博客LinuxUbuntu 9.10(卡米考拉)

Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

我们很高兴地宣布在 Linode Distribution Wizard 中支持Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)。此外,我们还更新了Linode 库,其中包括许多在 Karmic 中完成工作的有用指南。

请注意:如果您正在执行从早期版本的发布升级,请务必编辑您的 Linode 配置文件并选择我们最新的 2.6 Paravirt内核。如果运行的是 64 位部署,请确保选择了 64 位版本。 需要注意的是:在执行两个版本之间的升级之前,最好先备份好当前配置。


评论 (5)

  1. Author Photo

    Nice… now when is ext4 going to be supported by the Linode Manager and backup service?

  2. Christopher Aker

    @Jeff – at this time, we do not have a plan to support ext4 in the Linode Manager.

  3. Author Photo

    Sweet! Loaded on my node already.

  4. Linode.com Supports Ubuntu 9.10 at Codepad – The ClassHelper.org™ Blog

    […] Linode, an outstanding Linux virtual private server provider, I’m excited to announce their support for Ubuntu 9.10. Whether you’re a student looking to learn more about Linux, a teacher who would like a solid […]

  5. Author Photo

    Good, fast move


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