博客旗舰店RFT:"ubd=mmap "实验性配置选项

RFT:"ubd=mmap "实验性配置选项


如果你们中的一些人能够测试一个新的选项,改变 UML 写入文件系统文件的方式,并在这里发表你们的经验,我将非常感激。

通常,UML使用标准的打开/关闭读/写库调用。 这样做的问题是,它在主机的页面缓存中重复了数据,并影响了所有磁盘i/o的性能。 新选项将文件系统文件直接映射到页面缓存中,所以它消除了页面的重复拷贝和页面缓存的浪费。

你会注意到在 "编辑配置文件 "页面有一个新的 "实验性选项"。 要打开它,启用ubd=mmap,保存并重新启动。 你应该在内核选项下的dmesg中注意到它。(dmesg | grep mmap)


[color=darkred][b]警告:[/b][/color][/size] 我不建议任何人打开这个功能。 像这样一个成熟的功能,总是有可能出现数据丢失。 Jeff Dike在上个月修复了ubd=mmap的最后一个已知错误,它吃掉了超过4GB的文件系统(所以这将是一个很好的测试),所以要谨慎使用这个选项。 在 UML 邮件列表中还没有任何与 mmap 有关的故障报告,但这不是一个广为人知的选项。



评论 (7)

  1. Author Photo

    I’m game. 🙂

    I just rebooted my linode with it enabled. I do nightly backups, so I am not overly concerned. Here’s hoping for the best..

  2. Author Photo

    That went badly.

    From dmesg:

    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)) in ext3_reserve_inode_write: IO failure
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)) in ext3_orphan_add: IO failure
    attempt to access beyond end of device
    62:20: rw=0, want=1086378492, limit=525312
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block – inode=2507, block=808465534
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)) in ext3_reserve_inode_write: IO failure
    attempt to access beyond end of device
    62:20: rw=0, want=1086378492, limit=525312
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block – inode=2507, block=808465534
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)) in ext3_reserve_inode_write: IO failure
    attempt to access beyond end of device
    62:20: rw=0, want=1086378492, limit=525312
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block – inode=2507, block=808465534
    EXT3-fs error (device ubd(98,32)) in ext3_reserve_inode_write: IO failure

    Over and over and over, and I/O failures on files. I’m turning it back off..

  3. Author Photo

    Well then. Let me gather the info and send that along to the list.


  4. Author Photo

    My var filesystem was pretty goofed up, but I managed to fix it, and am up and running again without mmap.

  5. Author Photo

    Thanks for giving it a try. Glad it wasn’t too hosed… I guess there is our answer about mmap. It’s hungry for filesystems!

    I’ve posted a msg to uml-user, so we’ll see what comes of it. I also removed the option from the config edit page…


  6. Author Photo

    Not a problem, I was prepared if it had gone worse. I saw your email, I’ll be interested to see if they can track down the problem.. It’s an interesting option that I’d like to use on my non-linode UML’s as well.

  7. Author Photo

    Sounds like Jeff knows what to look for (from #uml)…

    [code]13:05 < caker> jdike: anything else I can provide on the ubd=mmap corruption issue?
    13:33 < jdike> caker: I’ve seen problems, so I’ve got something to chase
    13:33 < jdike> caker: namely pages of zeros which shouldn’t be[/code]


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