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BlogLinuxAtualização gratuita para Linode 96, ajude a testar o Host4

Atualização gratuita para Linode 96, ajude a testar o Host4

Estou à procura de 10 a 15 almas corajosas, er, clientes existentes da Linode 64 que estão atualmente no ThePlanet e que estariam dispostos a migrar seus Linodes para o Host4. Ao mesmo tempo, você será [b]atualizado para o plano Linode 96 de graça[/b] - você [b]continuará a pagar os preços do Linode 64[/b].

O Host4 estava rodando abaixo do kernel 2.4.21 há algum tempo e, como todos sabem, experimentou bloqueios ou mortes silenciosas, onde nenhum kernel oops seria impresso, etc. Isto dificultava a depuração do problema. Eu atualizei a máquina para um kernel muito mais recente e tenho martelado nela (rodando alguns fios "[url=http://members.optusnet.com.au/ckolivas/contest/]contest[/url]" para gerar carga) e até agora tudo bem.

Aqui estão as condições:

[lista][*]Migrar você para o host4, atualizar você para Linode 96 (não são necessárias alterações em sua extremidade, manter os mesmos IPs, sistemas de arquivos, etc.)
[*]Você recebe um Linode 96 pelo preço L64.
[*]Se tudo correr bem (digamos 60 dias sem problemas), então você pode ficar no host4 e desfrutar de seu Linode 96 com desconto.
[*]Esteja ciente de que isso significa que você aceita a possibilidade de paralisação devido a reinicializações
[*]Se houver problemas com o congelamento do host4 novamente, seus antigos slots permanecerão reservados para que você possa voltar para
[*]Se houver problemas, você pode desistir a qualquer momento
[*]Se tivermos que deslocá-lo de volta, você estará de volta ao plano Linode 64, mas você pode manter seu espaço extra em disco gratuitamente.
[*] atualização: XFER permanecerá em 25 GB
[O que vocês acham? Se você estiver interessado, envie uma resposta aqui e eu entrarei em contato com vocês dentro de alguns dias.


Comentários (25)

  1. Author Photo

    I think this is a wonderful idea. I know I would be happy to migrate my linode with the risks mentioned. As my linode is only a test system I am more then happy to cope any downtime needed.


  2. Author Photo

    I’d be happy to volunteer. My linode does my backup MX and backup DNS, so I can deal with problems that arise.

  3. Author Photo

    Hey, I’m up for a try, too. Currently, I’m not putting a great demand on my linode — mostly using it as a mail-server — so possible downtime isn’t much of a problem. This will change in a couple of months, however.

  4. Author Photo

    Go ahead and sign me up, just put some directions up on exactly what we need to do.

  5. Author Photo

    I’ll volunteer….just let me know what to do

  6. Author Photo

    i’ll be glad to be a guinea pig, as briefly discussed by email.

  7. Author Photo

    Please sign me up as well. I only run a personal site on the lindoe account for email and some web development stuffs.


  8. Author Photo

    I’d certainly be up for it 🙂


  9. Author Photo

    sign me up

  10. Author Photo

    [quote:c13f3f2642=”caker”]I am looking for 10 to 15 brave souls, er, existing Linode 64 customers who are currently at ThePlanet that would be willing to migrate their Linodes to Host4. At the same time, you will be [b]upgraded to the Linode 96 plan for free[/b] — you will [b]continue to pay the Linode 64 prices[/b].

    Sign me up!

  11. Author Photo

    If I’m not going to lose any files and IP will not change then sign me up.:-)

  12. Author Photo

    Another volunteer here – I’m currently on Host1. I use my linode for testing/playing around – so down time is no big problem.


  13. Author Photo

    Sign me up for it too 🙂

    I’ll gladly help out testing, and as long as my ips/diskimages will keep intact some downtime won’t be a problem.


  14. Author Photo

    I’m interested too 🙂

  15. Author Photo

    Slots still open? Please count me in as well. 😀

  16. Author Photo

    [quote:84e1e28cf7=”caker”]I am looking for 10 to 15 brave souls, er, …[/quote]

    You can move my linode over. I’m generating sporadic loads, using the linode as a build server.

  17. Author Photo

    I’m willing to sign up as well 😉

  18. Author Photo

    If theres still room i will transfer too.

  19. Author Photo

    I’ve setup the migrations for the first group of people. If you don’t see the migration when you log into the LPM, it probably means we had enough people already. But if you didn’t make the cut I still might contact you if things go well and we need a few more people to load the server.

    Please don’t reboot your Linode or resize your images until AFTER you migrate to host4.

    After the migration your account will say “Brand New” — that will go away after you boot your existing profile for the first time.


  20. Author Photo

    Hi Chris,

    I have just mirgated my account to host4. After the mirgation, is there any specific tasks that you are looking for to help testing out the server? ie: Should we increase our apache/mysql/cron load/processes in our account?


  21. Author Photo

    If you need another count me in.

  22. Author Photo

    If you need another guinea pig with a decent load, I’ll go.

  23. Author Photo

    Count me in, too, if it’s still available.

  24. Author Photo

    If you still are looking for volunteers, I’m willing.

  25. Author Photo

    This offer is closed, and the problem with Host4 was a kernel bug long gone 🙂 Now these guys are my Guinea Pigs for new kernels 🙂


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