
Fedora 15

我们很高兴地宣布32和64位架构的Fedora 15已经面世。要开始使用这个版本,只需遵循我们的部署指南中的说明。旧版本的用户可能希望回顾一下Fedora关于使用yum升级的说明。享受吧!


评论 (6)

  1. Author Photo

    Love you guys! <3

  2. Author Photo

    Time to try out those dynamic firewalls with dbus 🙂

  3. Author Photo

    Wow – Thanks so much for the quick turnaround! Guess I will be busy this holiday 🙂

  4. Author Photo
    Sebastian Arming

    Unfortunately the new systemd needs cgroups, which 2.6.39-linode33 does not provide. So better wait until a linode34 or so is released (probably wont be long 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    You can use the normal Fedora kernel-PAE with pv-grub. Works great.

  6. Author Photo


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