博客基金会更新后的Debian 文件系统

更新了Debian 文件系统

➡ 现在使用影子密码和md5密码
➡ 从默认安装中删除了不需要的软件包
➡ 将在初始启动时生成 ssh 密钥
➡ 将最小容量从100M减少到80M
➡ 一般性的清理工作


评论 (5)

  1. Author Photo

    Could you please give us the same information as [url=https://www.linode.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=422]this thread[/url]?

  2. Author Photo

    [quote:1e08cf2580=”caker”]:arrow: Now uses shadow and md5 passwords
    ➡ Removed unncessary packages from the default install
    ➡ Will generate ssh keys on initial boot
    ➡ Reduced minimum size from 100M to 80M
    ➡ General cleanups


    Debian is generating ssh keys on every boot, not just on initial. (Oopsie.) {grin}

    Would also strongly suggest version numbers on distribution images so we know exactly what we’ve got and what’s been added since we last ran the distro wizard.

  3. Author Photo

    Ahh crud.

    [code]rm -f /etc/rcS.d/S59sshkeysfirstboot[/code]

    Will get rid of that condition.

    I’ll spin through the rest of the hosts and update the default images to fix this.


  4. Author Photo

    Ok — SSH keys on reboot is fixed on all the host’s default debian image…

    [quote:56563c7371=”schof”]Would also strongly suggest version numbers on distribution images so we know exactly what we’ve got and what’s been added since we last ran the distro wizard.[/quote]
    Any thoughts on including a small linode distribution version file with each distro?


  5. Author Photo

    [quote:89e269f636=”caker”]Ok — SSH keys on reboot is fixed on all the host’s default debian image…

    [quote:89e269f636=”schof”]Would also strongly suggest version numbers on distribution images so we know exactly what we’ve got and what’s been added since we last ran the distro wizard.[/quote]
    Any thoughts on including a small linode distribution version file with each distro?


    Yes, I think it’s an excellent idea!


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