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BlogLinodeLinode 5 Aniversário; Aumento de 20% do disco

Aniversário de 5 anos da Linode; Aumento de 20% do disco

Hoje marca o 5º aniversário da Linode, e queríamos estender nossos sinceros agradecimentos aumentando em 20% o espaço em disco em todos os planos. O espaço extra está agora disponível tanto para os clientes existentes como para os novos clientes. Nós apreciamos o seu negócio, então aproveite!

Para tirar partido do novo espaço do seu Linode, basta iniciar sessão no Linode Manager, desligar o seu Linode e redimensionar o disco existente clicando nele e entrando num novo tamanho. Alternativamente, você poderia criar outra imagem de disco e adicioná-la ao seu perfil de configuração existente, reinicializar e montá-la.

Mais uma vez, em nome da equipe Linode, agradeço o seu patrocínio.

Comentários (43)

  1. Author Photo

    Huzzah! Thanks, Caker!

  2. Author Photo
  3. Author Photo
  4. Author Photo

    Thanks for the space guys. I think we all appreciate it 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    Yippee! Thanks, Linode!

  6. Author Photo

    Ohh,.. and I forgot! Congratulations to all of you as well for the 5 years. Great service and terrific staff make it all happen. Thanks again.

  7. Author Photo
  8. Author Photo

    Thats great! Congratulations on the anniversary! Keep going strong — I don’t want to be paranoid about shady here-today-sold-tomorrow hosts ever!

  9. Author Photo

    ok that does it, I’m moving all my stuff to my linnodes.

    You guys rock!!

  10. Author Photo

    Congratulations and keep up the great work.

  11. Author Photo

    I can’t believe how linode is so much better than my previous hosting provider. Never in 5 years did they ever just improve the service they offered me like you’ve just done! I hope to send a lot of business your way – you really know how to generate customer loyalty.

  12. Author Photo

    Sweet — I’ll be doing this tonight! Thanks!!

  13. Author Photo

    This is awesome, thanks a lot Caker & Co – and congratulations! 🙂

  14. Author Photo

    W00t, thanks!

  15. Author Photo


    Defo the best hosts I’ve ever had.

  16. Author Photo

    Awesome! Thanks Linode.

    Happy 5th Birthday.

  17. Author Photo
  18. Author Photo

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for the fantastic service.

  19. Author Photo

    Happy Birthday, and thanks for an excellent VPS hosting, and extra free space, always good.

  20. Author Photo

    It’s a birthday, there should be cake. Unfortunately one can’t SCP cake across the Atlantic. If I remember when I wake up I’ll post a recipe for the most appropriate of celebration cakes: Tempus fugit autem laganum decipit

  21. Author Photo


  22. Author Photo

    Thank you very much, and Happy Birthday!

  23. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode team.
    Linode is the Best!

    Thanks for the dream team.

    Best regards,

  24. Author Photo

    Been a Linode customer for about 2 years now, I cant seem to get over about a month or two uptime because they keep giving away upgrades! Anyway, thanks, may your next 5 be better then your first!

  25. Author Photo
    Heherson Pagcaliwagan

    Happy anniversary!

  26. Author Photo

    I’ve been a customer for quite a few years, and I’ve been delighted with the level of service you provide and the focus you have on giving more to your users as your business grows.

    Here’s to your continued success!

  27. Author Photo

    My life is 20% happier!

  28. Author Photo

    Congrats on the 5 years and thanks for the disk space!

  29. Author Photo

    This is awesome I will use this to expand my Visual Basic tutorial site!

  30. Author Photo

    YAY! <3 Linode

  31. Author Photo
  32. Author Photo

    Happy Birthday! but why are you giving presents? 😉
    Thanks for the disk space my friends, defo transferring more of my sites to your servers 😀

  33. Author Photo

    You guys rock, awesome service – thanks!

  34. Author Photo

    Happy birthday, Linode! Thanks for the upgrade and the great service, guys!

  35. Author Photo

    Linode seriously rocks! Happy birthday and keep up the good stuff!

  36. Author Photo

    Belated Happy Birthday and thanks for the diskspace..

  37. Author Photo

    Thx guys!
    Space is much appreciated =)

  38. Author Photo

    Hey thanks for the extra disk space!
    Long live Linode! 😀

  39. Author Photo
  40. Author Photo
    Frank from Carp Data

    Happy Birthday from a happy customer. You guys exemplify great customer service.

  41. Author Photo

    i am 5 years with Linode!!!

  42. Author Photo

    Caker, you’re the best!

  43. Author Photo

    Linode absolutely rocks! Congratulations!

    Tried a few VPNs and always had problems, but with linode not a single issue in a year coupled with the best interface of any by far.

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