Linode 将赞助 2011 年的几次会议,前三次会议将于三月份举行。如果您计划参加会议,我们希望您能顺道拜访我们。以下是我们三月份的活动安排:
派康 - 3 月 11-12 日
美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市--使用和开发开源Python 编程语言的社区最大规模的年度聚会。
315 号展位
天时地利人和 - 3 月 14-17 日
4 号展厅 439-441 号展位
POSSCON - 3 月 23-25 日
哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳州- 本次活动的目标是在美国东南部提供负担得起的优质开源教育。
9 号展位
评论 (12)
It’s nice to see Linode making a presence in the open source community. Would really like to see Linode expand to Asia!!
Yeah, please expand to Asia w/o compromising on quality
Its just wonderful! Congratulations
+ 1 Linode in Asia / Australasia
and me for asia too!
Keep up the good work guys!
Excellent initiatives to sponsor!
A linode on every continent imo!
Love your work guys!
A big +1 on the expansion to Asia/Australiasia!
+1 for expansion to Asia.
My current VPS provider s*cks
+1 for expansion to Asia.
+1 for Asia/Australiasia.
Looks like Linode has a lot of fans already in Asia.