

Achtung baby!德国的Linodes!





法兰克福支持所有的Linode功能和服务,以及同样出色的硬件,包括数据中心级SSD存储、E5-2680v3 CPU、DDR4 ECC SDRAM、全堆栈冗余网络和40GbE到每个管理程序主机。Linode法兰克福仅在KVM 。




评论 (23)

  1. Author Photo

    Awesome! I just found out via support ticket. Thanks jackley !

  2. Author Photo

    Awesome! Well done guys!

  3. Author Photo

    Which location would be more suited to serve spanish customers, London or Frankfurt?

  4. Author Photo

    Thank you Linode.

  5. Author Photo

    @Antxon: Tough to tell, I believe either could work well. Give our speedtest a try to see which performs better for you: https://www.linode.com/speed-test

  6. Author Photo

    How about the second Tokyo datacenter?

  7. Author Photo

    @tasaro When opening an additional Tokyo facility, will it be linked to the old facility in such a way that private networking, ip swaps, etc can be made between Tokyo1 and Tokyo2 DCs? Or will they be separate in the same way as the other DCs are?

  8. Author Photo

    Do you have also Linode people locally in Germany where I can talk to personally?

  9. Author Photo

    For UAE(Dubai ) customer is Frankfurt recommend, because uae internet exchange
    is managed by De – Cix

  10. Author Photo

    Will you ever consider establishing closer in or closer to scandinavia?

    Im in Norway, and surprisingly i get the same avg. ping to both Frankfurt and London.

  11. Author Photo


    Hope Linode to open a Hong Kong data centre (beats DO).

  12. Author Photo

    Would Tokyo provide better connectivity to China than Singapore?

  13. Author Photo

    Just to say that the speedtest is perfect. So much easier to deal with companies that are straightforward. Keep it up! I’m a fan!

  14. linode新增德国机房“Announcing Linodes in Frankfurt, Germany!”‏ | THE FREE SKY - 天墉城

    […] Introducing Linodes in Frankfurt! […]

  15. Author Photo

    Is there any plan to south korea Datacenters?
    Might fastest Internet all around the world i know

  16. Author Photo


  17. Author Photo

    @atrius: That would be nice, TelecityGroup has a datacenter also in Stockholm, maybe in the future.
    I think however that the market share for scandinavia is still quite low compared to Frankfurt and London, which are quite important nodes in the traffic worldwide.

  18. Author Photo
    Christopher Humphries

    Great news!

  19. Author Photo

    Do you remember when you got your second server in 2003? https://www.linode.com/2003/06/28/new-linode-64-host-server/
    I love how the enthusiasm is the same still 🙂

  20. Author Photo


    Any chance of Linodes in France?

  21. Author Photo

    lots of good info Thanks!

  22. Author Photo

    I love Linode forever, but why ow why not in Amsterdam .. and I am NOT going to another VPS provider. I am waiting .. I have patience …I run already 2 Linodes, 1 in Dallas and 1 in London, but I really need Amsterdam, a dutch website does not belong in Frankfurt.


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