博客计算LinodeGPU 扩展:新加坡新实例及其他更新

LinodeGPU 扩展:新加坡新实例及其他更新

LinodeGPU 可用性

Folding@Home等公益项目到推动数据科学进步,云计算 GPU 的需求和应用都在不断增长。我们很高兴通过在新加坡数据中心增加 GPU 以及提高在北美和亚太地区的普遍可用性,继续扩展我们的GPU 。

Linode GPU由NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000驱动,旨在为一系列使用案例加速计算,从将自动驾驶带给大众到数据分析和机器学习的进步

GPU 新加坡可用实例


根据Cloud Spectator 的说法,LinodeGPU 实例提供了市场上最具成本效益的基于GPU 的虚拟机,尤其适用于渲染工作负载,起价为每小时 1.50 美元。与所有其他 Linode 服务一样,我们的定价在每个数据中心都是一样的。

扩大GPU 在纽瓦克和孟买的可用性

我们大幅增加了新泽西州纽瓦克和印度孟买的云GPU 主机数量,以便为这些地区的客户提供更多 GPU。我们是唯一一家在云中提供 Quadro RTX 6000GPU 的云提供商。LinodeGPU 用户可以 "专用 "访问其计划中的GPU 显卡,以获得最大的处理能力和性能,而不是允许多个客户访问同一块显卡。


云 GPU 可通过 Linode 云管理器、API 和 Linode CLI.某些帐户需要额外验证。如果您正在寻找多卡或希望注册GPU 体验期,请联系我们的销售团队,了解定制计划并申请一周的免费GPU 。

评论 (2)

  1. Author Photo

    Hi Hillary,

    You wrote:

    > Linode on-demand GPUs are now available to thriving technology markets in East Asia and Australia

    However when I tried to create a new GPU instance at Sydney, AU, it wouldn’t let me, stating:

    > GPU instances are not available in the selected region. Currently these plans are only available in Mumbai, IN, Newark, NJ, Singapore, SG, and Frankfurt, DE.

    Could you please clarify what’s the status of GPU instances in Australia? Is this in the works, if so, any ETAs for go-live, perhaps an early beta that I could sign up to?


    • pwoods

      Hi Dexter – I can see how this could be a little confusing. What Hillary meant was that GPUs are available to customers in those markets, not specifically in those data centers. With GPUs available in Singapore, customers in Sydney now have an option that’s closer than Mumbai, the previously closest data center location.

      We do have plans to bring GPUs to all of our data centers, though I don’t have an ETA for when they will be available in Sydney. As of today, GPUs are available in the following data centers:



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