博客LinodeLinode 赞助 YAPC、fosscon 和 SELF


Linode 很高兴为本月晚些时候举行的三个会议提供支持:

YAPC- YAPC(Yet Another Perl Conferences)是由 Perl 基金会发起的有关 Perl 编程语言的草根研讨会,该基金会是一家非营利性公司,致力于通过公开讨论、合作、设计和代码来推动 Perl 编程语言的发展。我们去年赞助并参加了 YAPC,很高兴能与一些 Linode 客户面对面交流。今年我们将于 6 月 21 日至 6 月 23 日在俄亥俄州哥伦布市举行。

fosscon- 自由与开源软件大会将于 6 月 19 日在罗切斯特理工学院举行,我们将出席会议。

SELF- 东南 LinuxFest 是一个社区活动,面向所有希望进一步了解 Linux 和自由与开源软件的人。今年我们无法前往南卡罗来纳州斯帕坦堡,但我们仍将连续第二年赞助该会议。

如果您参加 YAPC 或 fosscon,请来和我们一起玩,说不定还能得到一件罕见的 Linode T 恤。

评论 (4)

  1. Author Photo

    Any possibility that some of the money going to sponsorships could go to badly needed disk space instead?

  2. Author Photo

    Fantastic that you sponsor these conferences. Makes me even happier that i am a customer.

    Hope you keep on sponsoring these kind of conferences.

  3. Author Photo

    I’m also really pleased about your community sponsorship. I note that you guys are also sponsoring DebConf10 – thank you very much for doing that.

    Seeing a company like Linode that is so active in the community makes me feel like I have chosen the right VPS company.

  4. Author Photo

    Excellent! I am wearing the Linode T-shirt I got at last year’s YAPC::NA. The performance and ease-of-use of your service has allowed me to do things that would have cost me loads more time, money, and sanity than I could otherwise spare. Linode++


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