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Linode CLI


linode-cliTer uma variedade de ferramentas é importante, especialmente na gestão de múltiplos sistemas e serviços em nuvem. Os usuários e administradores de sistema precisam estar no controle e ter a ferramenta certa para o trabalho. Muitas vezes a ferramenta de escolha é a linha de comando.

Apresentamos Linode CLI

Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento oficial da Linode CLI - uma ferramenta simples, mas poderosa e fácil de usar para gerenciar e fornecer serviços de nuvem Linode a partir da linha de comando. A Linode CLI dá aos usuários a mesma funcionalidade a que estão acostumados, mas com a conveniência da linha de comando.

A Linode CLI pode criar, reiniciar, renomear e redimensionar servidores Linode, gerenciar domínios e registros DNS, NodeBalancers e muito mais. Os utilizadores podem até acessar o saldo da sua conta e à transferência de rede. A Linode CLI facilita o script e automatiza tarefas com o seu modo de saída JSON incorporado.

Instalando no OS X:

Se você ainda não tem Homebrew instalado em seu sistema, você vai querer seguir suas excelentes instruções de instalação. E depois do seu terminal:

linode de torneira de cerveja/cli && instalar linode de cerveja...cli

Instalando em Debian / Ubuntu:

echo "deb http://apt.linode.com/ stable main" \
  > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linode.list
wget -O- https://apt.linode.com/linode.gpg | apt-key add -
apt-get update && apt-get install linode-cli

Para outros sistemas, visite Linode CLI no github para mais informações.

Código Aberto e Gratuito

A Linode CLI está disponível para todos os clientes Linode e é de código aberto - com licença dupla sob a GPLv2 e a Perl Artistic License. Ele está sendo desenvolvido ativamente, incluindo suporte para autenticação de dois fatores API em breve Now™. Fiquem atentos!

Por favor visite https://github.com/linode/cli para mais informações.


Comentários (19)

  1. Author Photo

    Hi, i get this error when i try to install it on mavericks:

    Error: undefined method `prepend_create_path’ for #

  2. Author Photo

    Great news!

  3. Author Photo

    Awesome! This helps increase the scope and automation of my chef and capistrano deployments…

  4. Author Photo

    How is this different from the LISH offering that you already have?

  5. Author Photo

    I am receiving this error:

    Error: undefined method `resource’ for LinodeCli:Class
    Please report this bug:
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:40:in `require’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:40:in `klass’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:90:in `get_formula’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:175:in `factory’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formula.rb:410:in `factory’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/extend/ARGV.rb:12:in `formulae’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/extend/ARGV.rb:12:in `map’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/extend/ARGV.rb:12:in `formulae’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/cmd/install.rb:22:in `install’
    /usr/local/Library/brew.rb:95:in `send’

  6. Author Photo

    I needed to install (xcode-select –install) the developer tools. Problem fixed.

  7. Author Photo

    This looks great, and bonus points for putting it in Homebrew! Thanks a ton.

  8. Author Photo

    @Laurent: That’s usually caused by an outdated Homebrew. Running `brew update` should resolve that.

  9. Author Photo

    Please consider submitting a MacPort, too.

    A very large percentage of Mac using customers lack the necessary level of RubyHipster-chlorians in their bloodstream that are necessary to find Homebrew attractive.

  10. Author Photo

    Error: undefined method `prepend_create_path’ for #

  11. Author Photo

    @Sang_Le see @tparker’s comment.

  12. Author Photo

    Any chance of a yum repo?

  13. Author Photo

    This is a neat tool. I made a new linode with it! But I can’t figure out how to run a StackScript with the linode cli. Could someone give a simple example? Without running a StackScript, it’s not obvious how I can fully automate a deployment. Thank you!

  14. Author Photo

    No, thank you. I don’t store critical server passwords in unknown formats in unknown places in my system.

    Let me know when you have a version that doesn’t require permanent password storage. Perhaps an API key that can be reset?

  15. Author Photo

    Daniel: Not sure what you’re referring to. The API key is stored on your system in ~/.linodecli, or you can store it however you’d like and provide it via the environment variable LINODE_API_KEY or –api-key option:


    You can also reset your API key at any time via the Linode Manager’s My Profile tab.

  16. Author Photo

    …or an API key that has an expiration time (like the idle timeout for the website) and a cancel capability.

  17. Author Photo

    Having this CLI is a great feature but I won’t use it if it requires Homebrew to install it. I’ve never liked nor trusted Homebrew and refuse to use it for installing applications.

  18. Author Photo

    Robert: the whole dealio is open source, so you can clone it right from GitHub

  19. Author Photo

    I am receiving this error : Error: undefined method `resource’ for LinodeCli:Class

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