’re often involved in community projects, and always willing to lend a hand (and resources)! Much appreciated!

  2. Christopher Aker
  3. Author Photo

    +1 Linode.

  4. Author Photo

    It is really cool to see a small start up company be featured on national television. Keep up the great work Linode!

  5. Author Photo

    I setup a Minecraft server without the Stack Script 😀 It’s very heavy on Java resources though. I am running a Linode 1024 and a Counter-Strike:Source server uses up about 1/3 of my RAM, while Minecraft server uses all of it by default.

    That is kind of resource usage is outrageous for a game that looks like an 8-bit Nintendo game. You can scale it down to something with less RAM usage, but the server becomes kind of choppy at that point.

    Hopefully when they get to Beta they will work on optimizing the server to run on less memory.

  6. Author Photo

    What Linode plan were they given for that large server?

  7. Author Photo

    Good Job Linode! — It’s Good Once again to see you guys helping out a lending hand 🙂 Good Job ! +1 AAA JOB!

  8. Author Photo

    @Jason I realize that this is an ‘old’ thread, but you can’t possibly compare Counter Strike with Minecraft just based on its presentation. It’s all about what the game server has to track, and Minecraft has way, way more to keep track of than CS does.

    Plus, to be fair, Java (& .NET) tend to run higher in memory usage.

  9. Author Photo

    @Jason The new update really helped out with that. My server is using about half the resources as before.

  10. Author Photo

    I know this is a bit of an older thread but I just started playing Minecraft and it’s a lot of fun. Back when I had FiOS TV service I didn’t watch Attack Of The Show that much. Having it in standard definition only was kind of a drag. Luckily though I’m now a subscriber (and employee actually) of DISH Network where I not only have G4 in HD but a huge listing of other channels in HD as well.

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