Tenho o prazer de anunciar que Dave Finnerty se juntou a Linode a partir desta semana a tempo inteiro. Dave tem a tarefa de construir o nosso departamento de serviço ao cliente e apoio, e como tal, será responsável por assegurar que vocês se mantenham felizes! Dave traz a sua experiência de vários trabalhos de TI na área de NYC. Estamos muito entusiasmados com as suas futuras contribuições.
Por favor, junte-se a mim para dar as boas-vindas ao Dave à nossa equipe (e, por favor, culpe-o por todos os problemas a partir de agora).
Comentários (13)
Welcome Dave! You sure picked a good company to work for. At least from my perspective as a very satisfied customer. Let’s hope the future will be as bright as the past. My uptime is 99.97% since 774 days when I started counting. And 30 mins of downtime was because of me, not you. Nice! :).
Surely if you have a service that has been as reliable as Linode has been for me, and an interface that’s so easy to use, you don’t need customer support?
And no, I’m not being paid to say this haha! Anyway, welcome Dave 🙂
I was going to say exactly what James did!
Welcome, Dave. Don’t expect much demand for your time. =^)
Thanks for the welcomes.
Welcome David. 🙂
Glad you’ve joined Linode!
Don’t worry–I’ll happily blaim you when my Linode crashes. 😀
If it does, oh well!
I’ll just inform Caker that you crashed my Linode. Then we’ll watch as your Linode runs out of memory, and begins to OOM on processes, as the power of Caker causes your Linode to spin off intto a flying dustball of space particles. 🙂
You do know that Linode is a planet and that Caker is the sun of that planet, don’t you? 😀
And that the Linode network is the stars and moon? 😀
Have fun. 🙂
Regards, –Keith
Welcome Dave! 🙂
I thought I was the one to blame!
The intern.
Welcome Dave! Hope to meet you soon. 🙂
Welcome Dave. You have joined a rock solid company.
welcome david
you’re on the winning team
congrats ;o)
Welcome Dave. You’ve joined a good group of people. I hope you enjoy your new job with Linode LLC. Should be a very rewarding experience.
Welcome Dave congrats joining a company which is growing so fast !
I love linode and recommend it to everyone !
welcome, Dave
I love Linodes Service, it allows me to do just about any thing I need For business and personal.