博客LinodeLinode 托管比以前更好了!


Linode Managed正在变得更好。凭借 24/7/365 事件响应、备份、Longview Pro、应用程序调整和架构建议,它已经物超所值。现在,Linode 托管客户独享的三项升级使其比以前更超值:

  1. Linode 托管版现在包括免费的 cPanel 和 WHM。
  2. Linode Managed 现在包括免费站点迁移。
  3. Linode Managed 现在包括 折扣价 Professional Services.


cPanel 和 WHM 是世界上最受欢迎的网站管理控制面板,现在 Linode 托管客户可以免费使用。我们的专家团队甚至会为您安装。


作为 Linode 托管客户,您有权享受由 Linode 专家团队提供的免费站点迁移服务。

折扣价 Professional Services

今年 8 月,我们推出了Professional Services:一个专家团队,可以处理安装、配置、架构、部署、一次性系统管理员作业和站点迁移——从字面上看,数十种技术可以解决您可能遇到的几乎所有基础架构问题。作为 Linode Managed 客户,如果您需要此类帮助,您可以以正常费率 20% 的折扣聘请该团队。



评论 (4)

  1. Author Photo

    Hey guys, relatively new customer here, loving the Linode service! Just thought I’d throw in a mention of how awesome it would be if you guys could put some infrastructure in Australia. My customers are all in New Zealand and our pings to the closest Linode DC (Tokyo) are a constant 170ms+ from any provider. If you were on Megaport in Sydney you could reach most of Australia and NZ in <100ms.

    I'd certainly be happy to help you set something up! Give me a call 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    When are you guys going to switch to minute billing, like Azure, Linode and some others? I want to give you all my business, but I need you all to switch to minute billing before I can. I am paying for time I am not using!

    Thanks, otherwise I love your service.


  3. Author Photo

    I’d second having data center in Sydney. Other than AWS which sucks there no other decent providers here.

  4. Author Photo

    Is the managed service relatively new? I just upgraded with the Managed service, but other than the new tab that says Managed, the remaining part seems kind’o crappy. Response times aren’t any better than regular service (which is OK). What’s really surprising is that even after paying the $300 (3 month commitment for help with site migration), I was told that I’d have to wait over a day to get someone from the “Professional Services” to help. I did however have someone from the support team let me know that they can give me the key for CPanel if I wanted to install it myself (which I’m happy to do). While I am more impatient than other, I do wish the whole managed process had at least slightly better documentation or something.

    Felt like I just committed to paying more and then some tabs got turned on. Hopefully the actual service once I’m all set up and running will be much better. My experience otherwise on Linode has been pretty good.


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