리노드가 출범한 지 8년이 지났다는 것은 믿기 어렵다. "그가 하는 일을 사랑하는 사람은 인생에서 하루도 일하지 않을 것"이라는 오래된 속담은 무엇인가? 아니면 "즐거운 시간을 보내고 있을 때 시간이 날아간다"는 것은 어떨까요? 글쎄, 나는 확실히 둘 다의 진실을 증명할 수 있습니다. 나는 이것을 믿고 모든 사람을 위해 그것을 원한다 - 특히 Linode 직원. 팀의 모든 사람들이 개인의 복지와 회사의 이익을 위해 자신이 하는 일을 사랑하는 것이 중요합니다. 우리는 리노드에 대한 저의 열정을 공유하는 재능 있고, 열정적이며 열정적인 사람들을 찾을 수 있어서 매우 행운이었습니다. 이 사람들은 모두 그들이 하는 일을 사랑하고, 그들은 당신을 위해 그것을 합니다.
거의 10년 전인 2002년 말, 리노드에서 일하기 시작했을 때, 제가 확실히 알고 있는 한 가지는 성공이 될 것이라는 것을 알고 있었습니다. 그 당시의 성공 의 척도는 Linode의 현재 현실보다 훨씬 겸손했고, 여전히 우리가 지난 8 년 동안 성취 한 것과 직원의 삶에 얼마나 많은 변화가 Linode에 빚지고 있는지에 대해 놀랐습니다. 사람들은 전국에서 이곳으로 이사하고, 관계를 구축하고, 결혼했으며(한 번의 의식은 *AT* 사무실로 수행됨) 자녀를 낳고 가족을 양육하기 시작했습니다. 팀원들이 성취한 개인적, 직업적 업적을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
지난 12개월 동안 40,000명 이상의 고객으로 성장했으며, 지난 12개월 동안 140%의 수익을 올렸습니다. 이는 9개월마다 두 배로 증가한 것입니다. 직원 수를 두 배로 늘렸습니다. 우리는 관리 되는 백업 서비스를 구체화, 조용히 완전히 개편 된 Linode 관리자 인터페이스를 발표 하 고 API , 미국과 유럽 전역의 다섯 시설에서 네트워크 용량을 업그레이드하고, IPv6 기능에서 상당한 진전을 이루었으며, 수많은 Linux 및 F/OSS 컨퍼런스를 후원할 수 있었으며, 400개 이상의 가이드와 방법 투에 대한 Linode Library 문서 프로젝트를 구축했습니다. 우리가 축적한 모멘텀과 우리가 움직이게 하는 계획이 향후 12개월 동안 또 다른 풍성한 업적 목록을 얻을 것이라는 것은 의심의 여지가 없습니다.
우리의 성공을 축하하는 것은 당신, 우리의 고객을 포함한다. 생일을 기념하여 모든 플랜에서 디스크 공간을 +25% 늘리고 있습니다. 이것은 새로운 및 기존 Linodes 모두에 사용할 수 있습니다. 새 공간을 활용하려면 이미지를 클릭하고 새 크기로 입력하여 기존 디스크 이미지의 크기를 조정할 수 있습니다.
좋은 한 해를 주셔서 감사하고 업그레이드를 즐기십시오!
크리스토퍼 S. 에이커
리노드 설립자 겸 CEO
댓글 (125)
Woohoo! thanks linode! I was waiting for this. I wish you guys celebrate your anniversary every month 🙂
Thanks guys. Long live Linode 🙂
Thanks! keep on rockin’
Brilliant! You can never have enough disk space 🙂
Happy Birthday, Linode! And thanks for the cake! … um I mean space! 🙂
Awesome! You guys continue to rock. 🙂
Congrats! 🙂
Congrats on your success! And thank for the upgrade.
Very Congrats!
Thanks Linode! Happy Birthday! I love that the customers always seem to get the birthday gifts 🙂
Congratulations Linode! Keep up the great work, and here’s to many excellent years to come. Cheers!
Thank you, and happy birthday !!!
Happy birthday! Still the best VPS host by a mile.
Congrats guys, you deserve it.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Linode,
Happy birthday to you!
I can’t help but feel you’ve got this the wrong way round, though. Surely we should be giving you gifts on your birthday? Not the other way round!? Hell, I won’t complain! 😛
Cheers guys!
Thank you. Happy birthday and congratulations foryour great company.
Congratulations, and thank you very much for the upgrade!
Congrats and thanks for keeping up the great service! I love you, Linode <3
You launched on Captain Picard Day….. thats a good sign!
Congrats Chris & Everyone at Linode!
You guys still provide one of the best experiences I’ve had to date and my +500 days of uptime proves that in itself. Since my node last booted you guys have given us two disk space increases and a ram increase. Even without those, it was great back then and it looks like it will continue to be.
Keep up the great work!
Congrats, and I’ve no doubt there will be 8 more fruitful years for you guys. Your services are amazing – no problems, no excuses, just great service.
Happy birthday! You are the best hosting provider in all aspects, thank you that you exists 🙂 I love Linode.com ! I’m so happy that I found such awesome VPS hosting.
Happy Birthday to the best hosting provider I’ve ever used.
Grats and thanks for the upgrade and always being stable 🙂
Woohoo! Thank you and Happy Birthday! 😀
Happy Birthday Linode – The best hosting provider i ever have tried – Keep up the good work! – Thanks for the diskspace :-)!
I was just looking at the Linode manager and wondering why I was only using 80% of my allocation.
This explains that 🙂
Now I need to figure out why cpu usage suddenly plunged downward.. not that it’s a bad thing 🙂
Thank you and Happy Birthday!
Cheers… 😀
Excellent! Happy birthday!
You’ve built a great company. You should be proud. It’s one of the best customer experiences I’ve had.
You know, you guys rock. Thanks, the extra space comes in handy from time to time.
When I first came to Linode, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I came from the shared hosting world and had experimented for a month with Slicehost, which didn’t really catch my attention. I’ve been amazed to see Linode grow the way it did and feel very lucky to have found them.
Thank you for all your hard work, for the bonus space, and for everything else.
You guys are the best.
Happy Birthday! 🙂
Oh this is paradise! Thank you Linode! And Happy Birthday 😀
Congratulations on eight years. If you keep up this level of customer satisfaction, I’ll be right here wishing you happy 16th. Cheers to all involved.
Congratulations, here’s to the next eight and thank you!
Your success is well deserved. Happy to be a customer and the bennies such as free RAM and disk upgrades every now and then is awesome!
Thanks caker!–I’ve been checking the blog lately to see what the latest anniversary deal would be, and am not disappointed! 🙂 Keep it up with the excellent service. Happy anniversary!
Happy birthday, you’re great!
Happy birthday Linode! Awesome present, I think I’ll switch to a full time customer now after testing the water for the last few months.
<3 <3 <3
Awesome surprise! Happy birthday guys!
Best VPS service. Congrats on your success and thanks!
man, you rock so much …
Oh my freakin’ word! You guys just keep making it better. I’ve never had a moment of regret choosing Linode. Stuff like this is icing on the cake! Congratulations on 8 amazing years, and here’s to an infinite number more!
Thanks for a great service and congrats on building an excellent company!
You guys rock! Keep doing what you’re doing 🙂
Congratulations! I’m proud to be a Linode customer, the best customer service ever, and such a reliable service. So many great features too, and so easy to use. The Linode Library is fantastic as well. I’d recommend Linode to anyone (and I do!) Here’s wishing Linode a fantastic future, I’m definitely a life long customer.
Happy birthday linode! Truely an amazing service and crew.
Wow fantastic thanks a lot Linode. Here’s to another 8 years eh?
Congratulations to all Linode team!!
Thank you guys for the great service and everything that you do that makes Linode amazing! Happy Birthday!
Congrats guys, I love to hear stories like this. Keep up the good work!
As the official grumpy old man constantly whining about disk space in the Linode forums, let me also say thank you very much. May I suggest making this a yearly increase?
Oh Linode, how we love you!
To be successful doing something you love, and have customers love you in return. You’re livin’ the dream guys!
This is just amazing!
Wonderful job Linode Team!
Awesome, thanks 🙂
Congrats Linode, the service is great and I hope you’ll be there and relevant 8 years from now. And thanks for that 25% !
Will the extras/add-ons pricing for storage be reduced in price as well?
Happy birthday and thank for this great upgrade.
Congrats + thanks for great top notch service.
Great news!! I hope someone over there considers this idea as well: Have a network attached storage device that lets you borrow a bit of space for say 24 hours, for a small fee that gets tagged on to your bill. That way when your linode is getting full, you could still back it all up. I don’t want to pay for a backup service, and often I’m so full I can’t write out a tar file to download. Resizing and downsizing is also a pain with downtime. I think it would be fairly easy for you to implement and would be a new revenue stream as well.
Wonderful job Linode Team!
Congratulations & happy birthday linode!
Yes! I’ve been hanging out for this for about 4 months 😀
As usual, you guys rock. Pretty much a permanent customer right here.
Happy birthday linode!
wowie!! you guys really really rock!!
Keep up the good work, and bon anniversaire !
Whoo hoo!
what a happy surprise. thanks! and a happy birthday to you, linode!
happy birthday Linode! I’ve been happy with you guys for the last two years. wish I was here when it started.
thanks for all the disk space!
Great job lads & happy birthday 🙂
You made the best hosting I knew ever!
Congrats for you success..
Long live Linode 🙂
Thanks for the upgrade (again). I hope to be around as a customer for the next 8 🙂
Thanks very much guys! Happy Birthday!
You are doing great job, I am happy user myself and I wholehearteadly recommend you whenever I have an opportunity.
Big up! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! Great job!
I love it when you do this.
[…] Hosting: Linode ($20/mo) How we use it: We are only running one instance currently and it’s actually live at tutorwith.me but there isn’t much there today besides a form to collect emails of people interested in participating in the beta. We are in the process of setting up a staging area that is internal only at live.tutorwith.me so that we can see how the next version that we will push to all users will look like. This way we we can hammer out bugs before they are visible to the public. Why we chose it: Having tried many VPS solutions out there including but not limited to Rackspace, Media Temple and Amazon EC2, Linode is the clear winner in terms of performance for the price you pay. They were also very generous recently and treated everyone with a + 25% disk space for their 8th anniversary. […]
kind guys, nice team, great job.
Happy birthday
Hi, Linode,
Thank you.
Brilliant! You guys are rock stars!!
You guys just can’t be beat! You keep extending the bar even more.
Thank you!
Long life Linode! Great work, keep up.
Awesome! Big thanks… and happy birthday!
Congratulations. You guys and gals are superb.
Thank you.
Congrats! And thanks for the upgrade! 😀
Thank you, Linode. Your success is well earned.
Great! Happy Bday Linode!
Congrats and thanks for the superb upgrade! best giveaway (25% increase in diskspace)
i stupidly looked elsewhere once upon a time for hosting..
and i came to realise that nothing compares!
thank you for being so fantastic at what you do.
happy birthday!
Props and Grats!
Hi Chris,
Congratulations on the anniversary. While your growing customer base and profit is a measure of success I think the real measure is how many original customers you’ve retained! and how you get most of your referrals by reputation. I started off in 2003 with you on my own personal virtual and now in my job I’ve influenced several decisions regarding hosting so throughout the group of companies I support we probably use at least 10 linodes 🙂
I’m a little late to the party but thanks guys, this is a great treat!!!
Happy birthday! Thanks for providing a rock solid service! Thanks for the gift of extra space. Y’all are amazing!
Happy birthday guys and thanks for the great service!
You guys are ridiculous… ridiculously cool. Thanks!
This is a late notice for me, not sure how I missed it, but found it at the right time with storage issues on my end. Thanks for celebrating your awesome growth, success and a slice of the anniversary space cake.
Thank you so much (and here I was thinking of shuffling my partitions a bit cause I needed more space in one of them). 😀
linode rocks.
[…] Linode just upgraded their customer’s disk space by 25% as it’s their 8th birthday. Happy Birthday Linode! […]
Thanks guys,
As a newbie to anything Linux (Since January 2011) you guys have converted me to Linux which I love, because i use Linode off course.
Keep up the great work and thanks for the extra space.
This is really great guys.
Thanks and happy anniversary.
Thank you very much, Happy Birthday and keep the outstanding service
Happy Birthday !
and thanks heaps,
You folk are AWESOME! 😀 Keep up the amazing work!
Happy birthday and thank you !
ah ah ah I was thinking to had been stoned or whatever, figure it “I resized my disks and can’t remember when, or WHY?!”
then realized that there was much more space allotted and *dang!* checked the news 🙂
thanks for this, and for the great service!
this is a great treat!
thanks very much….
Patrick: Not sure how I missed it either – but I’m happy – and thankful that Linode takes care of their customers. I’ve been SO happy since I signed on a little over a year ago. This upgrade in disk space coincides quite nicely with a minor adjustment I’m making on my shared (Linode) servers that I manage – doing some upgrades, and reconfiguring some things while adding some redundancy to the mix!
Happy birthday and many more years to come !
Congratulations on your achievement and thanks for the extra disk space! Linode is unparalleled and I thank my lucky stars I found it for my business.
Well, I logged into my Linode account today after months of not paying it any heed … (that is actually a very GOOD thing — how many providers out there are so unstable that you are checking their site every other day for problems? Not so with Linode, I could go away for a year and everything would still be ticking!) … and got a VERY pleasant surprise! A pile of extra breathing room! First it was extra RAM… now extra DISK! Linode, you rock, happy belated birthday greetings too! Going to go add another two years right away! 🙂
Thanks!! Linode is the best
Thank you Linode. Great service and value!
THANK YOU! i will continue to be loyal customer for a very, very long time.
Very awesome. Happy Birthday Linode! 🙂
Awesome, Happy Birthday.
I love you guys.
Just when I needed those extra GBs … Simply rocks… I try my best to give similar service to my customers too, where they dont have to worry about my service …Rock solid …. Cheers,
Happy Birthday ! Linode truly rocks. We’ve been with you for a couple of year now, and we tried pretty much all the competition out there. Linode comes first each and every time and on pretty much every front.
You don’t brag about having “fanatical” support, but it’s simply the best out there, and by far. Quick response time, professional, knowledgable.
Your server offering is great, with a choice of data centres, an API, really nice interface and an iphone app.
What more can we ask for?? (well, there are a few things on the roadmap I’m sure), but to be honest – Just keep up the good work. No fancy stuff. No bells and no whistles. Just solid hosting that works !
I don’t want to complain, I love linode and have been using it for about 2 years.
However, recently I’ve had offers from local hosting providers that beat you on price, and this is high-priced Switzerland we’re talking about.
For instance 1.5GB RAM cost as much as 768MB linode. A 3GB instance scost me as much as a Linode 1GB. The rest of the features is comparable.