


专注于常见的使用案例,如开始使用或安装LAMP服务器,我们的目标是提供端到端的解决方案,从第一个Linode Manager登录到一个生产就绪的服务器。

图书馆于上周五 "软启动",这使我们能够在宣布之前从我们的IRC频道中收集大量有用的反馈。我们想借此机会感谢大家的反馈,并期待着大家继续为改进网站提出建议。

可以通过docs@linode.com 联系到文档团队。 请随时建议新的内容或指出对我们现有文档的更正。

评论 (5)

  1. Author Photo

    Congratulations once more.

    What’s the plan for Linode wiki? is going to merge with this library or Linode library is going to supersede it or something?

  2. Author Photo

    The library and wiki really meet different needs. We’re planning on redirecting some wiki entries to library articles, but the wiki won’t be going away. It will continue to serve as a place where the community can post their custom setup instructions and other documents that don’t fit precisely with the library’s goals.

  3. Author Photo

    I’m a new linode user and I used the library last night to get my site up and running in just a few hours. It works great. Thanks a lot.

  4. Author Photo

    Thanks, this looks very useful.

    Information on hardening a system would be much appreciated

  5. Author Photo

    My shared hosting plan expires in ~ 6 months and after that, I’ll host with linode. I’m a n00b, and this library is what I needed!


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