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블로그Linode리노드, 이전 가격 절감

리노드, 전송 가격 감소

비용을 절감하고 규모를 늘리고 운영 효율성을 최적화하기 위해 열심히 노력함에 따라 당사는 고객들에게 이러한 노력의 이점을 전달할 수 있습니다. 사실, 우리는 자원을 추가하고 가격을 줄임으로써계획의 가치를 높이는 매우 오랜 역사를 가지고 있습니다.

이번에는 데이터 전송을 위해 가격을 다시 낮추고 있음을 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다. 2011년 9월 1일부터 모든 고객은 인바운드 데이터 전송에 대해 더 이상 요금이 부과되지 않습니다. 또한 선불 요금과 동일하게 전송 초과 요금을 절감하고 있습니다.

리노드 클라우드 서버 또는 노드밸런스러에 들어오는 모든 대역폭은 모든 시설에서 100% 무료입니다. 즉, 들어오는 데이터 전송에 대한 비용을 지불하지 않고도 Linode에 무제한의 데이터를 업로드할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 추가 전송(Linodes와 함께 번들로 제공되는 것 이상)을 지불하고 총 송금의 40%가 인바운드된 경우 이전 비용보다 40% 적은 금액을 지불하게 됩니다.

우리는 또한 그들의 전송 할당량을 통해 가고 에 대 한 지불 것 이다 벌금을 제거. 이전 '초과 요금'이었다 $0.15/GB 그리고 지금 선불 요금과 동일: $0.10/GB. 가격이 이제 동일하기 때문에 걱정할 필요가 없습니다.

클라우드 대역폭 가격(2011년 9월 1일 발효):

참고: 리노드는 전송과 함께 번들로 제공되며, 이 경우 전송 풀에 결합됩니다.

데이터 전송 이전 가격 새 가격 책정
인바운드 풀에서 공제된 다음 $0.15/GB 무료
아웃 바운드 풀에서 공제된 다음 $0.15/GB 풀에서 공제된 다음 $0.10/GB

우리는 당신을 감사하고이 당신에게 많은 돈을 절약 바랍니다.


댓글 (59)

  1. Author Photo
  2. Author Photo

    Well done! With this kind of support and service, I can see why so many people choose linode and I do not regret my decision to use linode one bit! Now if only linode would add a pay by the hour or whatever server option 🙂 then I wouldn’t need to go anywhere for anything ever again! 😀

  3. Author Photo

    This is a great step forward. Thanks!

  4. Author Photo

    Sweet! Thanks, keep up the awesome work!

  5. Author Photo

    Nice! I can see this being very very useful!

  6. Author Photo

    Jeez, this company just keeps giving and giving!

    This is just another in a long list of reasons why I love Linode. Keep up the good work 😀

  7. Author Photo
  8. Author Photo

    As always, thanks a lot and keep up the good work.

  9. Author Photo

    This is why I love you guys; a good deal of my transfer is inbound.

    Thanks again for all you do!

  10. Author Photo

    Linode is awesome, long live Linode!

  11. Author Photo

    Why do you make it so hard? For me to leave Linode? I find my happiness troubling.

  12. Author Photo

    Thank you guys, it’s much appreciated! Keep up the good work!


  13. Author Photo

    Wow, I love Linode.

  14. Author Photo

    Thank you, you are best

  15. Author Photo

    Cool! Thanks Linode team!

  16. Author Photo

    This is great news. I just had to upgrade my linode last month because I ran out of bandwidth.

  17. Author Photo

    Smart move! Good stuff.

  18. Author Photo
  19. Author Photo

    Expensive transfer rates are one of the main reasons why people stay away from Linode.

    Well done! I am happy to see these reductions in price 🙂

  20. Author Photo

    Wonderful, please keep up the awesome service and the excellent work! 🙂

  21. Author Photo

    I love you guys.

  22. Author Photo

    This is excellent news !

  23. Author Photo

    Fantastic, that is quite interesting in order to use several Linodes and have one (or several) of them as backup servers, because all inbound traffic would be free.

    Could you consider the traffic between linodes of the same user as free also? That would make outbound/inbound traffic from Linode to Linode free as well, and would be perfect for that task…

    Anyway, great news!!

  24. Author Photo

    Awesome! Thanks.

  25. Author Photo

    So, you’re saving us money and not f***ing us over?


  26. Author Photo

    Per usual, you guys are great! Thank you!

  27. Author Photo

    Great News !

    thank you !

  28. Author Photo

    @javipas As long as we’re talking about inside a single datacenter, anything on your private v4 IP, or that goes to another node in the DC using a v6 IP, is already free.

  29. Author Photo

    It’s reasons like this why I stick with Linode over others. They do these wonderful things that customers appreciate.

  30. Author Photo

    You guys are great! In hard times you cut us a break instead of sticking it to us like most others.

    Thank you!

  31. Author Photo

    This are great news! Great company!

  32. Author Photo

    This is awesome news! Thanks Linode! 🙂

  33. Author Photo

    Hi, this is great!
    As I use quite a bit of data transfer, I’m hoping this will save me 50GB or so, perhaps more.

    Thanks again, Linode and all employees, the upgrades are great!

    Gotta love Linode!

  34. Author Photo

    @akerl, thanks for the clarification, didn’t know that 🙂

    Even greater news then!!


  35. Author Photo

    Great Guys – as always!!!

  36. Author Photo

    Awesome 🙂
    Thanks for this Onam gift. Its Onam days here in Kerala, India. Happy Onam 🙂

  37. Author Photo

    Less to worry about is why I stay with Linode. Thanks!

  38. Author Photo

    thanks for this giveaway, appreciate it..

  39. Author Photo

    Gotta say, I’m very impressed with Linode so far… And this just makes things even better. 🙂

  40. Author Photo

    I love you by whole heart! Thank you very much.

  41. Author Photo

    I love bacon, but I love Linode even more! You guys never stop, and that is why you are MORE than worth every penny. Thanks guys, keep rockin’ in the free world!

  42. Author Photo

    You guys rock!

  43. Author Photo

    This is great! Long live Linode! Please don’t get bought out!

  44. Author Photo

    Thank you so much! Awesomes!!!

  45. Author Photo

    This is why people keep coming back to linode for vps services.

  46. Author Photo

    Thanks, Love you guys!

  47. Author Photo

    Woot! This is a welcome change. Not that I had much to worry about bandwidth wise (my VPS is used for experimentation and other linux work) but making it so I don’t get penalized when I decide to update the packages on it makes it better. Thanks!

  48. Author Photo

    If incoming bandwidth is now effectively “unlimited” is there any potential for resource hogs to create contention issues?

    Is incoming bandwidth subject to the default throttle of 50Gbit per account?

    I’m just curious how Linode would ensure our incoming bandwidth can’t be tied up by other accounts. I don’t know a lot of technical details about how all this works though.

  49. Author Photo

    <3 Linode 😀

  50. Author Photo

    You guys ROCK! This is perfect. Just when I thought EC2 was getting cheaper, you guys matched up! 🙂

  51. Author Photo

    That means I’ll upgrade my Debian box way more often

  52. Author Photo

    Wow! you guys are AWESOME! This is going to make our business cost much more competitive. Thank you very much guys!

  53. Author Photo

    I’m glad I made such a great decision in choosing Linode as my hosting provider. You guys are amazing!

  54. Author Photo

    You guys are amazing! Thinking of getting a 1GB linode now.

  55. Author Photo

    I’m floored… Are you a real company or just some rich guy that likes to give stuff way? 😉

  56. Author Photo

    I’m planning on moving to linode soon, this is great news for me as I am actually looking for more bandwidth.

  57. Author Photo

    Brilliant to hear!
    Looked into Linode cloud services a few months back and have only just come across this, certainly makes Linode a front running contender for my services!

    ~ Jamie

  58. Author Photo

    Thx for the good service. We’re happy camper so far.

    One question – we currently have 3 nodes in different DCs. Do you calculate traffic between nodes?


  59. Author Photo

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