博客Linode为 Linode 写作。获得报酬!

为 Linode 写作。获得报酬!




  1. 写一篇文章--从你的选择或从我们的列表中挑选一个主题
  2. 获得出版--我们将与你合作,使你的指南得到编辑和批准
  3. 获得报酬!- 100美元抽奖

就这么简单。你可以获得为 Linode 和 Linux 社区做出贡献的满足感、作者信用和一些冷酷的现金。我们可以利用我们优秀社区的专业知识,发展我们的图书馆。每个人都是赢家。


有关于一个伟大指南的想法吗?请使用图书馆主页上的意见箱 图书馆主页上的意见箱.您的要求为我们接下来的写作主题提供了参考。无论你是作家还是读者,我们都希望听到你的意见。

评论 (12)

  1. Author Photo

    If you need your articles translated to spanish, send me an email 😉

  2. Author Photo

    Hello, how do I become a part of your content writer. Please furnish me details.
    Thank you.

    Osei Agyemang

  3. Author Photo

    I want to join for writing, how i need to contact you

  4. Author Photo

    I’d like to work for linode as a writer

    • Cassandra Dettmann

      Hi there Cleophus – Our Write for Linode program isn’t currently accepting applications, but if you check back on their page in the future, you can see when that changes.

  5. Author Photo

    Is there any estimatum when exactly linode will start accepting applications again?

    • Josh Hartman

      We currently do not have a timeline for when this program will resume accepting applications. Be sure to continue watching our Blogs for updates.

  6. Author Photo

    This is the best platform to write Blog

  7. Author Photo

    Is linode accepting writers currently?


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