博客LinodeLinode CLI

Linode CLI



介绍 Linode CLI

我们很高兴地宣布LinodeCLI正式发布,这是一款简单、强大且易于使用的工具,可通过命令行管理和配置 Linode 云服务。Linode CLI 为用户提供了他们所习惯的相同功能,但却具有命令行的便利性。

Linode CLI 可以创建、重启、重命名和调整 Linode 服务器的大小,管理域名和 DNS 记录,NodeBalancers 等。用户甚至可以访问自己的账户余额和网络传输。Linode CLI 内置 JSON 输出模式,可轻松编写脚本并自动执行任务。

在OS X上安装:


brew tap linode/cli && brew install linode-cli

安装在Debian /Ubuntu :

echo "deb http://apt.linode.com/ stable main" \\
  > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linode.list
wget -O- https://apt.linode.com/linode.gpg | apt-key add -
apt-get update && apt-get install linode-cli

有关其他系统的详细信息,请访问 github 上的LinodeCLI


Linode CLI 向所有 Linode 客户提供,并且是开源的 - 根据 GPLv2 和 Perl Artistic License 获得双重许可。它正在积极开发中,包括支持 API 双因素身份验证 Real Soon Now™。敬请期待!



评论 (19)

  1. Author Photo

    Hi, i get this error when i try to install it on mavericks:

    Error: undefined method `prepend_create_path’ for #

  2. Author Photo

    Great news!

  3. Author Photo

    Awesome! This helps increase the scope and automation of my chef and capistrano deployments…

  4. Author Photo

    How is this different from the LISH offering that you already have?

  5. Author Photo

    I am receiving this error:

    Error: undefined method `resource’ for LinodeCli:Class
    Please report this bug:
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:40:in `require’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:40:in `klass’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:90:in `get_formula’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formulary.rb:175:in `factory’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/formula.rb:410:in `factory’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/extend/ARGV.rb:12:in `formulae’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/extend/ARGV.rb:12:in `map’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/extend/ARGV.rb:12:in `formulae’
    /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/cmd/install.rb:22:in `install’
    /usr/local/Library/brew.rb:95:in `send’

  6. Author Photo

    I needed to install (xcode-select –install) the developer tools. Problem fixed.

  7. Author Photo

    This looks great, and bonus points for putting it in Homebrew! Thanks a ton.

  8. Author Photo

    @Laurent: That’s usually caused by an outdated Homebrew. Running `brew update` should resolve that.

  9. Author Photo

    Please consider submitting a MacPort, too.

    A very large percentage of Mac using customers lack the necessary level of RubyHipster-chlorians in their bloodstream that are necessary to find Homebrew attractive.

  10. Author Photo

    Error: undefined method `prepend_create_path’ for #

  11. Author Photo

    @Sang_Le see @tparker’s comment.

  12. Author Photo

    Any chance of a yum repo?

  13. Author Photo

    This is a neat tool. I made a new linode with it! But I can’t figure out how to run a StackScript with the linode cli. Could someone give a simple example? Without running a StackScript, it’s not obvious how I can fully automate a deployment. Thank you!

  14. Author Photo

    No, thank you. I don’t store critical server passwords in unknown formats in unknown places in my system.

    Let me know when you have a version that doesn’t require permanent password storage. Perhaps an API key that can be reset?

  15. Author Photo

    Daniel: Not sure what you’re referring to. The API key is stored on your system in ~/.linodecli, or you can store it however you’d like and provide it via the environment variable LINODE_API_KEY or –api-key option:


    You can also reset your API key at any time via the Linode Manager’s My Profile tab.

  16. Author Photo

    …or an API key that has an expiration time (like the idle timeout for the website) and a cancel capability.

  17. Author Photo

    Having this CLI is a great feature but I won’t use it if it requires Homebrew to install it. I’ve never liked nor trusted Homebrew and refuse to use it for installing applications.

  18. Author Photo

    Robert: the whole dealio is open source, so you can clone it right from GitHub

  19. Author Photo

    I am receiving this error : Error: undefined method `resource’ for LinodeCli:Class


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