博客博客openSUSE 11.4

openSUSE 11.4

我们很高兴地宣布,openSUSE 11.4(支持 32 位和 64 位架构)立即可用。该版本包括Apache 2.2.17、nginx 0.8.54、PostgreSQL 9.0.3 等。您可以在openSUSE 11.4 产品亮点中了解有关该版本新功能的更多信息。

旧版本用户可查看openSUSE 升级说明。请尽情享用!

评论 (2)

  1. Author Photo

    Good job, Linode! 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    Hi Phil,

    I am happy to see the latest 11.4 version as a Linode-supported distro. It saves a lot of hassle getting it installed from remote.

    I am running OpenSuse 11.2 since last year, booting the original OpenSuse Kernel through pv-grub. I am relying on AppArmor to secure web applications, and as far as I know, AppArmor requires kernel patches.

    Do you know if 11.4’s AppArmor works with Linode kernels or does it still require pv-grub?



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