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블로그LinuxFedora 13 및 Slackware 13.1

페도라 13 및 슬랙웨어 13.1

우리는 배포판 템플릿의 두 가지 새로운 세트의 출시를 발표하게되어 기쁩니다.

페도라 13 – 페도라의 릴리스 노트는 여기에서사용할 수 있습니다.

슬랙웨어 13.1 – 슬랙웨어의 릴리스 노트는 여기에 있습니다.

이러한 배포판에 대해 32비트 및 64비트 이미지를 모두 제공했으며 배포 마법사를 통해 사용할 수 있습니다.

댓글 (6)

  1. Author Photo

    Woot! Linode keeps rocking out the good stuff! Good stuff guys. Fedora I’ll use on the occasional project, and I don’t use Slack at all, but I know folks who do. Time to hit them again to move to where the service is unmatched – Linode!

  2. Author Photo

    I know that the slack crew are few and far between but.. being a slack guy myself.. one of the main reasons I have accounts here is because of slackware the other vps I’ve looked into do not have slackware

    so big thanks to you folks for having it and keeping up with it.

  3. Author Photo

    I second that. Many thanks for the Slackware love.

  4. Author Photo

    I also use Linode specifically for Slackware! Thank you so very much! I need to upgrade my existing super-stable 10.1 server someday, but after having 500 days uptime, etc, I find it hard to mess with. 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    Great to hear about Fedora 13! Nice, stable and more professionally manageable than certain others that will remain nameless 😀

  6. Author Photo

    Yay for slackware and Yay to linode for having the cojones to offer it! The lack of slackware almost every place else has been bothering me so much for so long that I ha to write a post about it.. Whenever I see a hosting compant that doesn’t offer slackware, it always seems like I can detect the smell of warmed-over windows wienies coming out of their server room.. Or maybe its just me..

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