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KVM 更新

KVM ,进展如何?

KVM 6个月前成为新的Linode客户的默认管理程序,并且它一直很顺利。自 去年夏天引入 KVM,客户已经创建了超过50万个KVM Linode,启动次数超过300万。它一直非常稳定,它一直非常快。我们的服务已经提高了可靠性和正常运行时间,因为它正在运行一个更简单的堆栈。总的来说,向KVM 的过渡是一个巨大的成功。

自推出以来,我们还推出了Glish,这个图形控制台允许你查看和与你的虚拟机的图形输出进行互动。这使你能够在你的虚拟机内运行一个独立的图形环境。或者,使用KVM Linodes的全虚拟化功能,运行替代的操作系统,如Plan 9甚至Windows。

为了让你了解我们的KVM 舰队的规模:现在大约有50%的Linodes运行在KVM ,其中许多是以前存在的Xen Linodes,迁移到了KVM 。

我如何将Linode从Xen 升级到KVM ?

在Xen Linode的仪表板上,你会看到右侧边栏上有一个 "升级到KVM"的链接。这是一个一键迁移,从那里将你的Linode升级到KVM 。从本质上讲,我们的KVM 升级意味着你只需点击一个按钮就能获得一个更快的Linode。

请注意:我们的东京设施目前已经售罄,不提供升级到KVM 。我们正在考虑在东京增加更多的容量,一旦有升级的机会,将通知这些客户。

KVM 将是新Linodes的唯一选择,从2016年5月1日开始。

如果你是一个老客户,你创建的新Linode可能仍然被放置在一个Xen 管理程序上。你可以在Linode管理器中的账户设置页面上改变这个默认值。然而,从2016年5月1日起,唯一的选择将是KVM 。换句话说,从5月1日开始,将不可能创建一个基于Xen 的Linode。

现有的Xen Linodes的命运将是什么?

现有的基于Xen 的 Linodes 将会很好。然而,在不久的将来,我们将开始把Xen Linodes整合到更少的物理服务器上,这将意味着有计划的迁移和停机时间。不要担心 - 如果你会受到影响,我们会在计划迁移时提供大量的提前通知。


评论 (10)

  1. Author Photo

    Hi. I run a KVM Linode myself, and I have this very annoying issue: When I go to reboot, instead of rebooting it powers down the Linode and Lassie has to restart it.
    My Linode runs Ubuntu 64-bit on a raw disk with Direct Disk boot, using the Ubuntu provided kernel.

  2. Author Photo

    still not available in Tokyo..

  3. Author Photo

    Does this mean that linodes will eventually be able to support running windows as a virtual desktop replacement for normal desktops?

  4. Author Photo

    @Jon A There are unofficial instructions for creating a “Winode” at https://gist.github.com/EugeneKay/1ff78396b57f25e69f1d
    Haven’t tried it myself though; a 1GB VPS may be a bit small as the recommended minimum is 2GB RAM.

  5. Author Photo

    Right now I am using Xen if selected in the panel switch to KVM would lose my web data or change would not affect my website or my mail settings…. ???

  6. Author Photo


    Changing your hypervisor preference to KVM won’t modify your data, website or mail settings.

  7. Author Photo

    Really need more Tokyo Linode please! Any way of providing an ETA? For example, would it be in the next 3-6 months or later than that?

    If later, I will need to move to another provider.

  8. Author Photo


    I think changing from Xen to KVM, linode gets more stability in CPU benchmarks. Also KVM becomes a industry leader standart today.

    Alba García, Ceo of Besimple, https://besimple.online

  9. Author Photo

    Does using KVM mean that in the future we would have server upgrades, without requiring a migration (assuming enough free disk space on the host)? What about dero-downtime upgrades, using memory balloon and cpu hotplug support?

  10. Author Photo

    Seams like migration so far has been smooth. Any note about the schedule for when migrations may be completed?


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