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BlogLinuxCaroços personalizados com pv-grub

Grãos personalizados com pv-grub

Agora é possível inicializar kernels personalizados e até mesmo sistemas operacionais alternativos sob sua instância Linode através do uso do pv-grub - uma porta do carregador de inicialização do GRUB para o kernel Xen mini-os. Essencialmente, o seu Linode inicia no kernel pv-grub, procura pelos suas pastas menu.lst e kernel associados, e depois executa o seu kernel.

Embora esta característica pareça muito legal, definitivamente é para vocês, tweakers. Não forneceremos qualquer suporte para configurações personalizadas ou sistemas operacionais alternativos além do suporte ao próprio pv-grub. Nós ainda recomendamos que você administre nossos kernels, a menos que você tenha algumas necessidades muito específicas ou apenas queira brincar.

Há um artigo wiki para você começar, e até mesmo outro artigo que esboça a liberação do BSD no Linode.

Comentários (9)

  1. Running xBSD on Linode a Reality with pv-grub | HostingFu

    […] Posted on December 24, 2008 – 8:19am I reckon the logo on Linode Wiki needs a change. Via Linode’s latest blog post, it is now possible to roll your own operating system with Linode’s pv-grub support. […]

  2. Sean’s Mental Walkabout » Blog Archive » Links for December 25th

    […] Linode Blog » Custom kernels with pv-grubThis would be enough to run selinux or app-armor on linode now. […]

  3. Author Photo

    How stable is that? Is it stable enough for a production system?

  4. Christopher Aker

    How stable is pv_grub? pv_grub boots your own kernel, and then it’s done, so it has little to do with stability. I think the question is: how stable the custom kernel that you’ve provided is.

  5. Author Photo

    Well, the reason I’m asking is because I have experienced stability problems with vmware’s CONFIG_VMI kernel option in an otherwise very stable kernel.

  6. Author Photo

    In case anyone else is thinking of going down the same path I tried, the CentOS 5.2 kernel-xen package wasn’t built with all of the options specified on the linked wiki page, so it won’t work with pv-grub without a custom compile (unless I did something wrong).

  7. Author Photo

    That’s great news. I’m going to play around with this a bit.

    I suspect I won’t be able to get it to do what I ultimately want: boot an OpenSolaris (2008.11) instance. I’ve been able to get OpenSolaris running well on XenServer, but I can’t use pv_grub. The root filesystem is ZFS, so the script can’t reach in and pull out the menu.lst file unless it knows how to deal with that FS.

    In my experience, I have to use the PV-args and PV-kernel parameters in XenServer to make it work (see my website for details). If there’s a way that you can expose those configuration items, that would be awesome.

  8. Author Photo

    I recently switched to Linode because of this. I’ve been running Gentoo with my own custom kernel for a few days now and it’s working great. This feature is awesome.

  9. Author Photo

    I’m in the process of switching from slicehost because of this.

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