

自2003年6月16日Linode.com开业并售出第一个Linode账户以来,已经过去一年了。 我开始这项业务是因为我渴望独立,当我看到用户模式Linux的实用性和设想Linode平台管理器来控制这一切时,我意识到一个伟大的虚拟服务器技术将给 "托管 "行业带来多么令人难以置信的价值。 就这样,我的旅程开始了...

这是一次怎样的旅行。 在过去的一年里,由于Jeff Dike和开源社区(我愿意把自己当作社区的一部分)的辛勤工作,用户模式Linux已经成熟了。 我设计的LPM为终端用户提供了对其环境的完全控制,它已经成为一个美妙的平台,提供的特性和功能给了你非常好的灵活性。 当你知道你所提供的建议使Linode平台管理器和Linode.com提供的服务更有用和更可靠时,你会感到自豪。

因此,在未来的一年里,你可以期待在性能、可靠性、产品和服务方面有更多相同的改进。 我只想说,感谢你所有的建议,你的业务,以及你使Linode获得成功。

[b]Linode.com生日快乐![/b] 😀


评论 (12)

  1. Author Photo

    Yay! Happy birthday! 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    Happy birthday!! :mrgreen:

  3. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode.com! May you live long and … intense 🙂

    My thanks (and i’m sure not only mine) go to Chris for this wonderful place we now have and for his efforts … so happy birthday Chris too, i guess 🙂


  4. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode!

    Great to see you doing so well. Like the others I also appreciate all the support & the great service – well done!


  5. Author Photo

    Yah! Cake for caker. 😉

  6. Author Photo

    Leave a slice of the cake for me 😉

    Happy birthday Linode!

  7. Author Photo

    Like the subject says, thank you for the hard work you’ve put into making Linode.com a fanstastic source for VPS solutions.

    Now, if only we could buy more Linodes…. c’mon man, I’ve got money burning a hole in my pocket :).

  8. Author Photo

    I think I got the last one. 🙂

  9. Author Photo

    Happy Birthday, Linode.com and congratulations to Chris for running a first-class operation.


  10. Author Photo

    yap! Happy Birthday and congratulations to linode 🙂

  11. Author Photo

    Great work, Chris!

  12. Author Photo

    June 16th? That’s amazing. I had no idea Linode was three days old when I signed up. It felt like it had been around much longer.

    Happy Birthday and thanks for offering the service. I love it!

    — James


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