


2016年1月5日,我们 发布了一个密码重置在我们对三个客户账户的未授权访问进行调查期间,我们向所有Linode客户发出了密码重置。我们一直在与联邦当局合作处理这些问题,他们的刑事调查正在进行。今天,我们将分享我们的调查结果和我们聘请的第三方安全公司的调查结果,以协助我们进行这项调查。








我们初步调查的结论是,所提供的IP事实上被用来在第一次尝试时登录到三个账户。换句话说,用户来到Linode Manager的登录页面,拥有必要的凭证来登录,就像任何普通用户那样。同一天,我们联系了这些客户,并从他们那里得到确认,这些活动是可疑的。我们还确认,这些账户都没有启用多因素认证,而且都使用了弱密码。

12月13日,我们开始了必要的舰队范围内的Xen 安全咨询(XSA)维护,在当地夜间24小时重新启动服务器。虽然与调查无关,但这种情况一直持续到12月18日,是一个重要的资源限制。



Linode使用 TOTP来提供双因素认证。这是一种算法,使用存储在我们的服务器和客户的双因素认证应用程序(如谷歌认证器)之间共享的秘密密钥。该算法生成一个对时间敏感的代码,用户在登录时提供这个代码作为额外的认证组件。我们在将这些密匙存储在我们的数据库中时对其进行加密。

在检查了我们7月调查的图像后,我们发现如果提供TOTP密钥,软件能够生成TOTP代码。我们发现了实现我们用来保护TOTP密钥的解密方法的软件,以及我们用来加密的秘密密钥。我们还在bash 历史中发现了成功生成一次性代码的命令。虽然发现的证书与12月的任何未经授权的Linode Manager登录无关,但这一信息的发现大大改变了我们调查的严重性。


12月25日 针对我们基础设施的DDoS攻击开始了.虽然我们没有任何证据支持这些攻击与未经授权的访问事件有关,但这些攻击使得我们必须从调查中抽出资源。这一点,再加上员工外出度假,给我们的支持和运营团队带来了额外的挑战。








认证微服务:我们的一些应用程序(如Linode Manager和Lish)执行用户认证。以前,这些应用程序通过直接访问我们数据库中的证书信息来执行这一功能,然后自己进行比较。我们已经开发了一种新的方法,涉及到一个仔细的安全和监控的微服务,维护所有客户凭证的所有权。在这种方法下,当一个应用程序需要用户认证时,微服务能够通过返回一个简单的 "是 "或 "否 "来验证凭证。应用程序将无法访问凭证信息。事实上,当这个微服务推广完成后,为我们的基础设施提供动力的数据库将完全不包含凭证信息。此外,客户的密码,以前是以盐化的SHA-256哈希值存储的,有数千轮,将使用bcrypt存储,并在随后的登录中无缝升级。



政策:我们一直在制定源自NIST框架的多种政策,主题包括清洁桌面和密码标准。一项重要的新政策是为基础设施的敏感元素创建 "安全区",如我们的数据库和认证服务器。这些努力的结果是大大减少了能够接触敏感系统和数据的员工数量。

雇用:除上述变化外,我们正在 聘请一位高级别的安全专家来加入我们公司,领导一个更大的全职安全工程师团队。这个团队不仅将确保我们遵循当前的最佳实践,还将扩大我们的书面政策,正式确定我们的供应程序,并从根本上确保我们的政策得到流程和问责制的支持。

新的 Linode API: 我们最重要的长期战略是重写传统的 ColdFusion 代码库,让我们有机会重新开始,并应用我们在过去 13 年中吸取的经验教训。为此,我们一直在构建一个新的 Linode API,它是无状态、RESTful 的,并在Python 中实现。在过去的几个月中,我们一直在为此而努力,并将在未来几周内公布新 API 的公开 alpha 版。

开源 Linode 管理器: 这一新的 API 将成为未来所有功能的基础,包括将取代当前管理器的开源 Linode 管理器。





评论 (17)

  1. Author Photo

    *”…we are incredibly grateful for the customers who have supported us throughout these events… [we] felt the support you’ve provided over the past few months… We value the trust you’ve placed in us…”*

    Nice sentiments, but words are cheap. You could have shown your appreciation by giving people some money off their bill for the period in question

  2. Author Photo

    If there is to be a new Linode Manager, please please PLEASE do not try and “modernize” or “streamline” the interface like Namecheap did. I like my utilitarian and functional Manager.

  3. Author Photo

    “We found software implementing the decryption method we use to secure TOTP keys, along with the secret key we use to encrypt them. We also found commands in the bash history that successfully generated a one-time code.”

    How do you explain the presence of software using the decryption method you use to secure TOTP keys, along with the secret key you use to encrypt them?

  4. Author Photo

    There are always some bumps on the road, sometimes these are big and hard to pass thru, but I think that you’re on the right track.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    The most significant take away for me is that Linode is becoming more transparent. Please continue down this path.

  6. Author Photo

    Good news for the new Linode manager, is there any ETA?

  7. Author Photo

    Long-term customer here. I appreciate all the effort made during the difficult time over the holidays. However, I have asked for 2FA by SMS rather than google authenticator (or in addition to), and was told it will not be happening. It seems that this breach could have been avoided at least in part if 2FA by SMS had been used. The user who lost his phone would have moved his phone number to his new phone as soon as it was replaced. The entire compromise of the TOTP algorithm would not have been possible. So my request, and recommendation still stands; give us 2FA by SMS if we want it.

  8. Author Photo

    I know how difficult these situations can be and wish you all the best in your continued growth and improvements. Unfortunately, I’ll be switching to another provider after reading this. I stuck around waiting for an explanation that I hoped would satisfy my concerns and this certainly doesn’t do that… There is reasonable evidence that your story regarding the cell phone is incorrect. In my opinion you should have had a senior security director years ago. Given the nature of the July incident, that image going unexamined is mind boggling and no explanation is given about how the 2FA crypto keys could have ended up on that system. It sounds entirely plausible your infrastructure got breached in July or earlier by a skilled attacker and the evidence is simply not there months later.

    It sounds like you’re moving in the right direction, but those are some seriously poor decisions by those in charge and I’ve lost confidence that further mistakes won’t be made.

  9. Author Photo

    I like the current Linode manager. It’s simple and fast and clean. Please don’t change it too much. (Don’t go all Namecheap on us)

  10. Author Photo

    I’m a longtime Linode customer as well. After reading up on this latest incident I am seriously considering moving my infrastructure to another provider. I’ve been through a number of these cases with Linode and so far have been unaffected and given them the benefit of the doubt. I completely understand that threats are uncovered and exploited and that’s a risk you take with any provider. This isn’t about me taking a knee jerk reaction. I’m fully aware that other providers have been exploited as well but Linode have had multiple exploits and that is reason for concern.

    In this post you state that you found software on a client’s VPS generating login credentials using a very private piece of your data and a piece of data that can be used to decrypt other customers data and you have no idea how it arrived on a clients machine and you don’t really seem bothered by that or at the very least you gloss over it. Have you audited every other instance to ensure they’re not also capable of generating keys/decrypting data? From my knowledge of this, the client in question was PagerDuty who alerted you after their own intrusion detection system picked up on the login. By your own account the initial illegal access looked like a legitimate login to your systems and didn’t raise any alarms. You also state that you don’t inspect customers instances without probable cause. So we have to assume that there might be other malicious software running in your infrastructure that you are not aware of and it’s allowing access that isn’t raising alerts.

    You say that only three customers were accessed under suspicious circumstances. On that face of it that looks like a small number, considering you have a large client base. However, from what I can gather these were large and notable customers PagerDuty and WPEngine, I believe. That, to me sounds less like a percentage risk and more like plucking high value targets. I’m only a small customer so it’s probably more out of luck that I haven’t been affected rather than my details not actually being available.

    Linode has offered a product that’s very valuable to me and my business. It’s provided reliable hosting and features. I chose them because I felt they would be able to support any application that I need to grow without the fuss of moving providers. I no longer have that confidence. The previous attack against Linode resulted in credit card loss and it’s only now that you are looking at tokenizing credit cards and moving to bcrypt for hashing?

    I do appreciate that resources get stretched and trying to pick out relevant data and act on it is really difficult in a growing business. But the lack of security awareness at Linode has got to a point not where I feel I can’t trust it with my business which is sad because my experience with them has been positive, well if you put aside data breaches, credit card loss and their private keys ending up on clients’ VPSs and inability to communicate.

  11. Author Photo

    “We also found commands in the bash history that successfully generated a one-time code”

    I don’t get how you saw this and the investigation concluded that “the security partner’s assessment of our infrastructure and applications did not yield a vector that would have provided this level of access.”

    I mean, I don’t understand why someone have a bash on your systems, how he achieved that and what changed so he can’t do it in the future

  12. Author Photo

    Just FYI, I’ve been forced to spend considerable ongoing time and money investigating other services and finally choosing a viable non-Linode. This is money that could have been spent on better things, even if it had just been more Linode servers. Outside 3-4 work weeks redirected, my computing budget doubled even after whittling down my 4 Linodes to two.

    You might consider joining forces with a cooperative and reputable industry counterpart in an effort to provide more viable business recovery scenarios for your mutual customers. In my case, now I have both a dedicated server vendor and Linode, a solution that is not neither pleasant nor economical. Each has complementary benefits.

    I hope that your security efforts prove successful and I concur with the comments that should you change the inside workings of the Linode manager, it should remain simple and shun any feature that is only cosmetic.

  13. Author Photo

    I agree with the poster above that Linode appears to be going down a path of greater transparency. I’m extremely happy to see this.

    I also believe that full disclosure and admitting fault where necessary is a very honorable thing, and you are to be commended for what you’ve said here.

  14. Author Photo

    Odd, all this transparency is making some people think there is a lack of security knowledge at Linode. Guys, you’d have this or worse at practically any other company.

    Sounds like almost this entire thing boiled down to a few customers who have no clue about security to begin with. Weak passwords and a mobile device that doesn’t have a screen code to lock the phone. Sigh, sorry Linode had to go through all of that because of a few lazy people, but it does look like they’ve learned a lot and are improving and moving forward.

    Kneejerk reacting will only put you with someone else, that probably isn’t doing the same thing as Linode.

    Keep up the great works guys and I’m glad to see the improvements.

  15. Author Photo

    Well done, Linode!

  16. Author Photo

    If you are going to update the Linode Manager API, *please, please, please* give us the ability to do programmatic snapshots.

    Thank you.

  17. Author Photo

    I greatly appreciate the explanation and transparency. So very different than other companies. This is the kind of thing that creates customer loyalty.


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